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mercoledì 7 maggio 2014


I just got back from Smackdown....

-The arena was about 90% full with the upper decks tarped off.
-The crowd was lively ( I hope it came across this way on TV)

The opening dark match was Xavier Woods vs Sandow. Believe it or not, Xavier won.

During the Main Event, the spill that Ziggler took (he was way over with the crowd) onto the steps looked sick in person.

The crowd was hushed during the Diva's tag match


It opened up with Sheamus vs Dean Ambrose for the US title. No other shield members were at ringside. Sheamus wins clean with the brogue kick.

RVD & Big E vs Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) and Bad News Barrett
Heyman sat at the announce table and never addressed the crowd...not a smart move. When Barrett came out he did his whole bad news thing. In the end, Cesaro pinned Big E.

Next up was Kofi Kingston vs Rusev. Kofi got some good offense in and Rusev didn't like all the kicks to his face. For a big monster, he's cannot take pain. Typical ending with Rusev getting the win.

There was a Wyatt Promo.

They kept teasing a Daniel Bryan promo but we never got one. So they probably will insert it in later on.

Fandango with Layla vs Santino and Emma. Usual comedy spots with Layla getting the win with a roll-up. After the match, Fandango and Layla were at the top of the ramp saying something to the camera that we couldn't hear. He then planted a long kiss on her.

Roman Reigns vs Mark Henry. Roman won with a Samoan Splash into a spear.

3MB (Health & Drew) with Hornswaggle vs Los Matadores with Torino. Match ended with Torino pining Heath Slater.

Seth Rollins vs Batista.  Mixed crowd reactions for Batista. The match finally ended when Seth dove from the top rope and Batista ducked out of the way and slammed Seth's head onto the announce table. The sound was loud. Batista won with a count out. Afterwards, he threw Seth back into the ring for a Batista bomb. He then walked up the ramp and teased coming back for another. We found it odd that no member of the Shield came down to help out.

The main event is the Usos with John Cena vs the Wyatt Family. The Wyatt's were way over with the crowd. Towards the end, Bray went to get a chair and Cena attacked him. All hell broke loose and Rowan pinned one of the Usos.....end of Smackdown.

Closing dark match was advertised on tv and radio (even today) of being John Cena and the Shield vs Kane and the Wyatts with Triple H in attendance. Instead John Cena called Bray Wyatt back to the ring for a beatdown. As soon as the Wyatt's hit the ring, the Usos & Cena laid out the Wyatt's with super kicks. Then all 3 (after a long time) did the 5 knuckle shuffle and U can't C Me. Bray and Harper left the ring leaving Rowan to take a double splash off the top rope from the Usos.

Lillian thanked everyone and we went home.

They announced that RAW is coming back to Buffalo on 11/3 and you could get tickets at the box office right after the show. The line was way to long. The presale code (good until 5/110 is wweraw

Roman Reigns
Lillian (all night long-playing to the audience)

Diva's (and not in a good way)

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