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mercoledì 7 maggio 2014


We are in Buffalo, New York and your announcers are Tom ‘Lafontaine’ Phillips and Byron ‘Hasek’ Saxton.
Match Number One: Dolph Ziggler versus Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)
They lock up and Ziggler goes for the leg but Swagger pushes him away. Ziggler with a waist lock and Swagger with a standing switch. Ziggler with a standing switch. Swagger with an elbow and waist lock take down. Swagger with a front face lock and forearm to the back. Swagger with a waist lock take down.
Ziggler with a drop kick and Swagger goes to the floor. Swagger returns to the ring and he runs into another drop kick and Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler with a punch and neck breaker. Ziggler gets a near fall. Swagger sends Ziggler into the ring post and then Ziggler hits the steps as he falls to the floor.
Swagger goes to the floor and he sends Ziggler back into the ring and Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger with a wrist lock and shoulder to take Ziggler to the mat. Swagger with another shoulder to send Ziggler to the mat. Swagger with an arm bar.
Ziggler with punches and a kick but Swagger hip tosses Ziggler over the top rope to the floor.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Swagger with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a jawbreaker to get out of the hold. Ziggler with an elbow and cross body. Ziggler with a splash into the corner and he punches Swagger in the corner. Ziggler with a neck breaker for a near fall. Ziggler tries for a Fameasser but Swagger catches him and tries for a power bomb but Ziggler tries for a sunset flip.
Swagger with an ankle lock but Ziggler escapes and he hits a Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler goes for a Zig Zag by the ropes but Swagger pushes him away. Swagger with a belly-to-belly for a near fall. Swagger goes for the double jump Swagger Bomb but Ziggler gets his feet up. Ziggler with a DDT and both men are down.
Adam Rose and his entourage come out to the ring. Zeb Colter is not happy at this development as he is part of the commentary team.
Rose makes his way to the announce table and Adam lies on the table, looking at Zeb.
Rose tells Grumpy Pants and Jackie Boy that it’s party time all the time. He tells Jack not to be a lemon and be a rosebud.
Ziggler with a Zig Zag to a distracted Swagger for the three count.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
After the match, Adam Rose is carried to the ring by his rosebuds.
Adam tells Dolph not to leave the ring. He asks Dolph if he knows what comes with being a Rosebud. Dolph is brought back into the ring to join the celebration in the ring.
We are back and we are reminded that Sheamus will defend his United States Title on Smackdown.
Match Number Two: Alicia Fox, Aksana, and Tamina Snuka versus Natalya, Cameron, and Naomi
Natalya and Cameron have some words before Natalya starts and she faces Alicia. Alicia with a kick and wrist lock. Alicia with a head scissors but Natalya with a knee and hip lock. Natalya runs across Alicia’s back and she hits a drop kick. Natalya tries for the Sharpshooter but Alicia gets to the ropes. Alicia goes to the floor. Natalya follows and then she returns to the ring and misses an elbow drop. Alicia with a kick to Natalya on the floor when Tamina distracted Natalya.
Alicia sends Natalya back into the ring and she gets a near fall. Alicia with an Irish whip and Aksana tags in and they pull Natalya out of the corner. Aksana gets a near fall. Tamina tags in and she head butts Natalya. Natalya with a rollup for a near fall. Tamina with a clothesline for a near fall.
Tamina gets a near fall. Tamina sends Natalya into the turnbuckles and Aksana is tagged back in and Aksana dances for some reason. Aksana with forearms to Natalya followed by a kick and she pulls Natalya off the ropes for a near fall. Aksana with a reverse chin lock.
Natalya with elbows but Aksana pulls Natalya to the mat. Aksana gets a near fall. Aksana misses an elbow drop and Aksana stops Natalya from making the tag. Aksana with a front face lock and forearm to the back. Tamina kicks Natalya but Natalya with an elbow to Aksana. Naomi tags in and she hits a drop kick or two. Naomi with a kick and flying clothesline. Aksana rolls to the apron.
Naomi with a modified piledriver in the ropes and then she knocks Tamina and Alicia off the apron. Naomi with the Rear View and then she goes to the turnbuckles for the split legged moonsault while Cameron and Natalya take care of Alicia and Tamina.
Winners: Natalya, Cameron, and Naomi
After the match, there is some tension between Cameron and Natalya.
We take a moment for a Special Mother’s Day Message from Mr. T.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a look at what happened to Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella-Bryan on Raw.
Match Number Three: Goldust (with Cody Rhodes) versus Curtis Axel (with Ryback)
They lock up and Axel backs Goldust into the corner and he misses a punch. Goldust with punches to Axel but Axel pushes Goldust and kicks him. Axel with punches to Goldust but Goldust with an arm drag and punch for a near fall. Axel with a hot shot to Goldust and then he kicks Goldust from the apron. Axel kicks Goldust and sends him into the turnbuckles.
Axel with punches and a kick in the corner. Axel slingshots to the floor and he connects with a forearm to the floor. Axel gets a near fall. Axel with a reverse chin lock on Goldust. Goldust punches Axel but Axel with a kick. Axel with a knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Axel rubs his forearm across the head. Goldust with punches followed by an Irish whip but he misses a splash into the corner.
Axel gets a near fall. Axel with a drop kick and a knee to the back as he returns to the reverse chin lock. Goldust with elbow and a punch. Axel misses a drop kick and Goldust with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Goldust with a spinebuster and both men are down. Goldust with a clothesline or two. Goldust with a drop down uppercut and a reverse atomic drop and kick to the head. Goldust punches Axel from the turnbuckles.
Axel with an Irish whip but Goldust with a power slam for a near fall. Axel sends Goldust to the floor and Cody with Beautiful Disaster off the ringside barrier to Ryback over Goldust.
Goldust with a kick and he hits the Final Cut for the three count.
Winner: Goldust
We go to commercial.
We are back with John Cena making his way to the ring to address the crowd and talk about what has happened since Extreme Rules.
We see the footage from Sunday.
John says that Bray Wyatt used some interesting tactics. Bray tried to turn him into a monster and apparently he has the whole world in his hands. John says that he told everyone about how dangerous Bray is, but if you don’t want to listen, go ahead and follow the buzzards because you have the ability to follow your own way.
When you follow the buzzards, what do you really follow? When you follow, you believe in something. What do the Wyatts believe in? Is it the song? (John starts to sing the chorus) Everyone loves a sing-along. Did anyone ask where that song came from?
John has a sheep mask and he asks if it is this. Masks are fun. Everyone wears costumes on Halloween. Of all the masks Bray Wyatt could have made, he says that you need to wear the face of a sheep.
Bray speaks with so much charisma and he captivates the audience. Has anyone listened to what Bray actually says?
John plays clips of Bray’s comments at the end of his promo on Monday.
John says that he comes here tonight with one question. What do you believe in? In life, if you don’t stand for something, you are sure to fall for everything. John says that he wears it on his sleeve, his chest, his hat, and his shoes. This is what he believes. John says that he is not a god, he is a man. He is a man who believes in respect, honor, and in hard work.
John says that his message is clear as day. No matter how hard the fight is or the odds are, you never give up. He is also a man who realizes that he might have to fight Bray Wyatt alone. He was raised to fight for what he believes in. The competition may change. The color of his t-shirt may change. The face of the WWE Universe may change. John says that his message does not change. You never give up.
John says that this is his message. This is what he believes in.
We go to credits.

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