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venerdì 25 gennaio 2013

WWE NXT TV report - Big E, plus Adrian Neville forgets gravity

January 24, 2013
LIVE! From Full Sail University

by Emerson “Things are looking up” Witner

Cheap Plug:

-I finally achieved my goal of getting Tyson Kidd to win Most Underrated in the Observer Awards. That only took three years.

Any questions, comments concerns or emotional outbursts? Contact me:

Twitter: @TheReallyRealEW

Here's what you need to know about NXT:

-They have a champion, it's Big E. Langston, who defeated Seth Rollins for the title on January 10. The show was taped after The Shield debuted at Survivor Series, but before Big debuted on Raw. Big originally refused to go to Raw when Vickie Guerrero offered him a spot, but did go to Raw once AJ lost power. Go figure.

-Dusty Rhodes is the Authority Figure, but his job title seems to change from week to week.

-They have a seemingly always rotating announce table, but the most consistent thing is Jim Ross in the main event.

-The insanely popular Paige, Emma, Audrey Marie and Sasha Banks are the only four NXT Diva's and depending on the week Paige and Audrey are either trying to team up to prove they are better than the WWE Diva's or attacking each other.

-Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Rowan (Husky Harris, Brodie Lee and Erick Rowan) have formed a weird family, called simply The Wyatt Family.

-Kassius Ohno and Leo Kruger have formed an alliance and seemed determined to get William Regal to drop the headset and get in the ring.

-Camacho desperately needs $5,000 to break Hunico out of Mexico. Are plane tickets really that expensive?

And that's everything you need to know about NXT. (Now we know!) (And knowing is half the battle) (G.I. Joe!)

-The show opens with Shawn Michaels, of all people, standing in the middle of the ring! The WWE Hall of Famer and former 3x WWE Champion is here in Orlando to announce that NXT General Manager Dusty Rhodes has asked him to introduce the NXT Tag Team Championship, with a tournament to determine the first champions.

The belts are shaped like the old NWA TV Title, but the plates are like the regular NXT Championship Belt.

With that we go to the opening video package and...

1.) In a Quarter Final Match in the NXT Tag Team Championship Tournament, The Wyatt Family (w/Bray Wyatt) defeated Yoshi Tatsu & Percy Watson in 4:52. First noticeable thing about the match is Rowan has a weird way to run and hit the ropes. The Family gets the heat on Yoshi when Rowan caught him coming off the ropes and dropped him with a back breaker. Without The Ascension, The Family has quickly become my favorite team on NXT. Too bad that as a unit they probably won't do much on the main roster. The match fell apart towards the end just as Yoshi tagged out to Percy. Notice how I say that a lot when Percy is in the match? Anyway Harper took down Percy with a vicious clothesline for the win.

-Backstage Dusty Rhodes, who 10 minutes earlier Shawn Michaels claimed wasn't in the building, is talking to Derrick Bateman and Alex Riley. Dusty said the NXT Tag Titles are important and that Dusty wants them in the tournament to face Kassius Ohno and Leo Kruger.

In walked Corey Graves who was pissed about his NXT Title match against Seth Rollins. Alex Riley told him to jump if he was feeling froggy.

Dusty then told Corey to go take what he wants and makes Corey vs Jake Carter.

2.) Sasha Banks pinned Alicia Fox in 3:21. Sasha is a fucking cutie. Alicia, while smiling like a goof the whole time, makes fun of Sasha smiling. This is the bi-monthly NXT Diva vs Alicia Fox match. Alicia almost picks up the win early with a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge, but Sasha kicks out quick. Sasha with a monkey flip and somehow Alicia almost landed on Sasha's head. The finish saw Fox drop her foe face first, but Sasha rolled through on a body slam for a pin. I hate to admit this, but Alicia had a better match with Sasha than Paige did a while back.

-After the match we got a video package for Paige who wants to be a champion. She is on the wrong show for that.

-To the back where new NXT backstage reporter Renee Young is interviewing Aksana for some reason. Oh she has a match with Paige next week in her return to in ring competition on NXT in over 2 years. Aksana says Paige stole her look and next week we will find out that she is in and Paige is out.

-Conor O'Brien is backstage doing a wacky promo. He is continuing The Ascension gimmick, just by himself.

3.) Corey Graves defeated The Boy They Call Jake Carter in 3:08. Graves used to wrestle as Sterling James Keenan. Once at a SmackDown tv taping in Hershey my brother and I thought he was introduced as “Sterling Fetus”. Not sure which of the three would be the best name. Jake looks bigger this week, although he hasn't really been on the show since November, so I could just be imagining things. Carter looks less like Vader's son than Frankie The Enforcer did. Carter fights out of a quarter nelson and gets a brief flurry of offense before Graves chop blocks him and taps him out with the 13th Step.

-Graves cuts a promo, pissed about not getting any title shots, including being in the Tag Title tournament. That would have been quite the feat since he doesn't have a partner. Corey did warn Alex Riley that the next time he sees him, Graves will make him stay down.

4.) In an NXT Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarter Final Match, Oliver Grey and Adrian Neville defeated Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre in 6:24. Really Jinder should have been in the 3MB team since he is the only one to make the finals of the NXT Championship Tournament way back when. Adrian debuted last week and already has a tag team partner and thus is one of the eight best teams on NXT. Adrian gets to keep his nickname as “The Man Who Gravity Forgot”. Drew McIntyre is a former WWE Tag Team Champion, teaming with Cody Rhodes for six weeks. Heath Slater is a former 3-time champ, teaming with Justin Gabriel each time. This was a fine tag team match, which isn't a terrible shock. Drew didn't bother catching Neville when he hit a big dive to the outside as we went to commercial. We came back from commercial with the heels getting the heat and illegally double teaming the poor Grey behind the referee's back. The referee spends close to a full minute to put gloves on as Grey is bleeding off of a scratch. Neville makes the hot tag. I cannot even describe some of the wacky shit he did, but he did pick up the win with his Twisting Shooting Star Press Type Thingy on Drew. It's like the Shooting Star meets the Whisper In The Wind meets a 450 Splash.

-We have a little bit of time left, so it's time for a squash match!

5.) NXT Champion Big E. Langston destroyed Axl Keegan in 0:53. JR is not here this week. They don't drag him out for squash main events. This was the typical Big match, he just overpowered his poor opponent and then hit him with His Move for the win.

Big sends the crowd home happy by giving Axl His Move twice more.

-That is it for this week. I would like to say I wrote the entire main event recap before the match even started. See ya next week.

-Well this is why you shouldn't assume everything will happen the same way constantly. Just as Big picked up Axl for His Move a second time after the bell, Conor O'Brien appeared on the big screen and basically said he is going to take the NXT Title in two weeks. 

Axl waited patiently in Big's arms during Conor's promo, so Big gave him His Move, picked Axl up and did it a third time and this time the show really did end. I am serious this time. See ya next week. Really. So long. Stop reading. I am finished. Why must you torture me like this?

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