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venerdì 2 maggio 2014


Triple H is in the ring and he says NXT is about the future. It is funny that the line between the present and the future gets more blurred every day. You start to look at the WWE Universe and you see The Shield, The Wyatts, Big E Langston, Damien Sandow, Cesaro. All of these products come from NXT. Now there is this new Diva . . . Paige and she is the Divas Champion. It is like NXT is taking over the world. Hunter says it gets better. On May 29th, there will be a live, two hour special from Full Sail. The name of that special will be “NXT Takeover”. We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Tom ‘The Midweek Treat’ Phillips, Byron ‘Did you know I went to the same college as Titus O’Neil’ Saxton, and William ‘Just give me the mic’ Regal. Match Number One: Tyson Kidd versus Bo Dallas They lock up and Bo backs Tyson into the corner and Bo with a clean break. They lock up again and Bo with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Bo tells Tyson and everyone to BOLIEVE. Tyson with a waist lock and Bo with a standing switch into a side head lock. Tyson with a back elbow and kick to the back. Tyson sends Bo into the turnbuckles and he punches and kicks Bo. Tyson with knees in the corner and then he mocks Bo. Tyson with a suplex and then he goes up top. Bo rolls to the floor and Tyson goes to the apron and then he tries for a running kick but Bo blocks it and he sends Tyson face first onto the apron. Bo gets a near fall when they get back into the ring. Bo with elbows to Tyson. Bo with a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall. Bo with a cravate but Tyson gets back to his feet and he punches and chops Bo. Tyson tries for a drop kick but Bo holds on to the ropes and then he gets a near fall. Bo with a series of knees to the chest and he gets a near fall. Bo returns to the cravate. Tyson with elbows but Bo with a knee. Kidd lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and then he connects with an elbow and then he sends Bo into the turnbuckles with a head scissors. Tyson with kicks to the leg and a twisting drop kick. Kidd with a drop kick to the temple and he gets a near fall. Kidd with a kick to Bo but Bo with a belly-to-belly slam for a near fall. Bo with a side head lock and he goes for an assisted bulldog using the turnbuckles but he can only get a near fall. Kidd with a kick and then he goes to the apron and then up top but Bo crotches Tyson. Tyson with an enzuigiri from the apron and Kidd with a Blockbuster for the three count. Winner: Tyson Kidd After the match, Bo refuses to leave the ring. Devin Taylor is in the back with Camacho. She asks him about Adam Rose. Camacho says that he is no party pooper and he throws the best parties. He says that his parties make Adam Rose’s parties look like Bingo Night at the Elk’s Lodge. Adam says that it does not matter where it is because wherever Adam goes, it is party time. The Party starts around Adam and Camacho and Camacho walks away. We see the brackets for the Women’s Title Tournament. Bayley says that winning the is bigger than ten hugs from John Cena, a high five from Big E and the same amount from Paige. Sasha syas that now that the Princess of Pale has given up her title, it is time for her to reign supreme. She will take care of Bayley tonight. We go to commercial. Match Number Two: Bayley versus Sasha Banks (with Charlotte) in a First Round NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Match Sasha runs Bayley into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders. Sasha with a snap mare and she gets a near fall. Sasha with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Sasha tries for a slam but Bayley escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup. Bayley with a backslide for a near fall. Bayley with a La Magistral for a near fall. Sasha with a knee to the midsection. Sasha with an Irish whip but Bayley with an arm drag out of the corner. Bayley with a bear hug and then she runs Sasha into the turnbuckles. Bayley blocks a kick and she puts the leg in the ropes and Bayley with chops and slaps to the back. Bayley with a suplex for a near fall. Sasha with a slap to Bayley followed by a drop kick to the back. Sasha slams Bayley’s head into the turnbuckles and connects with forearms and slaps to the back. Bayley with forearms and a back body drop. Bayley with running double sledges followed by a clothesline into the corner. Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex but Sasha rolls to the apron. Sasha drops Bayley on the top rope and Sasha with Bankrupt for a near fall. Sasha avoids the belly-to-belly suplex and Sasha with a lungblower and then she applies a Crossface to get Bayley to tap out. Winner: Sasha Banks (Advances to face winner of Natalya versus Layla in the second round) Tom mentions that Adrian Neville will face Brodus Clay in a No Disqualification Match for the NXT Title. We see a Brodus Clay video package. We go to commercial. Match Number Three: Adam Rose versus Danny Burch They lock up and Burch with a wrist lock and Rose rolls through to escape and then he rolls away from Burch. Rose with an arm wringer that sends Burch to the mat. Burch with a kick and punch to Rose. Burch sends Rose into the turnbuckles a few times but Rose shows a mean streak and he connects with punches and an uppercut. Rose with a running elbow into the corner followed by a back heel kick. Rose with a Choo Choo Bronco Buster followed the Party Foul for the three count. Winner: Adam Rose After the match, the entourage makes its way to the ring but Camacho attacks a member of the group and goes up the ramp. Brodus Clay is asked about his match against Adrian Neville. He says everything has been taken away from him and now he is taking things away from people. He took away Adrian’s smile by breaking a few of his teeth. Now he will take the title because he is the baddest in the world. Natalya says that she has competed against many of the NXT Divas and they are phenomenal. Being in NXT is like coming back home. Layla says that she is so excited to be part of the tournament because she will be dancing to the title because what Layla wants, Layla gets. Match Number Four: Natalya versus Layla El in a First Round NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Match They lock up and Layla with an arm drag and she dances to celebrate the ability to do a move. Layla with a wrist lock. Natalya with a reversal and back drop for a near fall. Natalya tries for a slam but Layla escapes and she pulls Natalya to the mat and she gets a near fall. Layla gets a near fall. Layla stretches Natalya but Natalya with elbows. Layla pulls Natalya down to the mat and then she gets a near fall. Natalya with a rollup for a near fall. Layla stretches Natalya again to work on the back. Natalya with a clothesline followed by a kick and suplex. Natalya with a discus clothesline and then she tries for the Sharpshooter but Layla blocks it. Layla goes for a sunset flip but Natalya blocks it and Natalya applies the Sharpshooter and Layla taps out. Winner: Natalya (Advances to face Sasha Banks in the Second Round) Adrian Neville is asked about his match. He says that Brodus knocked out his teeth, but they have been replaced. Now he is going after something irreplaceable. He has worked too hard to lose to someone like Brodus. He is going to beat Brodus and it won’t be by countout. We go to commercial. Match Number Five: Oliver Grey versus Mojo Rawley Grey with forearms to the back and punches followed by a knee to the head. Grey with forearms to the back and a kick to the head. Grey with a knee to the head. Rawley pushes Grey into the corner and he hits a splash. Rawley with a splash followed by a leaping butt bump and then he hits Hyperdrive for the three count. Winner: Mojo Rawley After the match, Aiden English comes out and he says that he has stopped suffering fools and Mojo is the one who he is done suffering. He tells Mojo to get off his stage and leave things for the auteur. English attacks Rawley from behind but Rawley clotheslines English over the top rope to the floor. We go to Adrian Neville stretching in the back. Brodus Clay is also getting ready for the match and we go to commercial. Match Number Six: Brodus Clay versus Adrian Neville for the NXT Championship in a No Disqualification Match Neville with forearms before the match starts and then he sends Brodus over the top rope to the floor. Neville with a corkscrew plancha onto Clay. Neville with forearms and the bell rings when they get into the ring. Neville with a series of kicks to Clay and then he hits a super kick to the head and Clay is down. Neville goes up top but Clay rolls away. Neville with a drop kick in the corner and then he hits a back heel kick and elbow to the back of the head. Neville goes up top and Clay pushes him into the turnbuckles. Clay kicks and punches Neville. Clay puts Neville in the tree of woe and he connects with a splash. Clay with an Exploder followed by an elbow drop for a near fall. Clay with a punch to the head and he chokes Neville. Clay with a forearm to the back. Clay with an elbow to the chest and then he hits a seated splash from the ropes for a near fall. Clay with a back breaker over his shoulder. Neville with a rake of the eye and then he clips Clay. Neville with a drop kick to the other knee and then a drop kick to the temple. Clay with a head butt to the chest and then he goes for a power bomb and he hits it. Clay goes to the turnbuckles and hits a splash but Neville kicks out at two. Clay goes to the floor and then he takes the title belt. Clay charges into the corner but Neville with a super kick into the belt and Clay goes down. Neville pulls himself up to the turnbuckles and he hits Red Arrow for the three count. Winner: Adrian Neville We go to credits.

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