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venerdì 2 maggio 2014


We are in St. Louis, Missouri and your announcers are Byron ‘Remember the Hawks’ Saxton and Tom ‘Remember the Cardinals’ Phillips. Match Number One: Sin Cara versus Damien Sandow Cara with a rollup for a near fall. Cara with another rollup for a near fall. Cara with a leg sweep and he gets a near fall. Sandow goes to the floor to regroup. Sandow returns to the ring and he punches Cara and applies a wrist lock. Cara kips up and Sandow pulls Cara back to the mat by the mask. Cara kips up a second time and Sandow pulls Cara to the mat again. Sandow with a kick and side head lock. Cara with a drop kick and arm drag into an arm bar. Sandow backs Cara into the corner and he head butts Cara. Sandow with a kick and Iris hwhip. Cara floats over and he gives Sandow an arm drag into an arm bar. Sandow with a knee to the midsection followed by a head butt and kicks. Sandow with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Cara is sent to the apron and he connects with a forearm. Cara tries for a moonsault but Sandow moves and Cara lands on his feet. Cara sends Sandow over the top rope to the floor and then he hits a cross body off the turnbuckles as we go to commercial. We are back and Cara with an enzuigiri from the apron followed by a slingshot senton for a near fall. Cara with an arm bar but Sandow gets to the ropes and Cara releases the hold. Cara with an arm drag into an arm bar. Sandow with a head butt, but Cara with chops. Cara misses a springboard cross body and Sandow with a clothesline for a near fall. Sandow runs Cara into the corner and he connects with shoulders and kicks. Sandow stands on Cara’s chest and then he kicks Cara to the floor. Sandow rolls to the floor and he sends Cara back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Sandow with kicks to the ribs and then he applies a waist lock. Cara with elbows and he gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Sandow with a drop kick to Cara and he gets a near fall. Sandow with knees to the chest followed by a side Russian leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain for a near fall. Sandow with an abdominal stretch on Cara. Cara with a hip toss to get out of the hold. Cara with a handspring back elbow and both men are down. Cara with a kick and springboard cross body and head scissors. Sandow with an Irish whip and then Cara rolls through and hits a power bomb for a near fall. Cara goes up top for a swanton but he lands on Sandow’s knees and Sandow hits You’re Welcome for the three count. Winner: Damien Sandow We go to commercial. We are back with footage of the John Cena and Bray Wyatt segment from Raw. We go to commercial. We are back with a look at Hugh Jackman’s appearance on Raw with Dolph Ziggler and Damien Sandow. We go to the Raw Rebound. We go to commercial. Match Number Two: Natalya versus Tamina Snuka They lock up and Natalya with a side head lock and hammer lock. Tamina with elbows but Natalya with a side head lock. Tamina blocks a kick and she kicks Natalya in the thigh. Natalya with a take down and near fall. Tamina tries for a slam but Natalya escapes. Natalya tries for an O’Connor Roll but Tamina holds on to the ropes and Natalya with a handspring. Natalya tries for a sunset flip but Tamina won’t go over. Tamina misses a sit out splash when Natalya moves. Tamina counters a discus clothesline with a Samoan drop and she gets a near fall. Tamina kicks Natalya and chokes her in the ropes. Tamina with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Natalya with a rear chin lock. Tamina sends Natalya to the mat. Tamina tries for a back breaker but Natalya with a forearm. Natalya with an elbow and kick. Natalya with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Natalya with a backslide for a near fall. Natalya with a drop kick to Tamina and she tries for the Sharpshooter but Tamina gets to the ropes. Natalya pulls Tamina off the ropes and into the center of the ring and gets a near fall with a jackknife cover. Tamina with a super kick for the three count. Winner: Tamina Snuka We go to commercial. We are back with a look at the Evolution and Shield segment from Raw. We go to credits.

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