Visualizzazioni totali
sabato 31 ottobre 2009
TNA Impact rating
1.3. Considerando la concorrenza con le World Series, NBA ed il College Football, questo è un ottimo risultato.
Dragon Gate house show report 10-30 Barcelona
Dragon Gate house show report 10-30 Barcelona
By Timo Knopf
Dragon Gate: Barcelona
Ryo Saito & Genki Horiguchi b Ronin Rider & Zack Sabre Jr.
Lee Flynn b Barricade
Noam Dar b Colin McKay
First Time Dream Ever Match-Up
Shingo & Dragon Kid b The Young Bucks
Four Nations Cup - 4 Way Dance
Sean South b El Generico, PAC & Mandrill
- PAC b Mandrill
- El Generico b PAC
- Sean South b El Generico
Mike Quackenbush b Paul Tracey
Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk b CIMA & Susumu Yokosuka & Kagetora
By Timo Knopf
Dragon Gate: Barcelona
Ryo Saito & Genki Horiguchi b Ronin Rider & Zack Sabre Jr.
Lee Flynn b Barricade
Noam Dar b Colin McKay
First Time Dream Ever Match-Up
Shingo & Dragon Kid b The Young Bucks
Four Nations Cup - 4 Way Dance
Sean South b El Generico, PAC & Mandrill
- PAC b Mandrill
- El Generico b PAC
- Sean South b El Generico
Mike Quackenbush b Paul Tracey
Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk b CIMA & Susumu Yokosuka & Kagetora
venerdì 30 ottobre 2009
giovedì 29 ottobre 2009
Chiarezza su vari rumors TNA-Hulk Hogan.
Vari top officials TNA, inclusa Dixie Carter e Vince Russo, hanno avuto un meeting con i dirigenti di Spike TV in New York City per pianificare le future strategie. Questo meeting era stato pianificato ben prima dell'accordo con Hulk Hogan. Jeff Jarrett non era presente, così come non erano presenti Hogan e Bischoff.
Numerosi fonti negano il fatto che Hogan e Bischoff stiano prendendo il controllo della direzione creativa della compagnia. Ovviamente Hogan avrà dalla sua il creative control, ma ad oggi Russo, Ferrara e Conway restano al loro posto.
Tuttavia, Hogan ha effettivamente dato suggerimenti su vari wrestler che gradirebbe vedere assunti dalla TNA, ma ad oggi non c'è alcun wrestler in arrivo al 100% e la TNA non è obbligata contrattualmente ad assecondare tali richieste.
Secondo fonti di Spike TV Impact non verrà spostato al Lunedì. Perlomeno fino a metà 2010.
Non ci sono state discussioni su un possibile cambiamento di format per Impact da show registrato a show in diretta.
Numerosi fonti negano il fatto che Hogan e Bischoff stiano prendendo il controllo della direzione creativa della compagnia. Ovviamente Hogan avrà dalla sua il creative control, ma ad oggi Russo, Ferrara e Conway restano al loro posto.
Tuttavia, Hogan ha effettivamente dato suggerimenti su vari wrestler che gradirebbe vedere assunti dalla TNA, ma ad oggi non c'è alcun wrestler in arrivo al 100% e la TNA non è obbligata contrattualmente ad assecondare tali richieste.
Secondo fonti di Spike TV Impact non verrà spostato al Lunedì. Perlomeno fino a metà 2010.
Non ci sono state discussioni su un possibile cambiamento di format per Impact da show registrato a show in diretta.
martedì 27 ottobre 2009
Immagine di Hulk Hogan con Dixie Carter alla conferenza stampa!
Ric Flair-TNA News~!!
Mentre PWInsider riporta che ci sono rumors che parlano di un possibile arrivo di Flair in TNA a seguito dell'arrivo di Hogan, Meltzer riporta che c'è ancora una "grossa" storia,forse due, in attesa di essere annunciate,probabilmente risparmiate per la prossima settimana. Oggi è stato scelto di annunciare l'arrivo di Hogan e Bischoff, ma a quanto pare c'è dell'altro.
The Nature Boy ha infatti firmato tempo fa un contratto che lo lega ad Hogan e Bischoff per 3 anni. E' risaputo che la TNA da tempo sta cercando di ingaggiarlo.
The Nature Boy ha infatti firmato tempo fa un contratto che lo lega ad Hogan e Bischoff per 3 anni. E' risaputo che la TNA da tempo sta cercando di ingaggiarlo.
Hogan-TNA Update 2!
Due settimane fa sono iniziate le trattative. Non si sa se Jarrett è stato coinvolto. Molti excecutive recatisi a New York non erano a conoscenza dell'ingaggio di Hulk Hogan, altri lo hanno scoperto via internet.
Probabilmente Spike TV pagherà parte dell'ingaggio di Hogan. L'arrivo di Hogan non comprometterà il futuro di Sting, che tornerà nel 2010.
Hulk Hogan sarà coinvolto regolarmente in tv, ma raramente lotterà. Certamente l'arrivo di Hogan aiuterà la TNA internazionalmente, per i vari tours, contratti televisivi,apparizioni televisive etc...Hogan sarà al Larry King Live, presente alla press conference ed in settimana al Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show nella NBC. Quindi le opportunità di espansione per la TNA accresceranno grazie a ciò ovviamente.
Il DVD WWE su Hulk Hogan è già in fase di produzione. Con la firma di Hogan in TNA, comunque, è probabile che il marketing sarà molto ridotto.
I wrestlers della TNA l'hanno presa in maniera diversa: chi è contento per il suo arrivo, chi si lamenta per l'arrivo di un altro vecchio e chi già "si rifiuta" di jobbare a Beefcake e compagnia bella.
Probabilmente Spike TV pagherà parte dell'ingaggio di Hogan. L'arrivo di Hogan non comprometterà il futuro di Sting, che tornerà nel 2010.
Hulk Hogan sarà coinvolto regolarmente in tv, ma raramente lotterà. Certamente l'arrivo di Hogan aiuterà la TNA internazionalmente, per i vari tours, contratti televisivi,apparizioni televisive etc...Hogan sarà al Larry King Live, presente alla press conference ed in settimana al Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show nella NBC. Quindi le opportunità di espansione per la TNA accresceranno grazie a ciò ovviamente.
Il DVD WWE su Hulk Hogan è già in fase di produzione. Con la firma di Hogan in TNA, comunque, è probabile che il marketing sarà molto ridotto.
I wrestlers della TNA l'hanno presa in maniera diversa: chi è contento per il suo arrivo, chi si lamenta per l'arrivo di un altro vecchio e chi già "si rifiuta" di jobbare a Beefcake e compagnia bella.
Il ruolo di Bischoff in TNA
Secondo una fonte TNA, Eric Bischoff sarà partner della TNA tramite la Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment (BHE).
Bischoff ha preso parte alla trattativa per portare Hogan in TNA e lavorerà d'ora in poi con la TNA nel creare nuovi prodotti televisivi per la federazione, trovando poi per essi anche un contratto con network anche diversi da Spike TV.
Dopo la firma del nuovo contratto fra la TNA e Spike TV, la TNA può mandare in onda nuovi programmi su altri network se Spike TV non ne sarà interessata. Si era già parlato di show per le Knockouts, la X Division e Spin Cycle.
Anche se è probabile che in futuro Bischff possa apparire nei programmi TNA, ad oggi lavorerà solo dietro le quinte.
Bischoff ha preso parte alla trattativa per portare Hogan in TNA e lavorerà d'ora in poi con la TNA nel creare nuovi prodotti televisivi per la federazione, trovando poi per essi anche un contratto con network anche diversi da Spike TV.
Dopo la firma del nuovo contratto fra la TNA e Spike TV, la TNA può mandare in onda nuovi programmi su altri network se Spike TV non ne sarà interessata. Si era già parlato di show per le Knockouts, la X Division e Spin Cycle.
Anche se è probabile che in futuro Bischff possa apparire nei programmi TNA, ad oggi lavorerà solo dietro le quinte.
TNA,-Spike TV annunciano la firma di Hogan
Legendary Wrestler and Pop Culture Icon Returns To The Ring With Fast-Rising Wrestling Organization
“Hulkamania” is back! The biggest name in professional wrestling history, Hulk Hogan, is joining Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling (TNA), the fastest rising wrestling organization in the world and home to one of cable television’s highest rated shows for young men, TNA iMPACT! The announcement was made today by TNA Wrestling in conjunction with Spike TV at a press conference held in New York City.
“Hulk Hogan is one of the world’s top pop culture icons and the biggest superstar in the history of professional wrestling. We are truly excited to welcome him into the TNA family,” said Dixie Carter, President of TNA Wrestling. “Our goal is to become the world’s biggest professional wrestling company. Hulk defines professional wrestling and we look forward to partnering with him in a variety of ways as we continue to grow TNA globally.”
“I’m thrilled to be jumping back into the world of professional wrestling,” said Hogan. “My fans have been asking me to return to the business for many years on a full time basis, but the timing or the opportunity has never been right until now. TNA Wrestling is a great company with an already excellent fan base, business and broadcast partner. I firmly believe now is the time for some change at TNA as they are positioned to jump to the next level in their development and I’m here to work with Dixie to help make that a reality.”
Through Hogan’s partnership with Bischoff Hervey Entertainment Television, the deal with TNA was negotiated by longtime Hogan colleague Eric Bischoff. Additionally, BHE TV has inked a first-look deal with TNA and will be working with the organization to develop new programming extensions of the TNA brand.
“Hulk Hogan adds yet another level of star power that positions TNA iMPACT as Spike TV’s version of ‘Must-See TV’ on Thursday nights,” said Kevin Kay, president of Spike.
Hogan most recently penned an autobiography with Mark Dagostino, “My Life Outside The Ring” with St. Martin’s Press
Higlights della press conference di Hogan/TNA
La Hulk Hogan-TNA press conference ha avuto inizio con Bischoff che ha introdotto Hulk Hogan. Hogan ha parlato della TNA ed ha asserito che sarebbe diventato loro "partner", aggiungendo che ne era molto felice e che non vede l'ora di farne parte. L'impressione è che Hogan possa essere coinvolto in segmenti on-air ma non nella parte lottata.
La TNA President Dixie Carter ha fatto un piccolo discorso dicendo di essere molto entusiasta di lavorare con Hogan e che nonostante i ratings siano già buoni, Hogan potrebbe dare la spinta necessaria. Kevin Kay, di Spike TV, ha fatto anch'esso un breve discorso parlando del rapporto fra il network ed Hogan.
La sessione Q&A ha visto Hogan rispondere ad un fans che non ci saranno problemi fra lui e Russo sinchè quest'ultimo si terrà al suo ruolo. Hogan non ha parlato di un coinvolgimento di Bischoff in TNA.
La TNA President Dixie Carter ha fatto un piccolo discorso dicendo di essere molto entusiasta di lavorare con Hogan e che nonostante i ratings siano già buoni, Hogan potrebbe dare la spinta necessaria. Kevin Kay, di Spike TV, ha fatto anch'esso un breve discorso parlando del rapporto fra il network ed Hogan.
La sessione Q&A ha visto Hogan rispondere ad un fans che non ci saranno problemi fra lui e Russo sinchè quest'ultimo si terrà al suo ruolo. Hogan non ha parlato di un coinvolgimento di Bischoff in TNA.
Hogan-TNA Update
Fonti interne alla TNA dichiarano che non ci sarà alcun cambiamento nel creative team TNA. Quindi l'arrivo di Hogan non porterà alle dimissioni di Russo.
Al Madison Sqaure Garden vi sono molti banners di Spike TV e della TNA.
La firma e la trattativa è stata tenuta segreta per lungo tempo e solo pochi membri del managment ne erano a conoscenza.
Al Madison Sqaure Garden vi sono molti banners di Spike TV e della TNA.
La firma e la trattativa è stata tenuta segreta per lungo tempo e solo pochi membri del managment ne erano a conoscenza.
Breaking News: Hulk Hogan ed Eric Bischoff in TNA~!!
Dixie Carter ed altri membri del managment TNA sono tutt'ora alla press conference di Hulk Hogan in New York City, al Madison Square Garden.
Hogan ha parlato di un accordo con la TNA per lui e per l'ex Vice President della WCW Eric Bischoff.
Questi due innesti, specialmente l'ultimo, faranno parte di grossi cambiamenti all'interno della TNA.
Fra poco si saprà di più.
Hogan ha parlato di un accordo con la TNA per lui e per l'ex Vice President della WCW Eric Bischoff.
Questi due innesti, specialmente l'ultimo, faranno parte di grossi cambiamenti all'interno della TNA.
Fra poco si saprà di più.
lunedì 26 ottobre 2009
DDT "WHO'S GONNA TOP? 2008" video links!
DDT "WHO'S GONNA TOP? 2008", 27.09.2009 (Samurai! TV)
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,319 Fans - No Vacancy
Poison Sawada JULIE, Tanomasaku Toba & Chou-un Shiryu vs Gran Hamada, Gran Naniwa & Gran Nakazawa
KO-D Tag Team Title, No DQ Match: KUDO & Yasu Urano (c) vs Sanshiro Takagi & Great Sasuke
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,319 Fans - No Vacancy
Poison Sawada JULIE, Tanomasaku Toba & Chou-un Shiryu vs Gran Hamada, Gran Naniwa & Gran Nakazawa
KO-D Tag Team Title, No DQ Match: KUDO & Yasu Urano (c) vs Sanshiro Takagi & Great Sasuke
ZERO1 "ZERO1 WRESTLER'S 6 ~ NEVER GONNA STOP!", 24.10.2009 (Samurai! TV)
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1. Rikiya Fudo defeated Shito Ueda (8:17) with a lariat.
2. Osamu Namiguchi Retirement Match Dokkoi Forever ~: Kintaro Kanemura defeated Osamu Namiguchi (16:03) with the Blast YAMA Special.
3. Road to Tenka-Ichi: Beat Minoru Fujita & Takuya Sugawara Fujita "Jr." Hayato & Shota Takanishi (15:25) after Shiisanputa by Sugawara against Takanishi.
4. Kenta Kakinuma Debut Match: Ryouji Sai & Daisuke Sekimoto beat Shinjiro Otani & Kenta Kakinuma (17:3Cool after a German Suplex Hold von Sekimoto against Kakinuma.
5. NWA Intercontinental Tag Team Championship: Ikuto Hidaka & Munenori Sawa beat Kohei Sato & KAMIKAZE (c) (23:00) Ground Cobra after a cutback by Hidaka against KAMIKAZE - Title change.
6. World Heavyweight Title ~ Bullet vs. Dangerous K: Toshiaki Kawada defeated Masato Tanaka (c) (14:20) with a running face kick - Title change.
-- TV: 180 minutes on 24.10.2009 at Samurai! Tv.
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1. Rikiya Fudo defeated Shito Ueda (8:17) with a lariat.
2. Osamu Namiguchi Retirement Match Dokkoi Forever ~: Kintaro Kanemura defeated Osamu Namiguchi (16:03) with the Blast YAMA Special.
3. Road to Tenka-Ichi: Beat Minoru Fujita & Takuya Sugawara Fujita "Jr." Hayato & Shota Takanishi (15:25) after Shiisanputa by Sugawara against Takanishi.
4. Kenta Kakinuma Debut Match: Ryouji Sai & Daisuke Sekimoto beat Shinjiro Otani & Kenta Kakinuma (17:3Cool after a German Suplex Hold von Sekimoto against Kakinuma.
5. NWA Intercontinental Tag Team Championship: Ikuto Hidaka & Munenori Sawa beat Kohei Sato & KAMIKAZE (c) (23:00) Ground Cobra after a cutback by Hidaka against KAMIKAZE - Title change.
6. World Heavyweight Title ~ Bullet vs. Dangerous K: Toshiaki Kawada defeated Masato Tanaka (c) (14:20) with a running face kick - Title change.
-- TV: 180 minutes on 24.10.2009 at Samurai! Tv.
Lucha Report
Credit to AAA, Alejandro Baillet, Box y Lucha, Cesar, Diego Lara Hernandez, Eduardo Reyes, EMLL, Ernesto Ocampo, IWRG, RFC
Former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro made an unannounced appearance at Arena Mexico last night accompanying some Playmates from the Mexican edition of Playboy and she said that it was great to be back on a wrestling show and that she was hoping to talk to EMLL management about a possibly working for them in the future.
Perro Aguayo Jr. led a press conference yesterday featuring Alebrije, Histeria, Psicosis, & Tirantes talking about how they want the rights to their names and gimmicks because AAA is threatening legal action against them if they use them on Perros del Mal’s TV show. They said that if AAA wants to go the legal route then they would countersue them to get what they deserve.
AAA 10/23 – Teatro Condesa del Distrito Federal (Lucha Libre Premier TV taping)
1. Decnis/Sexy Star/Mini Abismo Negro beat Rocky Romero/Jennifer Blake/Octagoncito
2. Fabi Apache & Pimpinela Escarlata defeated Rain & Polvo de Estrellas
3. Dr. Wagner Jr. & Jack Evans beat Teddy Hart & Alex Koslov
4. Cibernetico/Electroshock/Kenzo Suzuki defeated Elegido/Marco Corleone/El Mesias
EMLL 10/23 – Arena Mexico
1. Estrella Magica & Lluvia beat Yesca & Zeuxis and Zeuxis was injured here.
2. Lightning Match: Pequeno Damian 666 defeated Bam Bam and Damian wants a shot at Bam Bam’s CMLL Minis Title.
3. El Poder Mexica (Dragon Rojo/Misterioso II/Sangre Azteca) beat Hijo del Fantasma/Stuka Jr./Valiente and Dragon wants a shot at Valiente’s Mexican National Welterweight Title.
4. Blue Panther/Hector Garza/Sagrado (subbing for Black Warrior) defeated NO LIMIT (Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro Takahashi)/Shigeo Okumura by DQ when Yujiro fouled Garza. Garza threw out a hair match challenge afterwards.
5. NWA Middleweight Title: Averno beat Volador Jr. in 22 minutes to retain his title in what was called one of the best matches in Arena Mexico in a while.
6. Revancha Match: Mistico/Shocker/”Strongman” Jon Anderson defeated Atlantis/Negro Casas/Ultimo Guerrero when Strongman powerbombed UG and he had to be stretchered out.
Independent 10/21 – Salon West de Celaya
1. Mascarita Sagrada & Octagoncito beat Mascarita de la Muerte & Mini Abismo Negro
2. Gran Apache/Estrellita/May Flowers defeated Billy Boy/Tiffany/Polvo de Estrellas
3. The Psycho Circus (Monster Clown/Murder Clown/Psycho Clown) beat Alan Stone/Crazy Boy/Extreme Tiger
4. Marco Corleone & La Parka Jr. defeated Silver King & Kenzo Suzuki
IWRG 10/22 – Arena Naucalpan
1. Comando Negro beat Halcon Dos Mil
2. Exodia defeated La Rata (who is bringing a rat in a cage with him to the ring)
3. Gringo Loco & Hijo del Diablo beat Pendulo & Star Boy (subbing for Tetsuya Bushi)
4. Black Terry/Pirata Morgan/Toxico defeated Brazo de Plata/Chico Che/Micke Segura when Pirata fouled Porky behind the ref’s back. Che & Terry are heading to a hair match as well.
5. Caballera contra Caballera: Flor Metalica beat Atsuko Emoto after being beaten bloody she capitalized on a botched punch by Kyoko Kimura and hit a superplex on Emoto to get the win.
10/25 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. El Idolo & Metatron vs. Nube Roja & Thunder Boy
2. Palacio Negro & Saturno vs. Angel del Mal & Exterminador
3. Asesino Negro & Leon Blanco vs. Egipcio & Infierno
4. Dark Angel/Lady Apache/Lluvia vs. Princesa Blanca/Princesa Sugei/Raven Hiroka
5. Hijo del Fantasma/Mistico/”Strongman” Jon Anderson vs. Dragon Rojo/Negro Casas/Mr. Niebla
10/25 – Arena Mexico
1. Inquisidor & Semental vs. Bengala & Trueno
2. Estrella Magica/Marcela/Zeuxis vs. Amapola/La Nazi/La Seductora
3. Leono/Tony Rivera/Starman vs. Arkangel de la Muerte/Escandalo/Loco Max
4. Maximo/Sagrado/Valiente vs. Misterioso II/Shigeo Okumura/Sangre Azteca
5. Brazo de Plata/Hector Garza/Shocker vs. Ray Mendoza Jr./NO LIMIT (Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro Takahashi)
10/27 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. El Divino & Meteoro vs. Relampago Azul & Skaxy
2. Angelo & Magnum vs. Evola & Malefico
3. Astaroth & Metal Blanco vs. Rey Trueno & Mr. Trueno
4. Hijo del Fantasma/Sagrado/Toscano vs. Black Warrior/Felino/Negro Casas
5. Hector Garza & Shocker vs. Damian el Terrible & Hijo del Texano
10/27 – Arena Mexico
1. Delta & Trueno vs. Apocalipsis & Ramstein
2. Leono/Metalico/Tony Rivera vs. Caligula/Hooligan/Messala
3. Fabian el Gitano/Flash/Rouge vs. Dr. X/Escandalo/Vangelis
4. Revancha Match: Los Hijos del Averno (Averno/Ephesto/Mephisto) vs. Ray Mendoza Jr./NO LIMIT (Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro Takahashi)
5. La Mascara/Mistico/Volador Jr. vs. Atlantis/Heavy Metal/Ultimo Guerrero
10/30 – Arena Mexico
1. Angel Azteca Jr./Astro Boy/Sensei vs. Durango Kid/Escorpion/Semental
2. Maximo/Sagrado/Stuka Jr. vs. Euforia/Polvora/Virus
3. Mexican National Welterweight Title: Valiente (c) vs. Dragon Rojo
4. Blue Panther/Mascara Dorada/Toscano vs. Damian el Terrible/Hijo del Texano/Misterioso II
5. Brazo de Plata/Hector Garza/Shocker vs. Ray Mendoza Jr./NO LIMIT (Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro Takahashi)
10/25 – Arena Azteca Budokan de Neza
1. Dr. Yenking & El Imperial vs. Arkanos & Maquina de la Muerte
2. Rey Dragon & Rey Neza vs. Espiral Negro & Golden Bull
3. Metal Boy/Skayderman/Turbo vs. Demente/Skullman/Thunder Black
4. Mini Apache & Mini Oriental vs. Mini Cibernetico & Mini Scorpio
5. Alebrije/Charly Manson/Oriental vs. Histeria/Monsther/Psicosis
10/25 – Arena Coliseo de Coacalco
1. Espia vs. Fiebre
2. Drac vs. Betos Boy
3. Aquarius & Cyrus vs. Los Medicos I y II
4. Black Jaguar/Los Hermanos Niebla Negra I y II vs. Arafat/Crazy Star/Sargon
5. Angelico/Justiciero/Negro Navarro vs. Arkangel de la Muerte/Hooligan/Semental
10/25 – Fronton San Jose de Tlahuac
1. Galgo & Skayderman vs. Kid Star & Turbina de Plata
2. Alma Blanca & Angel Nocturno vs. Dano Mortal & Fuego Azteca
3. Oro Negro/Paramedico/Caricia vs. Cobra de Fuego/M1/Diva Salvaje
4. Manos de Seda/Metal Boy/Turbo vs. Black Thunder/Custodio/Kumo
5. Alebrije/Charly Manson/Juventud Guerrera vs. Histeria/Monsther/Psicosis
10/25 – Arena Naucalpan
1. Dinamic Black vs. Guizmo
2. Diva Salvaje & Miss Gaviota vs. Carta Brava Jr. & Hijo del Signo
3. Chico Che & Hombre Bala Jr. vs. Avisman & Fantasma de la Opera
4. La Diabolica/Flor Metalica/Josseline vs. Revolution Amandora (Atsuko Emoto/Kyoko Kimura/Tomoka Nakagawa)
5. Relevos Increibles: Negro Navarro & Black Terry vs. Micke Segura & Sangre Chicana vs. Trauma I & 911 vs. Trauma II & Fierro
10/25 – Arena Coliseo de Monterrey
1. Angel Dorado Jr./Chucho Mar Jr./Hijo del Enrique Vera vs. El Poder Norte (Rio Bravo/Tito Santana/Tigre Cota)
2. Caifan Rockero I/Rey Infernal/Simbolo Dos Mil vs. Androide/El Brazo/Decnis
3. Laredo Kid/Super Fly/Pimpinela Escarlata vs. Cuervo/Escoria/Ozz
4. Jack Evans & Rocky Romero vs. Teddy Hart & Alex Koslov
5. Cibernetico/Elegido/La Parka Jr. vs. Chessman/Kenzo Suzuki/Zorro
11/17 – Arena Xalapa
1. Crazy Man & Gore vs. Caballero Negro Jr. & Rey Tiburon
2. Caballero Ninja/Eslabon Perdido/Rey Pantera vs. Dr. X/Escandalo/Jason la Maquina
3. Angel de Oro & Angel de Plata vs. Loco Max & Virus
4. Lady Apache/Lluvia/Luna Magica vs. Amapola/La Nazi/Princesa Sugei
5. Mistico/La Sombra/Volador Jr. vs. Los Hijos del Averno (Averno/Ephesto/Mephisto)
- The World Heavyweight Championship is the first singles for over 4 1 / 2 years for Kawada. In February 2005 he lost the Triple Crown.
- Kawada-Tanaka was the second singles match of the two. On 02/12/2001 Kawada won the first at 11:06 with a powerbomb.
- Kawada asked after the match, the ZERO1 office to find a suitable challenger for the next visit to the league. Otani President vowed that all energy is invested in winning back the title.
- The following participants have been announced for the 2009 Tenka-Ichi Jr. Tournament (29.11. At the Korakuen Hall): Ikuto Hidaka, Minoru Fujita, Takuya Sugawara, Munenori Sawa (Battlarts), Fujita "Jr." Hayato (M-Pro), Magnitude Kishiwada, Sonjay Dutt, Prince Devitt (NJPW). Two more participants are still at 19.11. determined.
Former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro made an unannounced appearance at Arena Mexico last night accompanying some Playmates from the Mexican edition of Playboy and she said that it was great to be back on a wrestling show and that she was hoping to talk to EMLL management about a possibly working for them in the future.
Perro Aguayo Jr. led a press conference yesterday featuring Alebrije, Histeria, Psicosis, & Tirantes talking about how they want the rights to their names and gimmicks because AAA is threatening legal action against them if they use them on Perros del Mal’s TV show. They said that if AAA wants to go the legal route then they would countersue them to get what they deserve.
AAA 10/23 – Teatro Condesa del Distrito Federal (Lucha Libre Premier TV taping)
1. Decnis/Sexy Star/Mini Abismo Negro beat Rocky Romero/Jennifer Blake/Octagoncito
2. Fabi Apache & Pimpinela Escarlata defeated Rain & Polvo de Estrellas
3. Dr. Wagner Jr. & Jack Evans beat Teddy Hart & Alex Koslov
4. Cibernetico/Electroshock/Kenzo Suzuki defeated Elegido/Marco Corleone/El Mesias
EMLL 10/23 – Arena Mexico
1. Estrella Magica & Lluvia beat Yesca & Zeuxis and Zeuxis was injured here.
2. Lightning Match: Pequeno Damian 666 defeated Bam Bam and Damian wants a shot at Bam Bam’s CMLL Minis Title.
3. El Poder Mexica (Dragon Rojo/Misterioso II/Sangre Azteca) beat Hijo del Fantasma/Stuka Jr./Valiente and Dragon wants a shot at Valiente’s Mexican National Welterweight Title.
4. Blue Panther/Hector Garza/Sagrado (subbing for Black Warrior) defeated NO LIMIT (Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro Takahashi)/Shigeo Okumura by DQ when Yujiro fouled Garza. Garza threw out a hair match challenge afterwards.
5. NWA Middleweight Title: Averno beat Volador Jr. in 22 minutes to retain his title in what was called one of the best matches in Arena Mexico in a while.
6. Revancha Match: Mistico/Shocker/”Strongman” Jon Anderson defeated Atlantis/Negro Casas/Ultimo Guerrero when Strongman powerbombed UG and he had to be stretchered out.
Independent 10/21 – Salon West de Celaya
1. Mascarita Sagrada & Octagoncito beat Mascarita de la Muerte & Mini Abismo Negro
2. Gran Apache/Estrellita/May Flowers defeated Billy Boy/Tiffany/Polvo de Estrellas
3. The Psycho Circus (Monster Clown/Murder Clown/Psycho Clown) beat Alan Stone/Crazy Boy/Extreme Tiger
4. Marco Corleone & La Parka Jr. defeated Silver King & Kenzo Suzuki
IWRG 10/22 – Arena Naucalpan
1. Comando Negro beat Halcon Dos Mil
2. Exodia defeated La Rata (who is bringing a rat in a cage with him to the ring)
3. Gringo Loco & Hijo del Diablo beat Pendulo & Star Boy (subbing for Tetsuya Bushi)
4. Black Terry/Pirata Morgan/Toxico defeated Brazo de Plata/Chico Che/Micke Segura when Pirata fouled Porky behind the ref’s back. Che & Terry are heading to a hair match as well.
5. Caballera contra Caballera: Flor Metalica beat Atsuko Emoto after being beaten bloody she capitalized on a botched punch by Kyoko Kimura and hit a superplex on Emoto to get the win.
10/25 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. El Idolo & Metatron vs. Nube Roja & Thunder Boy
2. Palacio Negro & Saturno vs. Angel del Mal & Exterminador
3. Asesino Negro & Leon Blanco vs. Egipcio & Infierno
4. Dark Angel/Lady Apache/Lluvia vs. Princesa Blanca/Princesa Sugei/Raven Hiroka
5. Hijo del Fantasma/Mistico/”Strongman” Jon Anderson vs. Dragon Rojo/Negro Casas/Mr. Niebla
10/25 – Arena Mexico
1. Inquisidor & Semental vs. Bengala & Trueno
2. Estrella Magica/Marcela/Zeuxis vs. Amapola/La Nazi/La Seductora
3. Leono/Tony Rivera/Starman vs. Arkangel de la Muerte/Escandalo/Loco Max
4. Maximo/Sagrado/Valiente vs. Misterioso II/Shigeo Okumura/Sangre Azteca
5. Brazo de Plata/Hector Garza/Shocker vs. Ray Mendoza Jr./NO LIMIT (Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro Takahashi)
10/27 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. El Divino & Meteoro vs. Relampago Azul & Skaxy
2. Angelo & Magnum vs. Evola & Malefico
3. Astaroth & Metal Blanco vs. Rey Trueno & Mr. Trueno
4. Hijo del Fantasma/Sagrado/Toscano vs. Black Warrior/Felino/Negro Casas
5. Hector Garza & Shocker vs. Damian el Terrible & Hijo del Texano
10/27 – Arena Mexico
1. Delta & Trueno vs. Apocalipsis & Ramstein
2. Leono/Metalico/Tony Rivera vs. Caligula/Hooligan/Messala
3. Fabian el Gitano/Flash/Rouge vs. Dr. X/Escandalo/Vangelis
4. Revancha Match: Los Hijos del Averno (Averno/Ephesto/Mephisto) vs. Ray Mendoza Jr./NO LIMIT (Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro Takahashi)
5. La Mascara/Mistico/Volador Jr. vs. Atlantis/Heavy Metal/Ultimo Guerrero
10/30 – Arena Mexico
1. Angel Azteca Jr./Astro Boy/Sensei vs. Durango Kid/Escorpion/Semental
2. Maximo/Sagrado/Stuka Jr. vs. Euforia/Polvora/Virus
3. Mexican National Welterweight Title: Valiente (c) vs. Dragon Rojo
4. Blue Panther/Mascara Dorada/Toscano vs. Damian el Terrible/Hijo del Texano/Misterioso II
5. Brazo de Plata/Hector Garza/Shocker vs. Ray Mendoza Jr./NO LIMIT (Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro Takahashi)
10/25 – Arena Azteca Budokan de Neza
1. Dr. Yenking & El Imperial vs. Arkanos & Maquina de la Muerte
2. Rey Dragon & Rey Neza vs. Espiral Negro & Golden Bull
3. Metal Boy/Skayderman/Turbo vs. Demente/Skullman/Thunder Black
4. Mini Apache & Mini Oriental vs. Mini Cibernetico & Mini Scorpio
5. Alebrije/Charly Manson/Oriental vs. Histeria/Monsther/Psicosis
10/25 – Arena Coliseo de Coacalco
1. Espia vs. Fiebre
2. Drac vs. Betos Boy
3. Aquarius & Cyrus vs. Los Medicos I y II
4. Black Jaguar/Los Hermanos Niebla Negra I y II vs. Arafat/Crazy Star/Sargon
5. Angelico/Justiciero/Negro Navarro vs. Arkangel de la Muerte/Hooligan/Semental
10/25 – Fronton San Jose de Tlahuac
1. Galgo & Skayderman vs. Kid Star & Turbina de Plata
2. Alma Blanca & Angel Nocturno vs. Dano Mortal & Fuego Azteca
3. Oro Negro/Paramedico/Caricia vs. Cobra de Fuego/M1/Diva Salvaje
4. Manos de Seda/Metal Boy/Turbo vs. Black Thunder/Custodio/Kumo
5. Alebrije/Charly Manson/Juventud Guerrera vs. Histeria/Monsther/Psicosis
10/25 – Arena Naucalpan
1. Dinamic Black vs. Guizmo
2. Diva Salvaje & Miss Gaviota vs. Carta Brava Jr. & Hijo del Signo
3. Chico Che & Hombre Bala Jr. vs. Avisman & Fantasma de la Opera
4. La Diabolica/Flor Metalica/Josseline vs. Revolution Amandora (Atsuko Emoto/Kyoko Kimura/Tomoka Nakagawa)
5. Relevos Increibles: Negro Navarro & Black Terry vs. Micke Segura & Sangre Chicana vs. Trauma I & 911 vs. Trauma II & Fierro
10/25 – Arena Coliseo de Monterrey
1. Angel Dorado Jr./Chucho Mar Jr./Hijo del Enrique Vera vs. El Poder Norte (Rio Bravo/Tito Santana/Tigre Cota)
2. Caifan Rockero I/Rey Infernal/Simbolo Dos Mil vs. Androide/El Brazo/Decnis
3. Laredo Kid/Super Fly/Pimpinela Escarlata vs. Cuervo/Escoria/Ozz
4. Jack Evans & Rocky Romero vs. Teddy Hart & Alex Koslov
5. Cibernetico/Elegido/La Parka Jr. vs. Chessman/Kenzo Suzuki/Zorro
11/17 – Arena Xalapa
1. Crazy Man & Gore vs. Caballero Negro Jr. & Rey Tiburon
2. Caballero Ninja/Eslabon Perdido/Rey Pantera vs. Dr. X/Escandalo/Jason la Maquina
3. Angel de Oro & Angel de Plata vs. Loco Max & Virus
4. Lady Apache/Lluvia/Luna Magica vs. Amapola/La Nazi/Princesa Sugei
5. Mistico/La Sombra/Volador Jr. vs. Los Hijos del Averno (Averno/Ephesto/Mephisto)
- The World Heavyweight Championship is the first singles for over 4 1 / 2 years for Kawada. In February 2005 he lost the Triple Crown.
- Kawada-Tanaka was the second singles match of the two. On 02/12/2001 Kawada won the first at 11:06 with a powerbomb.
- Kawada asked after the match, the ZERO1 office to find a suitable challenger for the next visit to the league. Otani President vowed that all energy is invested in winning back the title.
- The following participants have been announced for the 2009 Tenka-Ichi Jr. Tournament (29.11. At the Korakuen Hall): Ikuto Hidaka, Minoru Fujita, Takuya Sugawara, Munenori Sawa (Battlarts), Fujita "Jr." Hayato (M-Pro), Magnitude Kishiwada, Sonjay Dutt, Prince Devitt (NJPW). Two more participants are still at 19.11. determined.
Perchè è stato fermato l'orologio durante il match fra Cena ed Orton a Bragging Rights
Quando John Cena si è procurato una grossa ferita nel corso del suo match contro Orton, dopo aver colpito l'angolo della scatola che circondava il microfono, non è stato un angle previsto. Appena il fatto è accaduto, Vince McMahon ha subito dato l'ordine di ripulire Cena prima che questi ed Orton proseguissero col match e finire in mezzo ai fans, con probabili cause legali da parte della Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission e possibili grane per Linda McMahon, i cui oppositori non si sarebbero certo tirati indietro dal muovere altre critiche.
Siccome era incerto il tempo che sarebbe servito per ripulire totalmente Cena, è stato quindi deciso di fermare l'orologio.
Siccome era incerto il tempo che sarebbe servito per ripulire totalmente Cena, è stato quindi deciso di fermare l'orologio.
Dragon Gate Untouchable ppv lineup
*Dragon Kid vs. Masato Yoshino
*Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw vs. YAMATO & Gran Akuma
*Bryan Danielson vs. Naruki Doi
*Brian Kendrick vs. CIMA
*Davey Richards vs. Shingo
*Ryo Saito & Genki Horiguchi vs. The Young Bucks
*Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw vs. YAMATO & Gran Akuma
*Bryan Danielson vs. Naruki Doi
*Brian Kendrick vs. CIMA
*Davey Richards vs. Shingo
*Ryo Saito & Genki Horiguchi vs. The Young Bucks
WWE Bragging Rights PPV match-by-match live coverage
Dave@wrestlingobserver.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Welcome to our live coverage of WWE's Bragging Rights PPV. We're looking for your thoughts on this show, as well as last night's UFC 104 and the Dream show, with a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to dave@wrestlingobserver.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
The Miz vs. John Morrison opens the show
Good opener. A little sloppy in spots. Decent heat. The match ended when Morrison was on the top rope and Miz knocked into the ropes, so Morrison crotched himself and fell into the ring to be pinned.
The deal they are doing is that there is a Bragging Rights trophy going to the winner of two out of the three Raw vs. Smackdown matches, so Raw is up 1-0.
Cody Rhodes and R-Truth are having a discusssion. Rhodes told R-Truth he was a second rate competitor on a second rate team on a second rate show. R-Truth told him the only reason he's on Raw is because he's Dusty's son and the only reason he's had success because he's with Randy Orton. Big Show came out to bully R-Truth and made him back off and leave.
Next up is the women's match with Beth Phoenix & Natalaya & Michelle McCool vs. Melina & Kelly Kely & Gail Kim
Solid work in this one but the crowd for the most part didn't care. Clean finish with Phoenix using the Glam slam on Melina to make it 1-1.
HHH is giving his team a pep talk but Jack Swagger told HHH not to worry because they have him on the team. Shawn Michaels told Swagger he has all the ability but no respect. HHH said he's been making fun of Mark Henry since he almost had a baby with Mae Young. HHH noted they exposed Kofi as a phony Jamaican. He said he was paying tribute to a famous Jamaican. He mentioned shoving Vince McMahon's head up Big Show's ass. They mentioned beating Cody Rhodes so bad on the last PPV that he went out on a stretcher. Hornswoggle showed up in his DX gear. Team Raw all put their hands together and HHH said "Are you ready."
Undertaker vs. C.M. Punk vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio for the world title
A short match consisting of everyone doing their big moves and somebody breaking up the pin. Batista used the Batista bomb on Undertaker, but Mysterio saved. Mysterio tried to pin Taker and Batista saved. Batista got mad at Mysterio saying they are supposed to be friends and pie faced him. Later, Batista threw Mysterio over the top rope onto Punk, but then Undertaker used a tombstone piledriver on Batista for the pin.
Josth Matthews was interviewing both and Batista said he was tired of his best friend stabbing him in the back and then clotheslined Mysterio. There were a lot of cheers and not many boos at first but eventually Batista kept up the attack and Mysterio begged him to stop. Crowd booed Batista but it was nowhere near the heat you'd want from this situation. He did the Randy Orton punt on Mysterio and left.
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown
Shawn Michaels-HHH-Kofi Kingston-Big Show-Mark Henry-Cody Rhodes-Jack Swagger vs.
Chris Jericho-Kane-Matt Hardy-R-Truth-Fit Finlay-David Hart Smith-Tyson Kidd
Smackdown has won the trophy. Good match, although nobody really took a big step up. The finish saw Kingston on the top rope looking to jump on Jericho after giving him Trouble in Paradise, Show turned on his team by choke slamming Kingston off the top, and then doing the knockout punch to HHH. Jericho pinned Kingston to take the match. Team Smackdown celebrated together with the trophy when it was over.
It looks like they are starting a new program as Cody Rhodes blamed Kofi Kingston for costing their team the match. Kingston said it was Show's fault. It ended up with Rhodes attacking Kingston.
Randy Orton vs. John Cena for the title ends the show in a one hour Iron Man match. They said if Cena loses, then he's going to Smackdown. I guess Tiffany didn't make a comparable offer.
Cena won the first fall with an STF quickly.
Orton won the second fall at 9:00 with the RKO
Third fall ended with a double pinfall. Cena used from a shot with the edge of a TV monitor. Several minutes later, Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment but Orton used an RKO from that position. Both were out but each got an arm on the other and the ref counted a pin on both.
Cena with the Attitude Adjustment off the middle rope to go ahead 3-2.
Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes attacked Cena between falls.
DiBiase used the Dream street on Cena and Orton got the pin to make it 3-3. Kofi Kingston used a chair to chase DiBiase & Rhodes out. They are using the falls to give them 30 second rest periods
Orton up 4-3 by throwing Cena through the lighting grid on the entrance set and pinning him.
Orton is using the pyro buttons which will play a part probably in the finish as somebody is getting blown up.
Cena was getting destroyed but tied it 4-4 with an inside cradle out of nowhere.
Orton used a draping DDT on the floor and pinned Cena on the floor to go up 5-4.
24:00 left.
Now with 9:00 left it's tied 5-5 as Cena climbed up the ring steps with Orton on his shoulder, and used an Attitude Adjustment breaking the announcers table and got the pin on the floor.
Orton's out is that he had Cena pinned after an RKO, but the first ref was knocked out, and by the time Charles Robinson came in as the second ref, Cena kicked out.
The finish saw Orton miss the punt, and Cena used the STF on Orton and Orton tapped out with five seconds left to win 6-5.
They were trying to put this over as an all-time great match. The crowd was only hot for the match in the last few minutes. It felt like one of those 60 minute matches where they were stalling as much as they could to get through the match and it people were only really into the final minutes. Not a bad match but as much as going 60:00 usually gives you time to really build a great match, this felt like people trying to prove they could go 60:00 for no reason, and would have been a superior match in 20:00.
Welcome to our live coverage of WWE's Bragging Rights PPV. We're looking for your thoughts on this show, as well as last night's UFC 104 and the Dream show, with a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to dave@wrestlingobserver.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
The Miz vs. John Morrison opens the show
Good opener. A little sloppy in spots. Decent heat. The match ended when Morrison was on the top rope and Miz knocked into the ropes, so Morrison crotched himself and fell into the ring to be pinned.
The deal they are doing is that there is a Bragging Rights trophy going to the winner of two out of the three Raw vs. Smackdown matches, so Raw is up 1-0.
Cody Rhodes and R-Truth are having a discusssion. Rhodes told R-Truth he was a second rate competitor on a second rate team on a second rate show. R-Truth told him the only reason he's on Raw is because he's Dusty's son and the only reason he's had success because he's with Randy Orton. Big Show came out to bully R-Truth and made him back off and leave.
Next up is the women's match with Beth Phoenix & Natalaya & Michelle McCool vs. Melina & Kelly Kely & Gail Kim
Solid work in this one but the crowd for the most part didn't care. Clean finish with Phoenix using the Glam slam on Melina to make it 1-1.
HHH is giving his team a pep talk but Jack Swagger told HHH not to worry because they have him on the team. Shawn Michaels told Swagger he has all the ability but no respect. HHH said he's been making fun of Mark Henry since he almost had a baby with Mae Young. HHH noted they exposed Kofi as a phony Jamaican. He said he was paying tribute to a famous Jamaican. He mentioned shoving Vince McMahon's head up Big Show's ass. They mentioned beating Cody Rhodes so bad on the last PPV that he went out on a stretcher. Hornswoggle showed up in his DX gear. Team Raw all put their hands together and HHH said "Are you ready."
Undertaker vs. C.M. Punk vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio for the world title
A short match consisting of everyone doing their big moves and somebody breaking up the pin. Batista used the Batista bomb on Undertaker, but Mysterio saved. Mysterio tried to pin Taker and Batista saved. Batista got mad at Mysterio saying they are supposed to be friends and pie faced him. Later, Batista threw Mysterio over the top rope onto Punk, but then Undertaker used a tombstone piledriver on Batista for the pin.
Josth Matthews was interviewing both and Batista said he was tired of his best friend stabbing him in the back and then clotheslined Mysterio. There were a lot of cheers and not many boos at first but eventually Batista kept up the attack and Mysterio begged him to stop. Crowd booed Batista but it was nowhere near the heat you'd want from this situation. He did the Randy Orton punt on Mysterio and left.
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown
Shawn Michaels-HHH-Kofi Kingston-Big Show-Mark Henry-Cody Rhodes-Jack Swagger vs.
Chris Jericho-Kane-Matt Hardy-R-Truth-Fit Finlay-David Hart Smith-Tyson Kidd
Smackdown has won the trophy. Good match, although nobody really took a big step up. The finish saw Kingston on the top rope looking to jump on Jericho after giving him Trouble in Paradise, Show turned on his team by choke slamming Kingston off the top, and then doing the knockout punch to HHH. Jericho pinned Kingston to take the match. Team Smackdown celebrated together with the trophy when it was over.
It looks like they are starting a new program as Cody Rhodes blamed Kofi Kingston for costing their team the match. Kingston said it was Show's fault. It ended up with Rhodes attacking Kingston.
Randy Orton vs. John Cena for the title ends the show in a one hour Iron Man match. They said if Cena loses, then he's going to Smackdown. I guess Tiffany didn't make a comparable offer.
Cena won the first fall with an STF quickly.
Orton won the second fall at 9:00 with the RKO
Third fall ended with a double pinfall. Cena used from a shot with the edge of a TV monitor. Several minutes later, Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment but Orton used an RKO from that position. Both were out but each got an arm on the other and the ref counted a pin on both.
Cena with the Attitude Adjustment off the middle rope to go ahead 3-2.
Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes attacked Cena between falls.
DiBiase used the Dream street on Cena and Orton got the pin to make it 3-3. Kofi Kingston used a chair to chase DiBiase & Rhodes out. They are using the falls to give them 30 second rest periods
Orton up 4-3 by throwing Cena through the lighting grid on the entrance set and pinning him.
Orton is using the pyro buttons which will play a part probably in the finish as somebody is getting blown up.
Cena was getting destroyed but tied it 4-4 with an inside cradle out of nowhere.
Orton used a draping DDT on the floor and pinned Cena on the floor to go up 5-4.
24:00 left.
Now with 9:00 left it's tied 5-5 as Cena climbed up the ring steps with Orton on his shoulder, and used an Attitude Adjustment breaking the announcers table and got the pin on the floor.
Orton's out is that he had Cena pinned after an RKO, but the first ref was knocked out, and by the time Charles Robinson came in as the second ref, Cena kicked out.
The finish saw Orton miss the punt, and Cena used the STF on Orton and Orton tapped out with five seconds left to win 6-5.
They were trying to put this over as an all-time great match. The crowd was only hot for the match in the last few minutes. It felt like one of those 60 minute matches where they were stalling as much as they could to get through the match and it people were only really into the final minutes. Not a bad match but as much as going 60:00 usually gives you time to really build a great match, this felt like people trying to prove they could go 60:00 for no reason, and would have been a superior match in 20:00.
domenica 25 ottobre 2009
10-25 Dream report from Osaka
10-25 Dream report from Osaka
By Crimson Mask
Olympia DREAM 12 THE CAGE OF THE RISING SUN, Castle Hall, Osaka, Japan, 10/25/2009
This will be the first major Japanese MMA card in a cage instead of a ring. The cage is white (this is being stressed like there's some symbolic meaning to it, 6 sided ('the Hexagon'?), and in place of chain link the mesh is constructed of fishing net. The card, which has been plagued by injuries and other causes for last minute booking, lines up as another schizo DREAM offering featuring everything from rasslers to mismatches to potentially great fights.
Okay here's the opening video. There's a Star of David. In a circle. I guess that's a hexagram. It's the motif here. All the captions appear in it. This is very... Jewish. The inside plane of the hexagram is the the Hexagon.
Well here's the opening ceremony. Whoa this is cool. They like undrape the thing. It's... white. It's... hexagonal. Here's the fighters. It LOOKS like chain link. Apparently about the same gauge and spacing.
Here's another change: the fights will be 3 rounds X 5 minutes, not 1 X 10 + 1 X 5. The scoring will still be whole fight rather than round by round or any points system.
Haven't seen these guys, both up from the Japanese minor leagues. Mayashita shows some sick Guillotines on the video. Fujiwara is jacked for a little guy and apparently a power striker and wears in a lion head mask Vader would have been proud of. Mayashita taller.
Both lefty. Mayashita shoots. NS. After the choke already. HG. FG. Mayashita passes to side. Fujiwara regains HG. Mayashita tries to pass, gets NS, both on knees. Misses a choke and falls into HG against the cage. Fujiwara throws up a Triangle, nada. NS. Mayashita knees the head. Rides. Stands. Fuji upkicks. Mayashita passes to side. NS. Stands, eats upkick. NS. Knees. Takes back. passes to side. Grabs choke and knees the head. Mayashita is way ahead so far.
Mayashita shoots right away and TD into FG. Fuji goes for Omaplata and Mayashita rolls out and back into HG. Passes to side. Stacks Fuji against the cage and pounds. HG. Mount. Side. FG. Side. Drops an elbow. Fuji knees the head. NS. Almost gets the choke. Kneeling side and knees. Ride. Scramble back to side. Knees. Fuji gets a leg high and punches from the bottom. Mayashita still way ahead.
Fuji goes righty but gets TDed anyway. FG. Slammed out of a triangle try. Side. NS. Knees. HG. This is getting to the lather repeat zone here. Fuji knees from the bottom and tries an arm bar. Tries a triangle. Punching away at the trapped head. Arm in is in the way. He stays on it. Mayashita pulls out and passes to side. Fuji knees away. Mayashita drops his own and some hammerfists. Fujiwara came on but I think not enough.
Decision... Miyashita... UD.
So far the Hexagon works fine. Nice and open, lots of room. No rope breaks. No resets. Doesn't have the confined look and feeling of the Octagon.
Hard punching UFC vet Hironaka vs. streaking Korean prospect (who I haven't seen) and who is apparently billed 'Parky', and a TKD guy, up next.
Park taller. Very rigid looking. Hironaka shaking and baking, lands a 2-1-2. Shoots, nada. Park jabs. Loosening up. Hironaka jabs, low kick. Park LK checked. Eats one. And a jab. Another stuffed shot. Hironaka LK checked. Park LK, eats a jab. Eats a right and rocks Hironaka with a combo. Stuffs another shot and knees the body. Landing at long range now. LK. Jab jab. Eats a right. Park a little ahead.
WTF? Park's corner throws in the towel at the start of round 2. They say he can't see out of his left eye from a right hand by Hironaka.
CHASE BEEBE (138.6) vs. YOSHIRO MAEDA (138.2)
Two nearly-top fighters both coming off pretty bad runs. Tossup and potentIal killer fight. Both started downhill with losses to Miguel Torres. Beebe lost the WEC title to him then 3 more straight losses, the last such a ripoff it's been changed to a NC. Maeda about .500 since. LOL 'Chaysee Beebee'. Size very close.
Maeda lefty. Opens aggressive and accurate. Mixing it up. Beebe shoots, nada. Maeda getting fancy, drops his hands. Beebe takes him down. HG by the fence. Maeda scrambles up and takes some pounding from clinch. Opens up from long range. Beebe SBK try. Maeda catches a kick and TDs, ends up on top in FG. Beebe banging away from the bottom. Maeda stands out, passes to side, takes back and sinks the RNC. Great win for Maeda and he cuts his promo perched on the cage. Comes down and finishes it in the ring. Wants Bibiano Fernandez for the title next year.
Saffiedine, late sub for Filho who is either AWOL or having 'visa problems', was impressive at DREAM 10. Yoon maybe the world's best 4-7 fighter, on top of being matched tough just isn't getting any breaks and may be slowing down at 37 after a very late start in MMA. I think Saffiedine is too quick. He says he's gonna sub Yoon with his own move which I guess means the arm bar. Team Quest member but a kickboxer out of Holland who has most wins by sub so has a lot going. Sizes very close. Yoon's leg all taped up.
Tarec goes in and out, LKs. Yoon shoots but Tarec controls his head and takes him down into side. Knee on belly, nada. Guard. Stands out. LK. Yoon up. Both looking sharp. Tarec 2-1. Switches. Yoon charges, shoots, on a single. Nada. Drops it. Clinch. Yoon knees the leg. Tarec knees the head. Yoon drops to the leg, nada. Tries a throw and Tarec takes his back. Yoon spins. Great clinch fighting here. Tarec knees the body. Head. Head. Ref break. Somebody warned for holding the mesh. Tarec right lead. HK misses. Tarec ahead. Yoon blowing hard in the corner.
Tarec switching, moving in and out and landing. Clinch. Yoon knee goes foul, no TO. Tarec LK. Left hook lead. Yoon drops, gets a leg and the TD into HG. Tarec grabs Kimura, loses it. Tarec arm scissors and Yoon hammers with the free hand. Tarec rolls for a foot. Nada. Scramble. Yoon gets back. Still HG. Loses back. Gets it back. Neck crank. Loses it. Gets it back. Cross face really. Tarec slips it again. Yoon pounds. Tarec survives. Yoon makes up lost ground and is probably ahead.
Tarec on his bike early. LK. Starts moving in. LK again. Yoon jabs. Misses a right and Tarec almost takes his back. Yoon shoots, nada, eats a right lead. Lands one. Eats a low kick. Jab. Jab. TO. Yellow card to both. Why? Tarec was landing. Tarec combo. HK. Jab. Jab LK. Body jab. Right lead. Jab upper LK jab. 1-2. Yoon shoots, nada, takes LK lying on his back, and is up. Tarec letting his hands go. Yoon shoots, nada. Again and nada. Tarec taking it away. 1-2, three times. Yoon shoots, Tarec walks out. 1-2 again. Clinch. Tarec pulls guard, stands out. Lands both hands. He took the fight away.
Judges... Tarec... Yoon... Yoon. BULL SHIT. Worst decision of the night, globally, which is saying something.
TOKIMITSU (Kendo Ka Shin) ISHIZAWA (183.3) vs. KATSUYORI SHIBATA (183.3)
Both pro wrestlers. Shibata has been crossed over fully to MMA and been active and although almost always overmatched, improving and upset Minowa last time out. Ka Shin has not had an MMA fight in years. Shibata wins easy IMO. The music for the video is 'White Room'. Always good to hear. Rasslin clips. NJ logo. Inoki. Ka Shin wears his mask on his promos on the vid. Wore it at the weigh in. Doesn't wear it into the ring. His entrance is pretty high tech, here. So is Shibata's and his music is cooler. And he's training with Saku now.
Ka Shin jabs some. Shibata rocks him with two rights as he comes in. Clinch and kneeing the body. Body shot flash KD. Ka Shin shoots, nada. Lands a 1-2. Shibata switches, lands a left as Ka Shin comes in. Ka Shin trying a TD, nada. Shibata clinches and knees and pounds. Ka Shin fights out. Lands a right. Eats a jab. Both landing. Clinch. Shibata knees body body head. Jabs. Ka Shin has bloodied Shibata's nose. Shibata does damage from clinch. He drops Ka Shin with a left upper and pounces and pounds and it's over.
Intermission. So far I say the cage is a total success.
Zelg was supposed to fight Manhoef, but he got hurt, and Saku steps in 3 weeks after his easy win at DREAM 11, but Zelg is not a never was boxer making his MMA debut. Saku's in for a bad night.
Really good career retrospec vid on Saku. Zelg has been out for a year after Jacare cranked his arm in the MW GP and may be rusty, though. Actually enters to *shudder* 'Ice Ice Baby'. Saku got a new mask. Zelg looks twice his size.
Saku lefty. Both open cautious. Saku shoots and gets an ankle pic TD. Has a leg but Zelg has his back. Zelg turns it around to Brock position and pounds the shit out of Saku. If it was anybody else it would be stopped but they let it go and Saku hangs on to the leg and rolls to knee bar and gets the tap. Looks like somebody beat his face in with a hammer and says Zelg hit him so hard the noise hurt his ears and he doubts he could win a rematch. Zelg may be right back on the injured list.
Zaromskis flying after knocking off Mach and the highlight reel head kick KO on Jason High at DREAM 10 to win the welterweight GP and title. Hits like a mule, kicks like a mule, pulls Ed Carpentier moves. Bae who I have not seen figures as no more than an opponent in what I assume is a nontitle match. Vid shows Bae with some varied skills. He walks in like he just don't care which could be dangerous, one way or the other. Marius in to the 'Final Countdown' like he can't wait to kill the guy. Bae a little taller.
Marius lefty. Tears out of his corner with a flying knee. Bae nails him midair with a left and fights him off and throws a HK. Marius throws one back and it's over. 19 seconds.
Bellator champion Alvarez vs. DEEP champion Kikuno in what stacks up as probable fight of the night. Alvarez is Rocky Balboa from Philly with more skills, and Kikuno is a Karate stylist in the Machida mold. Alvarez has taken the much bigger scalps and has to be heavily favored going in but Kikuno is a very live underdog and the styles may favor him. Great video. Both guys are human highlight reels. This sort of shapes a lot like Machida-Shogun with a lot less chance Alvarez can or even will try to curb his aggressiveness. Size looks identical.
Eddie feints, shoots. Nada. Kikuno catches his head in a neck crank. Drives forward, tries to get a knee up to the head. Eddie grabbing the cage in desperation, warned. Kikuno lands a knee. Eddie pops free. Clinches, nada. Eddie lands a right, catches a kick, shoots, nada. Lands punches, LK, shoots, nada. Punchout. Clinch. Eddie 2-1. Walks into a right. Clinch. Eddie right lead, shoots. Again nada. He should stop shooting. Right lead. Eats a body a kick, Kikuno slips, right up. Lands a liver shot at the bell. Kikuno is ahead.
Kikuno landing body kicks. Eddie flash KD. Clinch. Eddie jab, eats body kick, evades spin kick and HK and finally gets a TD. Eddie grabs Guillotine and pulls Guard, but the choke is too high. Kikuno out and up. Eddie landing to the body. Slips on a TD try. Eddie burning a lot of energy. Shoots a TD into HG and now Kikuno has a too high Guillotine. Eddie passes and grabs the Arm Triangle and shifts to the side and Kikuno taps.
Great fight and once again Eddie is in one of the best fights of the year and gets his 4th straight sub win. Kikuno proves he belongs.
Alistair coming off the K-1 win over Aerts a few weeks ago and the squash MMA win at the Golden Glory card last week, and with the K-1 finals coming up and also booked for NYE, is obviously trying to fight his way back into shape after the layoff and I guess JT was the only available last minute opponent as this fight was just finalized a couple days ago, but fuck, this is a horrible mismatch and an upset if Thompson lasts 60 seconds. JT sporting C cups at least and dances to Overeem's music, which is never a good sign. Alistair just looks carved out of stone.
Will JT charge at the bell? Of course. Alistair evades, smacks JT with a right. Alistair jump knee, tops the top of the cage for vertical height. JT shoots behind a sort of a hook. Walks right into a Standing Guillotine. 33 seconds. Second fight in a row Alistair's won with that.
Okay so, anyway, the Hexagon is an unarguable success and the card was entertaining, and I think end of the day I like the 3X5 better than the long round and the short round.
By Crimson Mask
Olympia DREAM 12 THE CAGE OF THE RISING SUN, Castle Hall, Osaka, Japan, 10/25/2009
This will be the first major Japanese MMA card in a cage instead of a ring. The cage is white (this is being stressed like there's some symbolic meaning to it, 6 sided ('the Hexagon'?), and in place of chain link the mesh is constructed of fishing net. The card, which has been plagued by injuries and other causes for last minute booking, lines up as another schizo DREAM offering featuring everything from rasslers to mismatches to potentially great fights.
Okay here's the opening video. There's a Star of David. In a circle. I guess that's a hexagram. It's the motif here. All the captions appear in it. This is very... Jewish. The inside plane of the hexagram is the the Hexagon.
Well here's the opening ceremony. Whoa this is cool. They like undrape the thing. It's... white. It's... hexagonal. Here's the fighters. It LOOKS like chain link. Apparently about the same gauge and spacing.
Here's another change: the fights will be 3 rounds X 5 minutes, not 1 X 10 + 1 X 5. The scoring will still be whole fight rather than round by round or any points system.
Haven't seen these guys, both up from the Japanese minor leagues. Mayashita shows some sick Guillotines on the video. Fujiwara is jacked for a little guy and apparently a power striker and wears in a lion head mask Vader would have been proud of. Mayashita taller.
Both lefty. Mayashita shoots. NS. After the choke already. HG. FG. Mayashita passes to side. Fujiwara regains HG. Mayashita tries to pass, gets NS, both on knees. Misses a choke and falls into HG against the cage. Fujiwara throws up a Triangle, nada. NS. Mayashita knees the head. Rides. Stands. Fuji upkicks. Mayashita passes to side. NS. Stands, eats upkick. NS. Knees. Takes back. passes to side. Grabs choke and knees the head. Mayashita is way ahead so far.
Mayashita shoots right away and TD into FG. Fuji goes for Omaplata and Mayashita rolls out and back into HG. Passes to side. Stacks Fuji against the cage and pounds. HG. Mount. Side. FG. Side. Drops an elbow. Fuji knees the head. NS. Almost gets the choke. Kneeling side and knees. Ride. Scramble back to side. Knees. Fuji gets a leg high and punches from the bottom. Mayashita still way ahead.
Fuji goes righty but gets TDed anyway. FG. Slammed out of a triangle try. Side. NS. Knees. HG. This is getting to the lather repeat zone here. Fuji knees from the bottom and tries an arm bar. Tries a triangle. Punching away at the trapped head. Arm in is in the way. He stays on it. Mayashita pulls out and passes to side. Fuji knees away. Mayashita drops his own and some hammerfists. Fujiwara came on but I think not enough.
Decision... Miyashita... UD.
So far the Hexagon works fine. Nice and open, lots of room. No rope breaks. No resets. Doesn't have the confined look and feeling of the Octagon.
Hard punching UFC vet Hironaka vs. streaking Korean prospect (who I haven't seen) and who is apparently billed 'Parky', and a TKD guy, up next.
Park taller. Very rigid looking. Hironaka shaking and baking, lands a 2-1-2. Shoots, nada. Park jabs. Loosening up. Hironaka jabs, low kick. Park LK checked. Eats one. And a jab. Another stuffed shot. Hironaka LK checked. Park LK, eats a jab. Eats a right and rocks Hironaka with a combo. Stuffs another shot and knees the body. Landing at long range now. LK. Jab jab. Eats a right. Park a little ahead.
WTF? Park's corner throws in the towel at the start of round 2. They say he can't see out of his left eye from a right hand by Hironaka.
CHASE BEEBE (138.6) vs. YOSHIRO MAEDA (138.2)
Two nearly-top fighters both coming off pretty bad runs. Tossup and potentIal killer fight. Both started downhill with losses to Miguel Torres. Beebe lost the WEC title to him then 3 more straight losses, the last such a ripoff it's been changed to a NC. Maeda about .500 since. LOL 'Chaysee Beebee'. Size very close.
Maeda lefty. Opens aggressive and accurate. Mixing it up. Beebe shoots, nada. Maeda getting fancy, drops his hands. Beebe takes him down. HG by the fence. Maeda scrambles up and takes some pounding from clinch. Opens up from long range. Beebe SBK try. Maeda catches a kick and TDs, ends up on top in FG. Beebe banging away from the bottom. Maeda stands out, passes to side, takes back and sinks the RNC. Great win for Maeda and he cuts his promo perched on the cage. Comes down and finishes it in the ring. Wants Bibiano Fernandez for the title next year.
Saffiedine, late sub for Filho who is either AWOL or having 'visa problems', was impressive at DREAM 10. Yoon maybe the world's best 4-7 fighter, on top of being matched tough just isn't getting any breaks and may be slowing down at 37 after a very late start in MMA. I think Saffiedine is too quick. He says he's gonna sub Yoon with his own move which I guess means the arm bar. Team Quest member but a kickboxer out of Holland who has most wins by sub so has a lot going. Sizes very close. Yoon's leg all taped up.
Tarec goes in and out, LKs. Yoon shoots but Tarec controls his head and takes him down into side. Knee on belly, nada. Guard. Stands out. LK. Yoon up. Both looking sharp. Tarec 2-1. Switches. Yoon charges, shoots, on a single. Nada. Drops it. Clinch. Yoon knees the leg. Tarec knees the head. Yoon drops to the leg, nada. Tries a throw and Tarec takes his back. Yoon spins. Great clinch fighting here. Tarec knees the body. Head. Head. Ref break. Somebody warned for holding the mesh. Tarec right lead. HK misses. Tarec ahead. Yoon blowing hard in the corner.
Tarec switching, moving in and out and landing. Clinch. Yoon knee goes foul, no TO. Tarec LK. Left hook lead. Yoon drops, gets a leg and the TD into HG. Tarec grabs Kimura, loses it. Tarec arm scissors and Yoon hammers with the free hand. Tarec rolls for a foot. Nada. Scramble. Yoon gets back. Still HG. Loses back. Gets it back. Neck crank. Loses it. Gets it back. Cross face really. Tarec slips it again. Yoon pounds. Tarec survives. Yoon makes up lost ground and is probably ahead.
Tarec on his bike early. LK. Starts moving in. LK again. Yoon jabs. Misses a right and Tarec almost takes his back. Yoon shoots, nada, eats a right lead. Lands one. Eats a low kick. Jab. Jab. TO. Yellow card to both. Why? Tarec was landing. Tarec combo. HK. Jab. Jab LK. Body jab. Right lead. Jab upper LK jab. 1-2. Yoon shoots, nada, takes LK lying on his back, and is up. Tarec letting his hands go. Yoon shoots, nada. Again and nada. Tarec taking it away. 1-2, three times. Yoon shoots, Tarec walks out. 1-2 again. Clinch. Tarec pulls guard, stands out. Lands both hands. He took the fight away.
Judges... Tarec... Yoon... Yoon. BULL SHIT. Worst decision of the night, globally, which is saying something.
TOKIMITSU (Kendo Ka Shin) ISHIZAWA (183.3) vs. KATSUYORI SHIBATA (183.3)
Both pro wrestlers. Shibata has been crossed over fully to MMA and been active and although almost always overmatched, improving and upset Minowa last time out. Ka Shin has not had an MMA fight in years. Shibata wins easy IMO. The music for the video is 'White Room'. Always good to hear. Rasslin clips. NJ logo. Inoki. Ka Shin wears his mask on his promos on the vid. Wore it at the weigh in. Doesn't wear it into the ring. His entrance is pretty high tech, here. So is Shibata's and his music is cooler. And he's training with Saku now.
Ka Shin jabs some. Shibata rocks him with two rights as he comes in. Clinch and kneeing the body. Body shot flash KD. Ka Shin shoots, nada. Lands a 1-2. Shibata switches, lands a left as Ka Shin comes in. Ka Shin trying a TD, nada. Shibata clinches and knees and pounds. Ka Shin fights out. Lands a right. Eats a jab. Both landing. Clinch. Shibata knees body body head. Jabs. Ka Shin has bloodied Shibata's nose. Shibata does damage from clinch. He drops Ka Shin with a left upper and pounces and pounds and it's over.
Intermission. So far I say the cage is a total success.
Zelg was supposed to fight Manhoef, but he got hurt, and Saku steps in 3 weeks after his easy win at DREAM 11, but Zelg is not a never was boxer making his MMA debut. Saku's in for a bad night.
Really good career retrospec vid on Saku. Zelg has been out for a year after Jacare cranked his arm in the MW GP and may be rusty, though. Actually enters to *shudder* 'Ice Ice Baby'. Saku got a new mask. Zelg looks twice his size.
Saku lefty. Both open cautious. Saku shoots and gets an ankle pic TD. Has a leg but Zelg has his back. Zelg turns it around to Brock position and pounds the shit out of Saku. If it was anybody else it would be stopped but they let it go and Saku hangs on to the leg and rolls to knee bar and gets the tap. Looks like somebody beat his face in with a hammer and says Zelg hit him so hard the noise hurt his ears and he doubts he could win a rematch. Zelg may be right back on the injured list.
Zaromskis flying after knocking off Mach and the highlight reel head kick KO on Jason High at DREAM 10 to win the welterweight GP and title. Hits like a mule, kicks like a mule, pulls Ed Carpentier moves. Bae who I have not seen figures as no more than an opponent in what I assume is a nontitle match. Vid shows Bae with some varied skills. He walks in like he just don't care which could be dangerous, one way or the other. Marius in to the 'Final Countdown' like he can't wait to kill the guy. Bae a little taller.
Marius lefty. Tears out of his corner with a flying knee. Bae nails him midair with a left and fights him off and throws a HK. Marius throws one back and it's over. 19 seconds.
Bellator champion Alvarez vs. DEEP champion Kikuno in what stacks up as probable fight of the night. Alvarez is Rocky Balboa from Philly with more skills, and Kikuno is a Karate stylist in the Machida mold. Alvarez has taken the much bigger scalps and has to be heavily favored going in but Kikuno is a very live underdog and the styles may favor him. Great video. Both guys are human highlight reels. This sort of shapes a lot like Machida-Shogun with a lot less chance Alvarez can or even will try to curb his aggressiveness. Size looks identical.
Eddie feints, shoots. Nada. Kikuno catches his head in a neck crank. Drives forward, tries to get a knee up to the head. Eddie grabbing the cage in desperation, warned. Kikuno lands a knee. Eddie pops free. Clinches, nada. Eddie lands a right, catches a kick, shoots, nada. Lands punches, LK, shoots, nada. Punchout. Clinch. Eddie 2-1. Walks into a right. Clinch. Eddie right lead, shoots. Again nada. He should stop shooting. Right lead. Eats a body a kick, Kikuno slips, right up. Lands a liver shot at the bell. Kikuno is ahead.
Kikuno landing body kicks. Eddie flash KD. Clinch. Eddie jab, eats body kick, evades spin kick and HK and finally gets a TD. Eddie grabs Guillotine and pulls Guard, but the choke is too high. Kikuno out and up. Eddie landing to the body. Slips on a TD try. Eddie burning a lot of energy. Shoots a TD into HG and now Kikuno has a too high Guillotine. Eddie passes and grabs the Arm Triangle and shifts to the side and Kikuno taps.
Great fight and once again Eddie is in one of the best fights of the year and gets his 4th straight sub win. Kikuno proves he belongs.
Alistair coming off the K-1 win over Aerts a few weeks ago and the squash MMA win at the Golden Glory card last week, and with the K-1 finals coming up and also booked for NYE, is obviously trying to fight his way back into shape after the layoff and I guess JT was the only available last minute opponent as this fight was just finalized a couple days ago, but fuck, this is a horrible mismatch and an upset if Thompson lasts 60 seconds. JT sporting C cups at least and dances to Overeem's music, which is never a good sign. Alistair just looks carved out of stone.
Will JT charge at the bell? Of course. Alistair evades, smacks JT with a right. Alistair jump knee, tops the top of the cage for vertical height. JT shoots behind a sort of a hook. Walks right into a Standing Guillotine. 33 seconds. Second fight in a row Alistair's won with that.
Okay so, anyway, the Hexagon is an unarguable success and the card was entertaining, and I think end of the day I like the 3X5 better than the long round and the short round.
UFC 104 live coverage
Welcome to our live coverage of UFC 104 from the Staples Center in Los Angeles. We're looking for your thoughts on tonight's show, so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to dave@wrestlingobserver.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Stefan Struve b Chase Gormley with an armbar from the bottom
Kyle Kingsbury vs. Razak Al-Hassan
Al-Hassan trying a takedown off a kick, they struggled over a throw but Hassan got it. Kingbury went for a sweep, Al-Hassan tried a guillotine but Kingsbury is on top in a mount. Kingsbury was on top doing a little and Al-Hassan has gotten him into a guard. Al-Hassan has gotten a full guard. Kingsbury starting to open up but landing nothing solid. Kingsbury throwing a few punches. Stand-up at :49 left. Kingsburty with jabs. Al-Hassan scored a solid counter. Al-Hassan connected with a combination and some kicks low and body. Al-Hassan probably won the round in the closing seconds 10-9.
Al-Hassan showed a stand-up edge late. Kingsbury brused under the right eye. Kingsbury got a takedown into a half guard. Al-Hassan reversed and on top in a full guard. My feeling is both these guys need a win to stay in UFC, particularly after a dull first round. Kingsbury back up. He has Al-Hassan bulled into the cage. Kingsbury tried a takedown but it was blocked. Al-Hassan now has Kinsburgy pinned against the cage and threw a knee. Al-Hassan tried a headlock takedown but blocked. They separated. But back in a clinch against the cage. Neither man is doing anything on offense. Al-Hassan trying knees but to no effect. Both men tried bodylock takedowns but neither was effective. Ref called for separation. Al-Hassan hit two good punches and two body kicks after a ref ordered separation. Same as round one, with Al-Hassan winning in the closing seconds after nothing had happened up to that point. 20-18 Al-Hassan
Good low kick by Kingsbury to open the round. Al-Hassan with a backfist like punch and trying sidekicks. Al-Hassan with a good counter and Kingsubry moved forward. Very little happening. Al-Hassan connected with a low kick. Another good counter shot by Al-Hassan. Both in a clinch with 2:00 left. Kingsbury trying for a single and got Al-Hassan down momentarily but he got right back up. Kingsbury with a whizzer takedown but again Al-Hassan right back up. 25 seconds left. Sidekick by Al-Hasssan. Kingsbury going in and got punched moving in. Some light boos. You won't be seeing this one later. I've got 30-27 Al-Hassan
Kingsbury has a fan club here, a small group that made all the noise. The place is less than half-full at this point. Atmosphere isn't hot at all so far.
Susan Thomas 29-28 Al-Hassan Doc Hamilton 29-28 Kingsbury Cecil Peoples 29-28 for Kingsbury. Kingsbury was very lucky here but all three rounds were close. I'm just not that much into one guy is on top doing nothing for 4 minutes, even if it's a mount, locks him the round, unless the other guy also does nothing for 5 minutes.
Susan Thomas gave Al-Hassan rounds two and three. Doc Hamilton gave Al-Hassan only round two. Cecil Peoples gave Al-Hassan the third round only.
Jorge Rivera vs. Rob Kimmons
Kimmons bulled him into the corner. Rivera with a few punches and Kimmons right back Rivera throwing more in the in-fighting. Kimmons threw a knee. Rivera with a knee and some punches. Rivera hurt Kimmons, followed with an uppercut. Both swinging, Rivera getting the better of it. Kimmons got a takedown with 48 secoonds left. Kimmons scoring with elbows. Close round. Rivera won the stand-up, but Kimmons controlled final 48 seconds. I'll go 10-9 Rivera
Kimmons going low for a single, gets nowhere and eats a knee. Rivera on top connecting with punches. Kimmons got half guard to slow him up. Hard punch by Rivera. More body and head punches by Rivera. Rivera first backed off to let him up, but then went back down. He backed off again. Rivera in with punches. Kimmons starting to throw back. Not sure about giving up the position now. Rivera's round 20-18.
Both out throwing and Rivera knocked him down and is pouding away on the ground. Kimmons is bleeding badly. Looks like a cut near the left eye from an elbow. Rivera with more hard shots from the top. Kimmons slowed him down. They are going to check the cut. The doctor allowed them to continue. Rivera throwing punch after punch and it's over.
Yushin Okami vs. Chael Sonnen
Sonnen got the first takedown and throwing punches. Sonnen has Okami's back. High takedown and slam by Sonnen. Sonnen behind Okami throwing knees to the hamstring as Okami is back up. Okami escaped. Body kick by Sonnen. Now standing and trading. Sonnnen throwing kicks. Sonnen connecting more and mixing up his shots. Another takedown by Sonnen. I can't recall seeing Okami on his back in UFC and how he's there twice this round. He's back up. Good left by Sonnen but Okami back with a right and Sonnen connected. Crowd isn't that into this but a lot better than expected. Sonnen's round 10-9
Okami with a left that conneced. Sonnen moving forward. He got another takedown. He tried to use the trunks for a takedown but got the Okami down without it. Sonnen behind Okami again. Okami tried to turn and reverse but Sonnen got back up. Nice side kick by Sonnen. Good fast paced striking thanks to Sonnen. Sonnen with a left, Okami back. Both connecting with good shots. Okami backing off. Good left by Sonnen and Okami right back. Another good left by Sonnen. Sonnen even tried a spin kick at the end. Sonnen 20-18
Sonnen tried a takedown but Okami sprawled and stayed standing. Both throwing. Good left by Sonnnen. Good one-two by Okami. Crowd not reacting but this is a good fight. Okami coming back. Both trading and connecting. Okami connecting more now. Sonnen's face is more marked up than Okami but Sonnen's punch output is higher. High crotch takedown by Sonnen with 2:21 left. He's got Okami's back on the ground. Sonnnen throwing punches to the side of the head while maintaining back position. Now he's kneeing the hamstring. Another knee to the hamstring. One after another to the hamstring. Okami trying a Kimura with 45 seconds left. Sonnen throwing body punches and broke the hold. Sonnen with aggressive ground and pound as time runs out. Okami came in a contender for the title and he should have lost all three rounds. 30-27 Sonnen
All three judges have it 30-27 for Sonnen
Sonnen came out of this fight with upward trajectory, unlike TNA.
Pat Barry vs. Antoni Hardonk
Hardonk refued to shake hands. Barry with a right. Hardonk with a high kick. Actually it's a middle kick but Barry is so short for a heavyweight. Barry with sick low kick. Barry with a good right. Another low kick by Barry. Hardonk with a knee. Low kick by Hardonk. Barry got poked in the eye. Ref Josh Rosenthal was slow catching it. Low kick by Hardonk. Another one by Hardonk. Knee to the gut by Hardonk. Barry with body kick. I think he got poked again. There's a mark under Barry's right eye. Barry with a shot coming in but Hardonk down. Hardonk tried a takedown after going down but Barry is on top. Hardonk has a bloody nose. Hardonk back up. Barry throwing. Barry with a good shot. High kick by Hardonk. Low kick by hardonk. Good left by Hardonk. Barry's right eye looks like hell, like he's been gouged. High kick by Hardonk. Good right by Barry. Good round. Barry 10-9 but at press row more have Hardonk winning the round.
Another high kick by Hardonk. Barry with the two best shots really hurt Hardonk. He nailed him again with a right. Then Hardonk moved in and Barry with a clean knockdown. Hardonk up. He tried a takedown but Barry blocked him. Hardonk throwing. Barry with a hard right. Another good shot by Barry. Left clipped and stunned Hardonk. Another left stunned him and a right staggered him. Left moved him back and a right put him down. Hardonk basically quit on the ground after 2 punches and it's over.
For the record, two of the three judges gave round one to Barry
This was the first fight that really got a good reaction. Place is still nowhere near full even with the Spike matches on.
Ryan Bader vs. Eric "Red" Schafer
Eric is now Ravishing Red Schafer. Bader is the first guy on the show so far to get a star reaction. Not a superstar reaction, but at least a star reaction. Right by Bader. Bader missd a haymaker. Left by Bader caught Shafer's chin. Bader missd another wild punch. Hard right by Bader . Second hard right put Schafer down and now Bader is all over him trying to finish. Bader throwing punches. He did a high waist lock takedown and more punches. Bader almost got caught throwing wildly. Now has Schafer until control and pounding him. Schafer tried a wrist lock. Schafer tried uma plata and Bader out with a punch. Fans booing heavy as Schafer stayed on his back. 10-8 Bader
Bader was poked in the eye. Schafer connected. Bader may have burned himself out in the first. Slow round after an exciting first round. Very little happening. Schafer rocked Bader with a punch late in the round. Bader with two good rights later. Bader tried a takedown and couldn't get it. Schafer threw a punch as a counter. Bader went for a takedown at the end of the round. This round was a pick-em, very slightly to me to Schafer so I've got 19-18 Bader. Who knows if the judges would go 10-8 in the first.
Bader with a great over hand right that put Schafer down. But he's in Schafer's guard and Schafer is a good submission guy. Schafer bleeding badly from the cut off the big punch. Schafer is cut in the eye and the side of the nose. Schafer looked at the clock. Cut may have been from a head-butt. Bader with at takedown with 1:20 left. Baderf riding it out on top, threw a few punches from the top and time ran out. The knockdown and takedown should clearly make this Bader's round, so I've got 29-27.
30-27, 29-26 and 30-27 for Bader
Tony Weeks gave Bader 10-8s in one and three but gave Schafer the second round. Cecil Peoples and Marcos Rosales went straight 10-9s
Anthony Johnson, six pounds overweight, against Yoshiyuki Yoshida.
Johnson is just killing him with punches and connected with a straight right and it's over in seconds. Too big, too much power, too much reach. Never should have taken the fight once the guy didn't make weight. Several strong rights in the fight and a right to the side of the head ended it.
Johnson apologized for not making weight and blamed it on getting heavy while he was out with a knee injury. He apologized a second time.
Spencer Fisher vs. Joe Stevenson
Stevenson with a left and Fisher back. Fisher cut near the right eye. Slow first 90 seconds. Stevenson tried a taekdown and Fisher blocked it. High crotch lift by Stevenson but Fisher stayed on his feet. Stevenson has in him in the dreaded pinned against the cage position and crowd is booing. Loud booing now. Herb Dean ordered a break. Fisher's eye looks bad. Fisher getting the better of things until Stevenson got a takedown. Stevenson thinking a choke with 18 seconds left. Stevenson punching him in the side of the head until the round ended. 10-9 Stevenson.
Stevenson got a takedown. Crowd popped big for it. Stevenson thought about going for a heel hook and then changed his mind. He's throwing short elbows from the top. Stevenson went to town on him on the ground with what looked like one forearm after another until Fisher tapped out. Real good performance here by Stevenson.
Crowd liked Stevenson . Said his little sister and big sister used to do that finisher to him and put make up on him when he was little.
Josh Neer vs. Gleison Tibau
Tibau out and times have changed so much that nobody but Michael Schiavello is saying it's the Road Warriors music.
Big Slam by Tibau Neer said how Tibau would waste all his energy failing to take him down. Another big waste of energy failing to take the guy down slam put Neer down. He wasted his energy a third time slamming Neer down, but Neer got up right away. Neer told Tibau to come on. So Tibau picked him up and slammed him again. Tibau went for a guillotine but let it go quickly when he saw he didn't have it. Trading punches as time ran out. Neer seemed the better striker but didn't hurt him. 10-9 Tibau
Another slam by Tibau. Another slam by Tibau. Third slam this round. Tibau got his back. He did this cool armbar attempt but didn't get it and now Neer is on top, but Tibau escaped and is back on his feet. Tibau may be tired. He's dancing backwards. Got anther takedown but Neer back up right away. Neer didn't hurt him standing but had the edge in the last minute. 20-18 Tibau
Pop for Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher
Tibau took Neer down once again. Neer's idea that Tibau couldn't take him down couldn't be more wrong. Crowd booing as Tibau seems content to ride out the time. Neer coming forward but not getting any big shots in. Tibau with another takedown. Tibau got another takedown. And another takedown. Crowd has gone from cheering takedowns to booing them. I think the redundancy of takedown and no damage for three straight rounds bured out the crowd. 30-27 Tibau
Jeremy Piven got a big pop. Evidently these people didn't watch that episode of Raw.
30-27, 30-27 and 29-28 for Tibau
No post-match interview here. Not like we're pressed for time with 90 minutes left and two fights.
Cain Velasquez vs. Ben Rothwell
They are booing the hell out of Rothwell. Velasquez got a very good reaction in his intro, not superstar level but best of anyone so far.
Velasquez got the takedown right away. Rothwell about to get up and Velasquez took him backd down. Velasquez threw him. Rothwell back up. Velasquez trading with him. Loud "Mexico" chants. Another takedown by Velasquez. Some ground and pound. Rothwell back up. Another takedown by Velasquez and getting strong shots in from the top. He's throwing elbows to the face. Pouding Rothwell from the top. Veleaseuz pounding on him with punches. Huge takedown and more punches. Velasquez contiues to pound on him. Rothwell back up. 10-8 round for sure. Crowd going nuts. This round is the first time I've seen him really come off like a star.
Another takedown by Velasquez and just beating him up. Rothwell is looking for a rope break and it's not happening. Left after left to the face, six in all, and it was stopped by ref Steve Mazzagatti. Rothwell is pissed. Honestly, I thought bad stoppage, not that Rothwell wasn't getting his ass kicked from start to finish. They are booing Rothwell complaining. This was the performance that got Velasquez over.
Lyoto Machida vs. Mauricio Shogun Rua for the light heavyweight title
Fans are booing Shogun. Machida got a very big reaction, equal to Velasquez.
Loud Machida chants. Shogun almost kicked him. Shogun with a low kick that landed. Shoguan bulled himinto the cage. Shogun throwing knees to the thigh. Knee by Machida, Shogun got a momentary takedown but Machida back up. There is a Shogun footprint on the left side of Machida's body from a kick. In a clinch again and now separated. Shogun with another body kick. Another body kick by Shogun. Shogun chants. Shogun walking him down. Machida got a counter shot in. Shogun keeps connecting on the same spot with kicks. I'd give the round to Rua 10-9, breaking the streak of 20 straight U.S. rounds won by Machida
shogun connecting with low kicks. Another low kick by Rua. Machida finally fired back but Rusa backed off. Body kick by Machida. Another body kick by Rua. Knee by Machida. Rua going for a takedown. Machida blocked it. Machida seems to be tired while Shogun isn't winded at all. Who'd have thought. Another couple of body kicks by Rua. Good body kick by Machida. Anoher body kick by Rua. And another. Machida is losing the points game and has less than a minute to do something. Rua bulled him in to the corner and throwing knees both thighs. 20-18 Rua
Another body kick by Rua. Machida back with his best offense with two kicks and a punch. Low kick by Rua. Rua trying to target the ribs for kicks and Machida moving. Some booing here. Machida in with a punch. Rua bulled him into the corner. Rua with another kick. I think Machida's left leg is in trouble. Shogun chants. Shogun ran in with punches. Good body kick by Machida and ran back but Shogun got a low kick in. Machida moved forward with punches and we've got a brawl, best offense by Machida so far. Close round, very slightly for Machida. 29-28 Shogun at this point.
Trading low kicks. Loud Machida chant. Good low kick by Rua. Machida swithed lead leg whcih shows the left leg is hurt the low kicks. Machida with head kick. Rua going for a takedown. Machida blocked. Machida came in with punches and Rua with a knee. Machida got a punch in but Rua countered with a low kick. Rua is detroying his lges with those low kiks. Machida switched legs again. Fans booing the end of the round. Tactical. I think Rua took the round so it's 39-37. Unless Machida finishes him, odds are a title change. Scores at press row are either 3-1 or 2-2 (38-38) so this could decide it.
Another low kick by Rua. Great low kick. He's destroyed Machida' right leg. That's the story of the fight. Another body kick. Body kick by Machida and low kick by Rua. Shogun ran in but Machida backed out. Two knees by Machida. Shogun tied himn up. 2:30 left. Herb Dean separated them. Another body kick by Rua. Clinch and two punchdes by Rua. Machida bleeding from the mouth at this point. Rua came in with a punch. Crowd hot. 49-46 Rua.
48-47 across the board Machida. Fans booing. Not one person at press row had it for Machida.
Crowd booed the hell out of the decision. Crowd cheering Rua like crazy. Rua said he thought he won every round. Rua practiced 1,000 kicks per day. the one thing is, he got himself a rematch and made himnself a star.
Cris Cyborg just walked past here in a mini-skirt. I swear she looked far too much like Chyna of a decade ago for comfort.
Stefan Struve b Chase Gormley with an armbar from the bottom
Kyle Kingsbury vs. Razak Al-Hassan
Al-Hassan trying a takedown off a kick, they struggled over a throw but Hassan got it. Kingbury went for a sweep, Al-Hassan tried a guillotine but Kingsbury is on top in a mount. Kingsbury was on top doing a little and Al-Hassan has gotten him into a guard. Al-Hassan has gotten a full guard. Kingsbury starting to open up but landing nothing solid. Kingsbury throwing a few punches. Stand-up at :49 left. Kingsburty with jabs. Al-Hassan scored a solid counter. Al-Hassan connected with a combination and some kicks low and body. Al-Hassan probably won the round in the closing seconds 10-9.
Al-Hassan showed a stand-up edge late. Kingsbury brused under the right eye. Kingsbury got a takedown into a half guard. Al-Hassan reversed and on top in a full guard. My feeling is both these guys need a win to stay in UFC, particularly after a dull first round. Kingsbury back up. He has Al-Hassan bulled into the cage. Kingsbury tried a takedown but it was blocked. Al-Hassan now has Kinsburgy pinned against the cage and threw a knee. Al-Hassan tried a headlock takedown but blocked. They separated. But back in a clinch against the cage. Neither man is doing anything on offense. Al-Hassan trying knees but to no effect. Both men tried bodylock takedowns but neither was effective. Ref called for separation. Al-Hassan hit two good punches and two body kicks after a ref ordered separation. Same as round one, with Al-Hassan winning in the closing seconds after nothing had happened up to that point. 20-18 Al-Hassan
Good low kick by Kingsbury to open the round. Al-Hassan with a backfist like punch and trying sidekicks. Al-Hassan with a good counter and Kingsubry moved forward. Very little happening. Al-Hassan connected with a low kick. Another good counter shot by Al-Hassan. Both in a clinch with 2:00 left. Kingsbury trying for a single and got Al-Hassan down momentarily but he got right back up. Kingsbury with a whizzer takedown but again Al-Hassan right back up. 25 seconds left. Sidekick by Al-Hasssan. Kingsbury going in and got punched moving in. Some light boos. You won't be seeing this one later. I've got 30-27 Al-Hassan
Kingsbury has a fan club here, a small group that made all the noise. The place is less than half-full at this point. Atmosphere isn't hot at all so far.
Susan Thomas 29-28 Al-Hassan Doc Hamilton 29-28 Kingsbury Cecil Peoples 29-28 for Kingsbury. Kingsbury was very lucky here but all three rounds were close. I'm just not that much into one guy is on top doing nothing for 4 minutes, even if it's a mount, locks him the round, unless the other guy also does nothing for 5 minutes.
Susan Thomas gave Al-Hassan rounds two and three. Doc Hamilton gave Al-Hassan only round two. Cecil Peoples gave Al-Hassan the third round only.
Jorge Rivera vs. Rob Kimmons
Kimmons bulled him into the corner. Rivera with a few punches and Kimmons right back Rivera throwing more in the in-fighting. Kimmons threw a knee. Rivera with a knee and some punches. Rivera hurt Kimmons, followed with an uppercut. Both swinging, Rivera getting the better of it. Kimmons got a takedown with 48 secoonds left. Kimmons scoring with elbows. Close round. Rivera won the stand-up, but Kimmons controlled final 48 seconds. I'll go 10-9 Rivera
Kimmons going low for a single, gets nowhere and eats a knee. Rivera on top connecting with punches. Kimmons got half guard to slow him up. Hard punch by Rivera. More body and head punches by Rivera. Rivera first backed off to let him up, but then went back down. He backed off again. Rivera in with punches. Kimmons starting to throw back. Not sure about giving up the position now. Rivera's round 20-18.
Both out throwing and Rivera knocked him down and is pouding away on the ground. Kimmons is bleeding badly. Looks like a cut near the left eye from an elbow. Rivera with more hard shots from the top. Kimmons slowed him down. They are going to check the cut. The doctor allowed them to continue. Rivera throwing punch after punch and it's over.
Yushin Okami vs. Chael Sonnen
Sonnen got the first takedown and throwing punches. Sonnen has Okami's back. High takedown and slam by Sonnen. Sonnen behind Okami throwing knees to the hamstring as Okami is back up. Okami escaped. Body kick by Sonnen. Now standing and trading. Sonnnen throwing kicks. Sonnen connecting more and mixing up his shots. Another takedown by Sonnen. I can't recall seeing Okami on his back in UFC and how he's there twice this round. He's back up. Good left by Sonnen but Okami back with a right and Sonnen connected. Crowd isn't that into this but a lot better than expected. Sonnen's round 10-9
Okami with a left that conneced. Sonnen moving forward. He got another takedown. He tried to use the trunks for a takedown but got the Okami down without it. Sonnen behind Okami again. Okami tried to turn and reverse but Sonnen got back up. Nice side kick by Sonnen. Good fast paced striking thanks to Sonnen. Sonnen with a left, Okami back. Both connecting with good shots. Okami backing off. Good left by Sonnen and Okami right back. Another good left by Sonnen. Sonnen even tried a spin kick at the end. Sonnen 20-18
Sonnen tried a takedown but Okami sprawled and stayed standing. Both throwing. Good left by Sonnnen. Good one-two by Okami. Crowd not reacting but this is a good fight. Okami coming back. Both trading and connecting. Okami connecting more now. Sonnen's face is more marked up than Okami but Sonnen's punch output is higher. High crotch takedown by Sonnen with 2:21 left. He's got Okami's back on the ground. Sonnnen throwing punches to the side of the head while maintaining back position. Now he's kneeing the hamstring. Another knee to the hamstring. One after another to the hamstring. Okami trying a Kimura with 45 seconds left. Sonnen throwing body punches and broke the hold. Sonnen with aggressive ground and pound as time runs out. Okami came in a contender for the title and he should have lost all three rounds. 30-27 Sonnen
All three judges have it 30-27 for Sonnen
Sonnen came out of this fight with upward trajectory, unlike TNA.
Pat Barry vs. Antoni Hardonk
Hardonk refued to shake hands. Barry with a right. Hardonk with a high kick. Actually it's a middle kick but Barry is so short for a heavyweight. Barry with sick low kick. Barry with a good right. Another low kick by Barry. Hardonk with a knee. Low kick by Hardonk. Barry got poked in the eye. Ref Josh Rosenthal was slow catching it. Low kick by Hardonk. Another one by Hardonk. Knee to the gut by Hardonk. Barry with body kick. I think he got poked again. There's a mark under Barry's right eye. Barry with a shot coming in but Hardonk down. Hardonk tried a takedown after going down but Barry is on top. Hardonk has a bloody nose. Hardonk back up. Barry throwing. Barry with a good shot. High kick by Hardonk. Low kick by hardonk. Good left by Hardonk. Barry's right eye looks like hell, like he's been gouged. High kick by Hardonk. Good right by Barry. Good round. Barry 10-9 but at press row more have Hardonk winning the round.
Another high kick by Hardonk. Barry with the two best shots really hurt Hardonk. He nailed him again with a right. Then Hardonk moved in and Barry with a clean knockdown. Hardonk up. He tried a takedown but Barry blocked him. Hardonk throwing. Barry with a hard right. Another good shot by Barry. Left clipped and stunned Hardonk. Another left stunned him and a right staggered him. Left moved him back and a right put him down. Hardonk basically quit on the ground after 2 punches and it's over.
For the record, two of the three judges gave round one to Barry
This was the first fight that really got a good reaction. Place is still nowhere near full even with the Spike matches on.
Ryan Bader vs. Eric "Red" Schafer
Eric is now Ravishing Red Schafer. Bader is the first guy on the show so far to get a star reaction. Not a superstar reaction, but at least a star reaction. Right by Bader. Bader missd a haymaker. Left by Bader caught Shafer's chin. Bader missd another wild punch. Hard right by Bader . Second hard right put Schafer down and now Bader is all over him trying to finish. Bader throwing punches. He did a high waist lock takedown and more punches. Bader almost got caught throwing wildly. Now has Schafer until control and pounding him. Schafer tried a wrist lock. Schafer tried uma plata and Bader out with a punch. Fans booing heavy as Schafer stayed on his back. 10-8 Bader
Bader was poked in the eye. Schafer connected. Bader may have burned himself out in the first. Slow round after an exciting first round. Very little happening. Schafer rocked Bader with a punch late in the round. Bader with two good rights later. Bader tried a takedown and couldn't get it. Schafer threw a punch as a counter. Bader went for a takedown at the end of the round. This round was a pick-em, very slightly to me to Schafer so I've got 19-18 Bader. Who knows if the judges would go 10-8 in the first.
Bader with a great over hand right that put Schafer down. But he's in Schafer's guard and Schafer is a good submission guy. Schafer bleeding badly from the cut off the big punch. Schafer is cut in the eye and the side of the nose. Schafer looked at the clock. Cut may have been from a head-butt. Bader with at takedown with 1:20 left. Baderf riding it out on top, threw a few punches from the top and time ran out. The knockdown and takedown should clearly make this Bader's round, so I've got 29-27.
30-27, 29-26 and 30-27 for Bader
Tony Weeks gave Bader 10-8s in one and three but gave Schafer the second round. Cecil Peoples and Marcos Rosales went straight 10-9s
Anthony Johnson, six pounds overweight, against Yoshiyuki Yoshida.
Johnson is just killing him with punches and connected with a straight right and it's over in seconds. Too big, too much power, too much reach. Never should have taken the fight once the guy didn't make weight. Several strong rights in the fight and a right to the side of the head ended it.
Johnson apologized for not making weight and blamed it on getting heavy while he was out with a knee injury. He apologized a second time.
Spencer Fisher vs. Joe Stevenson
Stevenson with a left and Fisher back. Fisher cut near the right eye. Slow first 90 seconds. Stevenson tried a taekdown and Fisher blocked it. High crotch lift by Stevenson but Fisher stayed on his feet. Stevenson has in him in the dreaded pinned against the cage position and crowd is booing. Loud booing now. Herb Dean ordered a break. Fisher's eye looks bad. Fisher getting the better of things until Stevenson got a takedown. Stevenson thinking a choke with 18 seconds left. Stevenson punching him in the side of the head until the round ended. 10-9 Stevenson.
Stevenson got a takedown. Crowd popped big for it. Stevenson thought about going for a heel hook and then changed his mind. He's throwing short elbows from the top. Stevenson went to town on him on the ground with what looked like one forearm after another until Fisher tapped out. Real good performance here by Stevenson.
Crowd liked Stevenson . Said his little sister and big sister used to do that finisher to him and put make up on him when he was little.
Josh Neer vs. Gleison Tibau
Tibau out and times have changed so much that nobody but Michael Schiavello is saying it's the Road Warriors music.
Big Slam by Tibau Neer said how Tibau would waste all his energy failing to take him down. Another big waste of energy failing to take the guy down slam put Neer down. He wasted his energy a third time slamming Neer down, but Neer got up right away. Neer told Tibau to come on. So Tibau picked him up and slammed him again. Tibau went for a guillotine but let it go quickly when he saw he didn't have it. Trading punches as time ran out. Neer seemed the better striker but didn't hurt him. 10-9 Tibau
Another slam by Tibau. Another slam by Tibau. Third slam this round. Tibau got his back. He did this cool armbar attempt but didn't get it and now Neer is on top, but Tibau escaped and is back on his feet. Tibau may be tired. He's dancing backwards. Got anther takedown but Neer back up right away. Neer didn't hurt him standing but had the edge in the last minute. 20-18 Tibau
Pop for Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher
Tibau took Neer down once again. Neer's idea that Tibau couldn't take him down couldn't be more wrong. Crowd booing as Tibau seems content to ride out the time. Neer coming forward but not getting any big shots in. Tibau with another takedown. Tibau got another takedown. And another takedown. Crowd has gone from cheering takedowns to booing them. I think the redundancy of takedown and no damage for three straight rounds bured out the crowd. 30-27 Tibau
Jeremy Piven got a big pop. Evidently these people didn't watch that episode of Raw.
30-27, 30-27 and 29-28 for Tibau
No post-match interview here. Not like we're pressed for time with 90 minutes left and two fights.
Cain Velasquez vs. Ben Rothwell
They are booing the hell out of Rothwell. Velasquez got a very good reaction in his intro, not superstar level but best of anyone so far.
Velasquez got the takedown right away. Rothwell about to get up and Velasquez took him backd down. Velasquez threw him. Rothwell back up. Velasquez trading with him. Loud "Mexico" chants. Another takedown by Velasquez. Some ground and pound. Rothwell back up. Another takedown by Velasquez and getting strong shots in from the top. He's throwing elbows to the face. Pouding Rothwell from the top. Veleaseuz pounding on him with punches. Huge takedown and more punches. Velasquez contiues to pound on him. Rothwell back up. 10-8 round for sure. Crowd going nuts. This round is the first time I've seen him really come off like a star.
Another takedown by Velasquez and just beating him up. Rothwell is looking for a rope break and it's not happening. Left after left to the face, six in all, and it was stopped by ref Steve Mazzagatti. Rothwell is pissed. Honestly, I thought bad stoppage, not that Rothwell wasn't getting his ass kicked from start to finish. They are booing Rothwell complaining. This was the performance that got Velasquez over.
Lyoto Machida vs. Mauricio Shogun Rua for the light heavyweight title
Fans are booing Shogun. Machida got a very big reaction, equal to Velasquez.
Loud Machida chants. Shogun almost kicked him. Shogun with a low kick that landed. Shoguan bulled himinto the cage. Shogun throwing knees to the thigh. Knee by Machida, Shogun got a momentary takedown but Machida back up. There is a Shogun footprint on the left side of Machida's body from a kick. In a clinch again and now separated. Shogun with another body kick. Another body kick by Shogun. Shogun chants. Shogun walking him down. Machida got a counter shot in. Shogun keeps connecting on the same spot with kicks. I'd give the round to Rua 10-9, breaking the streak of 20 straight U.S. rounds won by Machida
shogun connecting with low kicks. Another low kick by Rua. Machida finally fired back but Rusa backed off. Body kick by Machida. Another body kick by Rua. Knee by Machida. Rua going for a takedown. Machida blocked it. Machida seems to be tired while Shogun isn't winded at all. Who'd have thought. Another couple of body kicks by Rua. Good body kick by Machida. Anoher body kick by Rua. And another. Machida is losing the points game and has less than a minute to do something. Rua bulled him in to the corner and throwing knees both thighs. 20-18 Rua
Another body kick by Rua. Machida back with his best offense with two kicks and a punch. Low kick by Rua. Rua trying to target the ribs for kicks and Machida moving. Some booing here. Machida in with a punch. Rua bulled him into the corner. Rua with another kick. I think Machida's left leg is in trouble. Shogun chants. Shogun ran in with punches. Good body kick by Machida and ran back but Shogun got a low kick in. Machida moved forward with punches and we've got a brawl, best offense by Machida so far. Close round, very slightly for Machida. 29-28 Shogun at this point.
Trading low kicks. Loud Machida chant. Good low kick by Rua. Machida swithed lead leg whcih shows the left leg is hurt the low kicks. Machida with head kick. Rua going for a takedown. Machida blocked. Machida came in with punches and Rua with a knee. Machida got a punch in but Rua countered with a low kick. Rua is detroying his lges with those low kiks. Machida switched legs again. Fans booing the end of the round. Tactical. I think Rua took the round so it's 39-37. Unless Machida finishes him, odds are a title change. Scores at press row are either 3-1 or 2-2 (38-38) so this could decide it.
Another low kick by Rua. Great low kick. He's destroyed Machida' right leg. That's the story of the fight. Another body kick. Body kick by Machida and low kick by Rua. Shogun ran in but Machida backed out. Two knees by Machida. Shogun tied himn up. 2:30 left. Herb Dean separated them. Another body kick by Rua. Clinch and two punchdes by Rua. Machida bleeding from the mouth at this point. Rua came in with a punch. Crowd hot. 49-46 Rua.
48-47 across the board Machida. Fans booing. Not one person at press row had it for Machida.
Crowd booed the hell out of the decision. Crowd cheering Rua like crazy. Rua said he thought he won every round. Rua practiced 1,000 kicks per day. the one thing is, he got himself a rematch and made himnself a star.
Cris Cyborg just walked past here in a mini-skirt. I swear she looked far too much like Chyna of a decade ago for comfort.
Rise and fall of WCW 3
Il DVD, ad ogni modo, non è composto da totale disprezzo nei confronti dei perdenti, WCW, ma anzi si evince che per quanto riguarda la parte lottata la compagnia offriva buon wrestling, forse il miglior wrestling, ma per il resto lasciava alquanto a desiderare.
Jim Herd è stato presentato come una persona che doveva dirigere la compagnia ma che non conosceva nulla di wrestling.
Nonostante l'idea cattiva che si rivelò essere quella del "Ding Dongs", non fu un granchè parte della storia, giacchè venne usata solo per pochi match prima che venisse cancellata. Certo, non era un'idea meno stupida di Hornswoggle. Herd non era l'uomo giusto per quel periodo, assunto perchè Jack Petrik, amico di Herd, era il Turner executive che si occupava della divisione wrestling. Patrick sapeva che Herd era nel mondo del pro wrestling poichè all'epoca era il television director per il Sam Muchnick’s wrestling show in St. Louis. Ma anche se Herd aveva ampliato le sue conoscenze sul wrestling, ed era amico di Muchnick, non ha mai intuito cosa facesse funzionare a dovere il mondo del pro wrestling.
Herd fece il suo ingresso con la mentalità di qualcuno con un buon background televisivo ma che non capiva la particolare sinergia fra la televisione e invogliare i fans ad acquistare i biglietti.
La World Championship Wrestling sotto Herd è stata la primissa promotion a basare vita e morte sui ratings televisivi e nel frattempo era in grossa dificoltà a riempire le arene, cosa grave giacchè all'epoca il mezzo di sostentamento principale erano le vendite dei biglietti nei live show, mentre per gli show televisivi non si otteneva ancora alcun soldo.
Mentre da un lato essere sotto controllo della Turner Broadcasting, avere i wrestlers con paghe garantite e pagati se infortunati, dava alla WCW un certo vantaggio nei confronti della WWF, a controbilanciare questi vi erano altri fattori.
Nella WWF vi era un solo boss. In WCW non ci fu mai. Per di più, come si vedrà in tutto il corso della storia, quando la WCW concedeva ai wrestlers una mano, questi si prendevano tutto il braccio. Vi erano scontri interni infiniti. Molti wresttlers non si presentavano ad eventi e se questi ernao main eventers restavano sempre impuniti. Herd non prese mai le difese dei bookers, così i wrestlers spingevano molto per licenziare coloro che non li usavano secondo loro giustamente. I tentativi di costruire degli angle per dare del serio heat fra il babyface e l'heel, con il secondo a spuntarla inizialmente, vennero sempre rigettati. Nessuno era d'accordo nel far sembrare debole, anche solo per un angle i babyfaces.
L'head booker e il world champion erano spesso cambiati solo per la posizione che rivestivano nel momento in cui la compagnia stava andando male. Avendo capito che ai piani alti vi era una sorta di "porta girevole" dove era molto facile passare, in molti scatenavano battaglie interne per essere il prossimo head booker o il prossimo world champion.
E' stato interessante vedere nel dvd Jim Ross prendere le difese di Herd, perchè anche se fu l'uomo sbagliato al posto sbagliato e sotto di lui la WCW perse 6 milioni di dollari l'anno, Ross fa notare che se la WCW avesse ricevuto, come accade oggi, i soldi derivanti da tutte le ore che la WCW produceva televisivamente, la compagnia avrebbe avuto successo e avrebbe guadagnato molto.
In più bisogna ricordare che la metà dei gudagni ottenuti dai ppv andavano dritti nelle casse della Turner Home Entertainment, riducendo ancor di più la possibilità di aumentare i profitti della WCW.
Ross aggiunge che Herd all'epoca era intenzionato di ingaggiare Hogan, Roddy Piper e Randy Savage, coi quali fece dei meetings, ma gli ingaggi furono bloccati dai suoi boss non intenzionati a spendere quelle cifre.
Non è menzionato nel dvd, ma Herd ebbe l'intenzione di mandare in onda un live primetime television show, 6 anni prima di Nitro, asserendo che un live show avrebbe avuto un gran successo in termini di ratings.
L'obiettivo originale della WCW sotto Jack Petrik era di non competere con la WWF di Vince McMahon, ma di mantere i costi bassi e fare abbastanza soldi tramite gli house shows e i ppv per arrivare ad un bilancio in pareggio.
Jim Herd, avendo l'ottica dal punto di vista televisivo, notò che la WCW otteneva buoni riscontri dai fans adulti, anche meglio di quanto facesse la WWF, ma che arrancava a raggiungere il target dei bambini poichè nella federazione mancavano gimmick per loro. Per questo provò la creazione di varie gimmicks orientate ad un pubblico giovane e pensò, come molti fecero nel 1989, che era il momento di sostituire Ric Flair come top guy con Sting; per questo fu creato il termine "Little Stinger", come in WWF fu creato "Hulkamaniacs".
Se si confrontano i ratings dell'epoca anno per anno, nonostante la WWF avesse molto più successo nelle arene e nei ppv, i ratings erano molto simili, con la WCW spesse volte in vantaggio in vari anni. La formula del wretling televisivo dell'epoca era molto semplice: vari squas matches con main events occasionali.
Le due compagnie avevano due disitine categorie di "fan base", ma quando arrivava il momento di spendere i soldi la WWF riusciva a rendere le sue stars ed i suoi match più importanti. Era in grado di creare facilemtne nuove stars e di rinfrescare i main events, mentre la WCW si presentava spesso con gli stessi headliners.
Ole Anderson è stato etichettato come booker un fallimento, con Teddy Long che lo definisce il peggior booker della storia. Anche se come tutti Ole ha avanti i suoi alti e bassi come booker, dimostrando spesso di essere rimasto indietro coi tempi quando fu messo in quella carica nel 1990, non lo si può certo definire il peggiore di tutti.
Dusty Rhodes, che come booker fu allo stesso livello di Ole, è uscito praticamente illeso da qualsiasi critica, nonostante lui fosse il booker quando la Crockett promotions, anzi, viene trattato coem una sorta di genio creativo.
Jim Herd è stato presentato come una persona che doveva dirigere la compagnia ma che non conosceva nulla di wrestling.
Nonostante l'idea cattiva che si rivelò essere quella del "Ding Dongs", non fu un granchè parte della storia, giacchè venne usata solo per pochi match prima che venisse cancellata. Certo, non era un'idea meno stupida di Hornswoggle. Herd non era l'uomo giusto per quel periodo, assunto perchè Jack Petrik, amico di Herd, era il Turner executive che si occupava della divisione wrestling. Patrick sapeva che Herd era nel mondo del pro wrestling poichè all'epoca era il television director per il Sam Muchnick’s wrestling show in St. Louis. Ma anche se Herd aveva ampliato le sue conoscenze sul wrestling, ed era amico di Muchnick, non ha mai intuito cosa facesse funzionare a dovere il mondo del pro wrestling.
Herd fece il suo ingresso con la mentalità di qualcuno con un buon background televisivo ma che non capiva la particolare sinergia fra la televisione e invogliare i fans ad acquistare i biglietti.
La World Championship Wrestling sotto Herd è stata la primissa promotion a basare vita e morte sui ratings televisivi e nel frattempo era in grossa dificoltà a riempire le arene, cosa grave giacchè all'epoca il mezzo di sostentamento principale erano le vendite dei biglietti nei live show, mentre per gli show televisivi non si otteneva ancora alcun soldo.
Mentre da un lato essere sotto controllo della Turner Broadcasting, avere i wrestlers con paghe garantite e pagati se infortunati, dava alla WCW un certo vantaggio nei confronti della WWF, a controbilanciare questi vi erano altri fattori.
Nella WWF vi era un solo boss. In WCW non ci fu mai. Per di più, come si vedrà in tutto il corso della storia, quando la WCW concedeva ai wrestlers una mano, questi si prendevano tutto il braccio. Vi erano scontri interni infiniti. Molti wresttlers non si presentavano ad eventi e se questi ernao main eventers restavano sempre impuniti. Herd non prese mai le difese dei bookers, così i wrestlers spingevano molto per licenziare coloro che non li usavano secondo loro giustamente. I tentativi di costruire degli angle per dare del serio heat fra il babyface e l'heel, con il secondo a spuntarla inizialmente, vennero sempre rigettati. Nessuno era d'accordo nel far sembrare debole, anche solo per un angle i babyfaces.
L'head booker e il world champion erano spesso cambiati solo per la posizione che rivestivano nel momento in cui la compagnia stava andando male. Avendo capito che ai piani alti vi era una sorta di "porta girevole" dove era molto facile passare, in molti scatenavano battaglie interne per essere il prossimo head booker o il prossimo world champion.
E' stato interessante vedere nel dvd Jim Ross prendere le difese di Herd, perchè anche se fu l'uomo sbagliato al posto sbagliato e sotto di lui la WCW perse 6 milioni di dollari l'anno, Ross fa notare che se la WCW avesse ricevuto, come accade oggi, i soldi derivanti da tutte le ore che la WCW produceva televisivamente, la compagnia avrebbe avuto successo e avrebbe guadagnato molto.
In più bisogna ricordare che la metà dei gudagni ottenuti dai ppv andavano dritti nelle casse della Turner Home Entertainment, riducendo ancor di più la possibilità di aumentare i profitti della WCW.
Ross aggiunge che Herd all'epoca era intenzionato di ingaggiare Hogan, Roddy Piper e Randy Savage, coi quali fece dei meetings, ma gli ingaggi furono bloccati dai suoi boss non intenzionati a spendere quelle cifre.
Non è menzionato nel dvd, ma Herd ebbe l'intenzione di mandare in onda un live primetime television show, 6 anni prima di Nitro, asserendo che un live show avrebbe avuto un gran successo in termini di ratings.
L'obiettivo originale della WCW sotto Jack Petrik era di non competere con la WWF di Vince McMahon, ma di mantere i costi bassi e fare abbastanza soldi tramite gli house shows e i ppv per arrivare ad un bilancio in pareggio.
Jim Herd, avendo l'ottica dal punto di vista televisivo, notò che la WCW otteneva buoni riscontri dai fans adulti, anche meglio di quanto facesse la WWF, ma che arrancava a raggiungere il target dei bambini poichè nella federazione mancavano gimmick per loro. Per questo provò la creazione di varie gimmicks orientate ad un pubblico giovane e pensò, come molti fecero nel 1989, che era il momento di sostituire Ric Flair come top guy con Sting; per questo fu creato il termine "Little Stinger", come in WWF fu creato "Hulkamaniacs".
Se si confrontano i ratings dell'epoca anno per anno, nonostante la WWF avesse molto più successo nelle arene e nei ppv, i ratings erano molto simili, con la WCW spesse volte in vantaggio in vari anni. La formula del wretling televisivo dell'epoca era molto semplice: vari squas matches con main events occasionali.
Le due compagnie avevano due disitine categorie di "fan base", ma quando arrivava il momento di spendere i soldi la WWF riusciva a rendere le sue stars ed i suoi match più importanti. Era in grado di creare facilemtne nuove stars e di rinfrescare i main events, mentre la WCW si presentava spesso con gli stessi headliners.
Ole Anderson è stato etichettato come booker un fallimento, con Teddy Long che lo definisce il peggior booker della storia. Anche se come tutti Ole ha avanti i suoi alti e bassi come booker, dimostrando spesso di essere rimasto indietro coi tempi quando fu messo in quella carica nel 1990, non lo si può certo definire il peggiore di tutti.
Dusty Rhodes, che come booker fu allo stesso livello di Ole, è uscito praticamente illeso da qualsiasi critica, nonostante lui fosse il booker quando la Crockett promotions, anzi, viene trattato coem una sorta di genio creativo.
sabato 24 ottobre 2009
Infinity 148 link!
148 infinity
TNA house show report 10-23 Chicago
TNA house show report 10-23 Chicago
Weigh-ins for UFC 104
Weigh-ins for UFC 104
Prelim fights
Stefan Struve (243.5) vs. Chase Gormley (262)
Kyle Kingsbury (205.5) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (204.5)
Jorge Rivera (185) vs. Rob Kimmons (185)
Yushin Okami (185) vs. Chael Sonnen (185)
Live fights on Spike
Antoni Hardonk (249.5) vs. Pat Barry (237)
Ryan Bader (205) vs. Eric Red Schafer (205.5)
Live fights on PPV
Josh Neer (156.5) vs. Gleison Tibau (157)
Anthony Johnson (176) vs. Yoshiyuki Yoshida (170)
Joe Stevenson (155.5) vs. Spencer Fisher (155)
Cain Velasquez (238) vs. Ben Rothwell (265)
Lyoto Machida (202.5) vs. Mauricio Shogun Rua (204.5) for light heavyweight tilte
Notes: Yoshida, Neer and Tibau all made agreements to fight at the weights they weighed in at. Neer and Tibau both agreed to waive any issues over the opponent not making weight. When Yoshida's camp was told ahead of time that Johnson couldn't get below 176 (he was 208 the last time I saw him and rumors he was as heavy as 225 and not fat at that weight when he started dropping weight), they made an agreement that if he weighed 176, that Yoshida would get 20% of his purse.
Prelim fights
Stefan Struve (243.5) vs. Chase Gormley (262)
Kyle Kingsbury (205.5) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (204.5)
Jorge Rivera (185) vs. Rob Kimmons (185)
Yushin Okami (185) vs. Chael Sonnen (185)
Live fights on Spike
Antoni Hardonk (249.5) vs. Pat Barry (237)
Ryan Bader (205) vs. Eric Red Schafer (205.5)
Live fights on PPV
Josh Neer (156.5) vs. Gleison Tibau (157)
Anthony Johnson (176) vs. Yoshiyuki Yoshida (170)
Joe Stevenson (155.5) vs. Spencer Fisher (155)
Cain Velasquez (238) vs. Ben Rothwell (265)
Lyoto Machida (202.5) vs. Mauricio Shogun Rua (204.5) for light heavyweight tilte
Notes: Yoshida, Neer and Tibau all made agreements to fight at the weights they weighed in at. Neer and Tibau both agreed to waive any issues over the opponent not making weight. When Yoshida's camp was told ahead of time that Johnson couldn't get below 176 (he was 208 the last time I saw him and rumors he was as heavy as 225 and not fat at that weight when he started dropping weight), they made an agreement that if he weighed 176, that Yoshida would get 20% of his purse.
venerdì 23 ottobre 2009
giovedì 22 ottobre 2009
Infortunio ai tapings di Impact fa irritare Kevin Nash!
Dopo l'infortunio accorso a Chris Sabin in una fase del match che lo vedeva opposto a Brother Ray, Kevin Nash si è lasciato andare ad un lungo sfogo nel backstage, urlando a chiunque che per via dell'evidente infortunio di Sabin il match sarebbe dovuto continuare in maniera diversa.
Dopo, Nash ha effettuato un promo sul ring in cui ha fatto riferimenti all'incidente ripentendo il suo pensiero, il tutto in completo shoot. Nel promo avrebbe dovtuo solamente parlare della WE.
Probabilmente le frasi non previste saranno tagliate.
Vari rumors circolano asserendo che Nash se la sarebbe presa anche col Team 3D. E' falso.
Al momento non si sa se il managment TNA abbia parlato con Nash dopo questi fatti.
Dopo, Nash ha effettuato un promo sul ring in cui ha fatto riferimenti all'incidente ripentendo il suo pensiero, il tutto in completo shoot. Nel promo avrebbe dovtuo solamente parlare della WE.
Probabilmente le frasi non previste saranno tagliate.
Vari rumors circolano asserendo che Nash se la sarebbe presa anche col Team 3D. E' falso.
Al momento non si sa se il managment TNA abbia parlato con Nash dopo questi fatti.
Booker T Update
Lo stint di Booker T in TNA ha avuto fine a Bound For Glory con l'angle dell'infortunio. La TNA propose un nuoveo contratto mesi fa, ma il wrestler lo giudicò non adatto al suo status e da allora il suo comportamento si è fatto sempre meno professionale. Il contratto scadrà in Novembre.
Pare che prima di tentare la strada del ritorno in quel di Stamford, Booker T si prenderà un breve periodo di riposo.
Pare che prima di tentare la strada del ritorno in quel di Stamford, Booker T si prenderà un breve periodo di riposo.
mercoledì 21 ottobre 2009
Hulk Hogan sempre in cerca di attenzione
In vista dell'uscita del suo nuovo libro "My Life Outside The Ring", Hulk Hogan ha già iniziato la promozione con sparate degne della sua persona: ha tentato il suicidio dopo aver ingerito rum e Xanax, ma è stato salvato da una telefonata di Laila Ali co-conduttrice di American Gladiator, sua moglie Linda è un'alcolizzata incallita ed una volta lei ha minacciato il figlio Nick di colpirlo con una bottiglia.
Queste ed altre rivelazione saranno presenti nel libro...chissà se parlerà anche di tutte quelle righe di cocaina che si tirava su per il naso negli anni '70-'80....
Queste ed altre rivelazione saranno presenti nel libro...chissà se parlerà anche di tutte quelle righe di cocaina che si tirava su per il naso negli anni '70-'80....
Note su Bound For Glory
Al Bren Events Center in Irvine, CA per Bound For Glory vi erano solo 2.400 spettatori, molti dei quali entrati gratis. Molti nella compagnia erano contrari a disputare lo show in Los Angeles sapendo la loro difficoltà in quel mercato.
Una settimana prima dello show i biglietti venduti erano 850.
Una settimana prima dello show i biglietti venduti erano 850.
Nigel McGuinness-TNA Update~!
L'accordo fra Nigel McGuinness e la TNA è stato raggiunto 4-5 giorni fa. Si parla di un contratto di due anni.
Ecco perchè non è approdato in WWE:
Nigel McGuiness e Bryan Danielson hanno entrambi lasciato la ROH accettando in principio un contratto con la WWE. La federazione del Connecticut prima di mandare sotto i riflettori i nuovi talenti li sottopone ad un "pre-screen process", praticamente un controllo medico sullo stato fisico dell'atleta. Danielson è passato indette dal suddetto test, mentre Nigel no; qualcosa nei risultati del test ha indotto la WWE ha ritirare l'offerta.
Dopo il niet della WWE, Nigel ha contattato il managment TNA; Dixie Carter è una grossa fan di Nigel, infatti quando la TNA disputò l'ultima World X Cup, l'intenzione era di ingaggiare McGuinness, ma questi aveva da poco firmato con la ROH e quindi optarono per Doug Williams.
Per poter usufruire dei diritti sul ring name, Nigel McGuiness lotterà in TNA col nome "Desmund Wolf", creato dallo stesso wrestler.
Ecco perchè non è approdato in WWE:
Nigel McGuiness e Bryan Danielson hanno entrambi lasciato la ROH accettando in principio un contratto con la WWE. La federazione del Connecticut prima di mandare sotto i riflettori i nuovi talenti li sottopone ad un "pre-screen process", praticamente un controllo medico sullo stato fisico dell'atleta. Danielson è passato indette dal suddetto test, mentre Nigel no; qualcosa nei risultati del test ha indotto la WWE ha ritirare l'offerta.
Dopo il niet della WWE, Nigel ha contattato il managment TNA; Dixie Carter è una grossa fan di Nigel, infatti quando la TNA disputò l'ultima World X Cup, l'intenzione era di ingaggiare McGuinness, ma questi aveva da poco firmato con la ROH e quindi optarono per Doug Williams.
Per poter usufruire dei diritti sul ring name, Nigel McGuiness lotterà in TNA col nome "Desmund Wolf", creato dallo stesso wrestler.
martedì 20 ottobre 2009
NOAH "AUTUMN NAVIGATION 2009", 18.10.2009
NOAH "AUTUMN NAVIGATION 2009", 18.10.2009
Sendai Industrial Exhibition Aztec Mansion Museum
800 fans - No Vacancy
1. Yoshinari Ogawa & Kentaro Shiga beat Ricky Marvin & Akihiko Ito (14:1Cool according to the Sleeper by Shiga Shiga against Ito.
2. Jun Akiyama & Atsushi Aoki defeated Katsuhiko Nakajima & Takashi Okita (15:33) after a cross from Armbreaker Aoki against Okita.
3. Takeshi Morishima defeated Kensuke Sasaki & Akira Ropes & Genba Hirayanagi (10:16) after the Strangle Hold Gamma by Sasaki against Hirayanagi.
4. Takeshi Rikio, Mohammed Yone & Kotaro Suzuki defeated Akitoshi Saito, Takashi Sugiura & Shuhei Taniguchi (17:33) after Muso of Rikio against Taniguchi.
5. 1st Jr. Heavyweight League - Block A: Delirious defeated [2] KENTA [2] (18:54) with the Bizarro Driver.
6. Keith Walker & Jushin Thunder Liger beat Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi (16:15) Walker by Walker after a bomb against Kikuchi.
7. 1st Jr. Heavyweight League - Block B: Yoshinobu Kanemaru defeated [2] Taiji Ishimori [2] (15:56) Out with the Touch.
Delirious OVER KENTA...pretty surprising, nice to see them taking a chance.
-- 1st Jr. Heavyweight League Standings
Block A:
1. Katsuhiko Nakajima [3]
2. Delirious [2]
3. KENTA [2]
4. Kotaro Suzuki [1]
5. Ricky Marvin [0]
Block B:
1. Jushin Thunder Liger [2]
2. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [2]
3. Taiji Ishimori [2]
4. Atsushi Aoki [0]
-. Genba Hirayanagi [0]
Sendai Industrial Exhibition Aztec Mansion Museum
800 fans - No Vacancy
1. Yoshinari Ogawa & Kentaro Shiga beat Ricky Marvin & Akihiko Ito (14:1Cool according to the Sleeper by Shiga Shiga against Ito.
2. Jun Akiyama & Atsushi Aoki defeated Katsuhiko Nakajima & Takashi Okita (15:33) after a cross from Armbreaker Aoki against Okita.
3. Takeshi Morishima defeated Kensuke Sasaki & Akira Ropes & Genba Hirayanagi (10:16) after the Strangle Hold Gamma by Sasaki against Hirayanagi.
4. Takeshi Rikio, Mohammed Yone & Kotaro Suzuki defeated Akitoshi Saito, Takashi Sugiura & Shuhei Taniguchi (17:33) after Muso of Rikio against Taniguchi.
5. 1st Jr. Heavyweight League - Block A: Delirious defeated [2] KENTA [2] (18:54) with the Bizarro Driver.
6. Keith Walker & Jushin Thunder Liger beat Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi (16:15) Walker by Walker after a bomb against Kikuchi.
7. 1st Jr. Heavyweight League - Block B: Yoshinobu Kanemaru defeated [2] Taiji Ishimori [2] (15:56) Out with the Touch.
Delirious OVER KENTA...pretty surprising, nice to see them taking a chance.
-- 1st Jr. Heavyweight League Standings
Block A:
1. Katsuhiko Nakajima [3]
2. Delirious [2]
3. KENTA [2]
4. Kotaro Suzuki [1]
5. Ricky Marvin [0]
Block B:
1. Jushin Thunder Liger [2]
2. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [2]
3. Taiji Ishimori [2]
4. Atsushi Aoki [0]
-. Genba Hirayanagi [0]
HUSTLE "HUSTLE TOUR 2009 ~9.26 IN KORAKUEN~", 26.09.2009 (Samurai! TV)
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,760 Fans
3. Tsuyoshi Kikuchi vs RG
4. Magnum TOKYO, Wataru Sakata & TAJIRI vs Genichiro Tenryu, Toshiaki Kawada & Yoji Anjo
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,760 Fans
3. Tsuyoshi Kikuchi vs RG
4. Magnum TOKYO, Wataru Sakata & TAJIRI vs Genichiro Tenryu, Toshiaki Kawada & Yoji Anjo
FREE TODAY! Oct. 29 Observer Radio
FREE TODAY! Oct. 29 Observer Radio: Raw is Snoop, Bragging Rights, TNA news, UFC makes star, mailbag
Wrestling Observer Radio with Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer returns tonight with a big show running down all the news in pro-wrestling and MMA! We'll talk Raw is Snoop Dogg on Monday night, the final go-home show for Bragging Rights, what did and didn't make sense, and more. We'll also talk the latest news in TNA, the tapings tomorrow night, where they're going heading into the next PPV, Angle vs. AJ follow-up, and more. We've also got thoughts on the UFC Countdown show, who was made into a huge star in one night, plus tons of mailbag questions on a dozen different subjects. Best of all it's FREE, so please post the link or file elsewhere and help spread the word about! And if you like what you hear, consider signing up for a subscription as Dave and I do 3-4 shows per week in addition to the other 10-12 brand new shows, plus members have full access to our thousands of hours of audio and hundreds of new and archived Wrestling Observer and Figure Four Newsletters. It's a steal, so sign up and join the fun! Only at
FREE TODAY! Oct. 29 Observer Radio: Raw is Snoop, Bragging Rights, TNA news, UFC makes star, mailbag
Wrestling Observer Radio with Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer returns tonight with a big show running down all the news in pro-wrestling and MMA! We'll talk Raw is Snoop Dogg on Monday night, the final go-home show for Bragging Rights, what did and didn't make sense, and more. We'll also talk the latest news in TNA, the tapings tomorrow night, where they're going heading into the next PPV, Angle vs. AJ follow-up, and more. We've also got thoughts on the UFC Countdown show, who was made into a huge star in one night, plus tons of mailbag questions on a dozen different subjects. Best of all it's FREE, so please post the link or file elsewhere and help spread the word about! And if you like what you hear, consider signing up for a subscription as Dave and I do 3-4 shows per week in addition to the other 10-12 brand new shows, plus members have full access to our thousands of hours of audio and hundreds of new and archived Wrestling Observer and Figure Four Newsletters. It's a steal, so sign up and join the fun! Only at
La TNA debutta in Francia, in tv e dal vivo
La TNA ha raggiunto un accordo col network francese W9 per trasmettere ogni Sabato alle 23:00 le puntate di Impact.
Inoltre, la TNA ha annunciato uno show in terra francese, Lione, che avrà luogo il 31 Gennaio al "Halle Tony Garnier".
Inoltre, la TNA ha annunciato uno show in terra francese, Lione, che avrà luogo il 31 Gennaio al "Halle Tony Garnier".
Jim Ross colpito da terzo attacco di Bell's Palsy
Jim Ross ha postato sul suo sito che durante il volo da Oklahoma a Columbia, South Carolina, è stato colpito da un attacco di Bell's Palsy.
Il Bell's Palsy è una temporanea forma di paralisi facciale dovuta al danneggiamento dei nervi che controllano i muscoli del viso.
Jim Ross ha precisato che è sua intenzione commentare Smackdown al fianco di Jerry Lawler e se sarà necessario verrà coinvolto anche Michael Cole.
Il Bell's Palsy è una temporanea forma di paralisi facciale dovuta al danneggiamento dei nervi che controllano i muscoli del viso.
Jim Ross ha precisato che è sua intenzione commentare Smackdown al fianco di Jerry Lawler e se sarà necessario verrà coinvolto anche Michael Cole.
Nigel McGuinness firma con la TNA~!!
L'ex ROH star Nigel McGuinness, in procinto di passare in WWE, ha inaspettatamente firmato per la TNA. Al momento è nel backstage in Orlando per i tapings di Impact!.
venerdì 16 ottobre 2009
Shane McMahon lascia la WWE~!!
It is with great sadness that I announce my resignation from the WWE, effective January 1, 2010.
I have never even considered a future outside the walls of the WWE. However, sometimes life takes an unexpected turn and while it is the most difficult decision I have ever made, it is time for me to move on.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my father for the incredible education working with him has provided and for giving me the opportunity to play a role in building WWE into the global phenomenon that it is today. I am extremely proud to have been the 4th generation in this business, and I am grateful for everyday I was able to work along side not only my own, but the entire WWE family.
Thank you to all of the WWE Superstars both past and present for your passion, pride and dedication. You are truly the engine of the organization and it has been a pleasure to work with, learn from and get to know all of you. Thank you for the privilege of sharing the stage with you and for allowing me to become but a momentary member of your elite brotherhood. I have so much appreciation for the many sacrifices you endure, both physically and personally, to make this business the success that it is. The respect I have for each of you is immeasurable.
Finally, there are no words to express my gratitude to WWE fans the world over for supporting this company through good times and bad and for your unbridled passion that fuels the Superstars’ performances. I am profoundly grateful to have been able to entertain you both in front of the camera and from behind the scenes. You are the greatest fans in the world.
I will always love this business and will remain a fan forever.
giovedì 15 ottobre 2009
Heat nei confronti di Mickie James
La WWE è molto scontenta di come Mickie James si sia lasciata andare negli ultimi mesi, sia a livello fisico che come prestazioni sul ring. Ecco spiegato il trattamento che sta ricevendo la lottatrice.
UFC 103 news
Ultime stime per lo show tenutosi in Dalla il 19 Settembre, parlano di un buyrate vicino a quota 375.000.
TNA news
Dopo Booker T, rischiano di saltare anche Scott Steiner e Kevin Nash.
Dopo l'incidente avvenuto nell'house show in Svizzera, quando Steiner strappò sul ring la bandiera nazionale causando la rivolta di vari fans, nei confronti del wrestler sono cresciuti parecchi malumori.
Una decisione non è ancora stata presa ufficialmente ma l'idea generale è che verrà tagliato anche lui.
Dopo un anno di Main Event Mafia e con il solo Kurt Angle ben disposto nel voler aiutare i giovani talenti, la compagnia sta pensando di cambiare direzione creativa dopo Bound For Glory.
Si stanno facendo i piani per il farewell tour di Sting che avverrà nel 2010. La TNA ha provato più volte a coinvolgere Ric Flair per il suddetto tour, ma quest'ultimo ha rifiutato per mantenere buoni i rapporti con McMahon.
Nonostante i tentativi, Terry Funk non farà parte di Bound For Glory, dove avrebbe dovuto parteciapre come guest referee nel match fra Foley ed Abyss. Al suo posto ci sarà Stevie Richards.
Come prevdisto, Ed Ferrara è ora parte del writing team già composto da Russo e Matt Conway.
Dopo l'incidente avvenuto nell'house show in Svizzera, quando Steiner strappò sul ring la bandiera nazionale causando la rivolta di vari fans, nei confronti del wrestler sono cresciuti parecchi malumori.
Una decisione non è ancora stata presa ufficialmente ma l'idea generale è che verrà tagliato anche lui.
Dopo un anno di Main Event Mafia e con il solo Kurt Angle ben disposto nel voler aiutare i giovani talenti, la compagnia sta pensando di cambiare direzione creativa dopo Bound For Glory.
Si stanno facendo i piani per il farewell tour di Sting che avverrà nel 2010. La TNA ha provato più volte a coinvolgere Ric Flair per il suddetto tour, ma quest'ultimo ha rifiutato per mantenere buoni i rapporti con McMahon.
Nonostante i tentativi, Terry Funk non farà parte di Bound For Glory, dove avrebbe dovuto parteciapre come guest referee nel match fra Foley ed Abyss. Al suo posto ci sarà Stevie Richards.
Come prevdisto, Ed Ferrara è ora parte del writing team già composto da Russo e Matt Conway.
ROH news
Il 6 Ottobre Eddie Edwards si è sottoposto ad un intervento chirurgico al gomito fratturato in due parti. I dottori hanno previsto un tempo fuori ring dalle 6 alle 12 settimane.
Kevin Steen ha subito un infortunio alla caviglia nel corso dello show del 10 Ottobre in Indianapolis. E' ancora da sapere l'entità dell'infortunio.
Il nuovo DVD announcing team sarà composto da: Dave Prazak and Chris Hero.
Kevin Steen ha subito un infortunio alla caviglia nel corso dello show del 10 Ottobre in Indianapolis. E' ancora da sapere l'entità dell'infortunio.
Il nuovo DVD announcing team sarà composto da: Dave Prazak and Chris Hero.
NOAH news
Naomichi Marufuji tornerà il 6 Dicembre al Budokan Hall. In NOAH si sta discutendo sulla possibilità di fargli affrontare il vincitore del junior heavyweight tournament di questo mese.
Dragon gate news
Taku Iwasa, 31 anni,il 27 Settemrbe ha annunciato il suo ritiro a causa degli infortuni subiti al collo dopo soli 3 anni nel pro wrestling.
A causa dello stile di wrestling, un sacco di wrestler della DG soffrono di questi problemi.
A causa dello stile di wrestling, un sacco di wrestler della DG soffrono di questi problemi.
Perros del mal news
Perro Aguayo Jr. ha annunciato il raggiungimento di un importante accordo televisivo con Televisa ch.4 per mandare in onda gli shows della Perros del mal ogni Sabato alle 21:00 partendo da Sabato 17 Ottobre.
Essendo uno show Televisa, al commento ci sarà il Dr. Alfonso Morales, che inoltre commenta gli shows AAA.
Essendo uno show Televisa, al commento ci sarà il Dr. Alfonso Morales, che inoltre commenta gli shows AAA.
CMLL-Val Venis news
In CMLL è in discussione la possibilità dell'arrivo di Steel (Sean Morley aka Val Venis), il quale fu world heavyweight champion prima di lasciare per la WWF nel 1997.
TNA Global Impact II rating
Lo special TNA Global Impact II andato in onda subito dopo Impact ha totalizzato uno 0.68 di rating con 838,000 telespettatori, andando in competizione con WWE Superstars che ha registrato uno basso 0.2.
Morto leggendario manager
All'età di 76 anni si è spento Captain Lou Albano, manager ed attore veterano. Con il ruolo del padre di Cyndi Lauper nel video di "Girls Just Want to Have Fun", Lou Albano aiutò notevolmente il crearsi della "Rock & Wrestling Connection" negli anni '80.
Raw rating
Nonostante il basso 9.74 per il MNF con Miami Dolphins vs. New York Jets, Raw ha fatto un 3.4 di rating con 4.79 milioni di telespetttatori. La settimana scorsa fece un 3.3.
ECW Rating
0.95 con 1.4 milioni di telespettatori.
martedì 13 ottobre 2009
NJPW “DESTRUCTION ‘09″, 11/8/09 Lineup
Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
1. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title: Mistico (c) vs. Tiger Mask
2. Special Singles Match: Togi Makabe vs. Takashi Iizuka
3. Special Singles Match: Hirooki Goto vs. Masato Tanaka
4. IWGP Heavyweight Title: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
1. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title: Mistico (c) vs. Tiger Mask
2. Special Singles Match: Togi Makabe vs. Takashi Iizuka
3. Special Singles Match: Hirooki Goto vs. Masato Tanaka
4. IWGP Heavyweight Title: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
WORLD-1 presents THE WORLD IS ONE results
10/13/2009 Tokyo, Shin-Kiba 1st Ring ~WORLD-1 presents THE WORLD IS ONE
1. Naoki Tanisaki{W}, Bear Fukuda (13:03 Implant) PAC, Kotoka Shiiba{L}
2. Johnson Florida (13:07 Sol Naciente) YOSSINO{L}; Syachihoko Machine
3. Super Shenlong 50 Match Series: Kazuchika Okada (7:19 Half Crab Hold) Super Shenlong
4. Masato Yoshino, BxB Hulk{W} (14:23 Phoenix Splash) Shinobu{L}, Madoka
5. Naruki Doi, Koji Kanemoto{W} (25:11 Ankle Hold) YAMATO, Akira Tozawa{L}
Shiiba joined WORLD-1 after the opener, as expected/hoped. He will just be going by Kotoka (琴香) as his ring name now.
Match 2 is confusing. Yoshino did indeed appear as YOSSINO, but required a wig. Standard match 2 comedy ensued, and at the end he swapped the wig to Johnson for his mask, and "gave up". That is how I understand it anyway.
Shenlong appeared in strong style short black tights .....
Kanemoto mentioned that on the next W1 show, should there be one, he wants YAMATO in a singles match.
1. Naoki Tanisaki{W}, Bear Fukuda (13:03 Implant) PAC, Kotoka Shiiba{L}
2. Johnson Florida (13:07 Sol Naciente) YOSSINO{L}; Syachihoko Machine
3. Super Shenlong 50 Match Series: Kazuchika Okada (7:19 Half Crab Hold) Super Shenlong
4. Masato Yoshino, BxB Hulk{W} (14:23 Phoenix Splash) Shinobu{L}, Madoka
5. Naruki Doi, Koji Kanemoto{W} (25:11 Ankle Hold) YAMATO, Akira Tozawa{L}
Shiiba joined WORLD-1 after the opener, as expected/hoped. He will just be going by Kotoka (琴香) as his ring name now.
Match 2 is confusing. Yoshino did indeed appear as YOSSINO, but required a wig. Standard match 2 comedy ensued, and at the end he swapped the wig to Johnson for his mask, and "gave up". That is how I understand it anyway.
Shenlong appeared in strong style short black tights .....
Kanemoto mentioned that on the next W1 show, should there be one, he wants YAMATO in a singles match.
Booker T-TNA Update
Ormai manca solo l'ufficialità, ma ad oggi è praticamente certo il fatto che Booker T non rinnoverà con la TNA e tornerà in WWE a Novembre. Da mesi Booker T sta tenendo un atteggiamento definito dai più poco professionale e svogliato; in più sono sopraggiunti i problemi già riportati nel corso dell'house show in Svizzera ed il rifiuto di jobbare per Matt Morgan.
La WWE, come fece già con Jeff Hardy, è piuttosto confidente nel fatto che una volta da loro Booker T tornerà ad impegnarsi e a lavorare come prima.
La WWE, come fece già con Jeff Hardy, è piuttosto confidente nel fatto che una volta da loro Booker T tornerà ad impegnarsi e a lavorare come prima.
Altri problemi da Lacey Von Erich
Dopo i suoi commenti molto duri ed ingiusti nei confronti di Angelina Love, rilasciati in un'intervista al Miami Herald non autorizzata dalla TNA e poi corretti da vari post online, Lacey ne ha combinata un'altra. Durante un allenamento ha subito un lieve infortunio ad un braccio, di cui si è lamentata per ore. In seguito ha chiesto ad un trainer di andarle a prendere una borsa del ghiaccio; il trainer si poi trovato davanti a sè una Awesome Kong mezza nuda e quest'ultima non l'ha presa affatto bene. Ha afferrato Lacey e l'ha trascinata letteralmente alla trainer's room, dove vi era anche Kurt Angle e le ha fatto una predica molto accesa. Lacey si è poi andata a lamentare di ciò col managment che si è schierato da parte di Kong.
A questo punto pare chiaro il perchè la WWE abbia lasciato passare una ragazza col suo look senza che nessuna si lamentasse.
A questo punto pare chiaro il perchè la WWE abbia lasciato passare una ragazza col suo look senza che nessuna si lamentasse.
lunedì 12 ottobre 2009
WWE house show report 10-11 Huntington, WV
WWE house show report 10-11 Huntington, WV
By Aaron Pinsky
Cryme Tyme d. Hart Dynasty after JTG pinned Tyson Kidd with the Shout-out (Sling Blade)
Abraham Washington Show w/ Rey Mysterio and CM Punk. Abraham made the obligatory WV jokes about incest and no teeth, then he invited Rey to the show and made fun of his size. After Rey started threatening him, CM Punk came out and made some more WV insults, more specifically at my college Marshall. Rey attacked him, and got a GTS for his efforts.
Melina and Eve d. Bella Twins in a decent match that the crowd was dead for up until the end where Melina pinned one of the Bellas with that Inverted Leg Drop bulldog w/ Splits.
R-Truth d. Drew McIntyre after a roll-up from out of nowhere. Crowd was dead for Drew, but hot for R-Truth (who I got a picture with before the show).
Sheamus d. Shelton Benjamin with the chicken kick. Shelton is still selling his injuries.
John Morrison d. Dolph Ziggler for the IC Championship. Ziggler played to the crowd for a good seven minutes before Morrison came out to shut him up (though the crowd was silencing Ziggler just fine). Decent match that saw Morrison win with the Starship Pain.
Kane d. Matt Hardy in a straight-forward match. Kane got HUGE pops coming out, second only to Rey Mysterio. I think Kane is at the stage of his career where he will be cheered regardless of alignment. Kane won with the Chokeslam.
Christian, Dreamer, and Hurricane d. Ruthless Roundtable. The faces did a lot of comedy spots, including pointing at themselves for cheers, the heels for boos, and referee Charles Robinson for an even bigger cheer. Christian won with the Killswitch: probably my favorite match of the night.
Rey Mysterio d. CM Punk. When the match started, Rey attacked Punk while he was taking his shirt off, so Punk spent a few minutes struggling to get his shirt off while being attacked. Punk came back and beat the crap out of Rey for a good while, then Rey kept teasing the 619 only for Punk to escape. The finish came when Rey finally hit the 619 to a massive pop, followed by the splash for the win.
The show started kind of slow, probably due to the Abraham Washington show, but it ended quite nicely. It was well worth my dollar, and that's why I always try to go to these WWE shows whenever they're in town, because watching it live is always so surreal when I'm so used to seeing them on TV.
-Aaron Pinsky, WWE Universe resident
By Aaron Pinsky
Cryme Tyme d. Hart Dynasty after JTG pinned Tyson Kidd with the Shout-out (Sling Blade)
Abraham Washington Show w/ Rey Mysterio and CM Punk. Abraham made the obligatory WV jokes about incest and no teeth, then he invited Rey to the show and made fun of his size. After Rey started threatening him, CM Punk came out and made some more WV insults, more specifically at my college Marshall. Rey attacked him, and got a GTS for his efforts.
Melina and Eve d. Bella Twins in a decent match that the crowd was dead for up until the end where Melina pinned one of the Bellas with that Inverted Leg Drop bulldog w/ Splits.
R-Truth d. Drew McIntyre after a roll-up from out of nowhere. Crowd was dead for Drew, but hot for R-Truth (who I got a picture with before the show).
Sheamus d. Shelton Benjamin with the chicken kick. Shelton is still selling his injuries.
John Morrison d. Dolph Ziggler for the IC Championship. Ziggler played to the crowd for a good seven minutes before Morrison came out to shut him up (though the crowd was silencing Ziggler just fine). Decent match that saw Morrison win with the Starship Pain.
Kane d. Matt Hardy in a straight-forward match. Kane got HUGE pops coming out, second only to Rey Mysterio. I think Kane is at the stage of his career where he will be cheered regardless of alignment. Kane won with the Chokeslam.
Christian, Dreamer, and Hurricane d. Ruthless Roundtable. The faces did a lot of comedy spots, including pointing at themselves for cheers, the heels for boos, and referee Charles Robinson for an even bigger cheer. Christian won with the Killswitch: probably my favorite match of the night.
Rey Mysterio d. CM Punk. When the match started, Rey attacked Punk while he was taking his shirt off, so Punk spent a few minutes struggling to get his shirt off while being attacked. Punk came back and beat the crap out of Rey for a good while, then Rey kept teasing the 619 only for Punk to escape. The finish came when Rey finally hit the 619 to a massive pop, followed by the splash for the win.
The show started kind of slow, probably due to the Abraham Washington show, but it ended quite nicely. It was well worth my dollar, and that's why I always try to go to these WWE shows whenever they're in town, because watching it live is always so surreal when I'm so used to seeing them on TV.
-Aaron Pinsky, WWE Universe resident
TNA house show report 10-11 Mankato, MN
TNA house show report 10-11 Mankato, MN
By Jed Highum
Hey Dave, wanted to send you some results/thoughts from the TNA house show here in Mankato MN's Verizon Wireless Civic Center from this afternoon. A lot of the fans didn't know the product or it's stars as much as I would have expected though at times. Could have been a good number of comps in the crowd and that may explain it. With that said, crowd really got into the matches at times despite the apparent lack of product knowledge and the show was excellent and overacheiving for house show standards, everyone worked hard and fast paced.
It was a much better overall event in terms of both the in-ring work and general fan interaction experience than WWE had done at this same arena about two months ago for a Smackdown/ECW house show in August, headlined by a horrible Kane/Khali lumberjack match main event. In fact, it was like the complete opposite of how WWE did it overall. Justin Roberts didn't even thank the fans for coming out to the show after it was finished last time in August, whereas Borash really came off good in making the event feel special (the company does a great job with this at house shows) and the entire TNA babyface roster came out after the main event and signed autographs, thanked the fans personally, etc. They didn't do the in-ring picture deal with Styles like they had done on Friday and Saturday's shows, probably because Styles still seemed a little under the weather. But anyone could take a picture with him (or any of the other workers) at ringside after the event. Show started soon after the Vikings game and right before the Twins game started, so it was perfect for your typical MN sports fan.
Hernandez over Eric Young- quick but heavy hitting, Young and Hernandez did some good brawling around the ring and good back and forth, ending with what I thought was going to be the border toss, but turned into his dropdown faceplant finisher. Good strong opening match reaction to Hernandez.
Homicide v. Daniels v. Sabin v. Shelley - really fast paced action from start to finish, ppv calibur stuff. Sabin won after Shelley head kicked Homicide, who was on Sabin's shoulders, leading into a Sabin cradle shock for the finish. One of the better matches I've ever seen for a standard house show really. After the match, Homicide tried to rile up the crowd by wishing good luck to the Yankees against the Twins.
ODB over Madison Rayne - Mostly comedy with the girls doing a goofy spanking spot with the ref. Probably Madison Rayne's best TNA match Ive ever seen, she worked hard and played up her Beautiful People role up alot more than I've ever seen her do so far, working the crowd more than normal to get heat. ODB was really over, being from the state. Not nearly as dull of a match as one may expect. Crowd really liked it. Given they worked the weekend against each other already, that seemed to help.
Beer Money over British Invasion - probably the loudest heel heat for Invasion than anyone on the show. They tried singing the UK anthem before the match. Good back and forth action with everyone working hard once again.
Matt Morgan over Bashir - Morgan has a hell of a charismatic presence given his height and size. He got over huge, easily to the level of Styles, if not more. What I figured was going to be a glorified squash ended up being rather competitive with Bashir working the knees of Morgan for most of the match. Really strong babyface comeback by Morgan leading to the wheelkick finish. Bashir appeared to be a little slow in there, perhaps a nagging injury as I saw him grabbing the shoulder a bit.
Styles over Samoa Joe to retain the TNA title - both guys went pretty stiff early and often and worked a solid 8 to 10 minute match that did, however, seem to end out of nowhere with the pele kick to Joe for the pin. Seemed like the crowd was just starting to get into it good when the finish came. Alot of the expected Joe/Styles spots for fans of their previous matches, such as the AJ taking the bump on the ring apron after getting his legs taken out from under him from a stiff Joe kick. Joe wasnt wearing any of the silly face paint anymore which was a nice change and seemed to bring back alot of old stiffness we always saw from him before.
A good number of us who had meet and greet backstage passes (they were giving out alot during the show and we had ours from a local radio station) got to go meet a handful of workers during intermission behind the curtain. D-Lo Brown was also backstage, working as the road agent for the show and should be commended for helping put together a really fun card along with the strong effort from all of the workers. I cant imagine anyone left the show feeling unsatisfied.
Borash announced to the crowd they will try to return to the area soon for a pay per view (more than likely Minneapolis), which he hinted to me may be early next year after the show when everyone was interacting with the crowd. I think if they did get a pay per view up here, especially in the Twin Cities, it would sell well as any word of mouth from fans who went to this show (or apparently any of them from the weekend given the reports) would bring people from other parts of the state, as well as the actual Minneapolis/St Paul crowd. TNA did their first Minnesota house show back in March in Rochester which I also attended, and both that one and the Mankato show today were equally as strong. They're starting to establish a good following here in the Midwest and I hope they don't give up on it.
I'll be heading to Bound for Glory next weekend in Irvine as well to see the next live show on TNA's schedule - this was a great lead-in to it
-Jed Highum
By Jed Highum
Hey Dave, wanted to send you some results/thoughts from the TNA house show here in Mankato MN's Verizon Wireless Civic Center from this afternoon. A lot of the fans didn't know the product or it's stars as much as I would have expected though at times. Could have been a good number of comps in the crowd and that may explain it. With that said, crowd really got into the matches at times despite the apparent lack of product knowledge and the show was excellent and overacheiving for house show standards, everyone worked hard and fast paced.
It was a much better overall event in terms of both the in-ring work and general fan interaction experience than WWE had done at this same arena about two months ago for a Smackdown/ECW house show in August, headlined by a horrible Kane/Khali lumberjack match main event. In fact, it was like the complete opposite of how WWE did it overall. Justin Roberts didn't even thank the fans for coming out to the show after it was finished last time in August, whereas Borash really came off good in making the event feel special (the company does a great job with this at house shows) and the entire TNA babyface roster came out after the main event and signed autographs, thanked the fans personally, etc. They didn't do the in-ring picture deal with Styles like they had done on Friday and Saturday's shows, probably because Styles still seemed a little under the weather. But anyone could take a picture with him (or any of the other workers) at ringside after the event. Show started soon after the Vikings game and right before the Twins game started, so it was perfect for your typical MN sports fan.
Hernandez over Eric Young- quick but heavy hitting, Young and Hernandez did some good brawling around the ring and good back and forth, ending with what I thought was going to be the border toss, but turned into his dropdown faceplant finisher. Good strong opening match reaction to Hernandez.
Homicide v. Daniels v. Sabin v. Shelley - really fast paced action from start to finish, ppv calibur stuff. Sabin won after Shelley head kicked Homicide, who was on Sabin's shoulders, leading into a Sabin cradle shock for the finish. One of the better matches I've ever seen for a standard house show really. After the match, Homicide tried to rile up the crowd by wishing good luck to the Yankees against the Twins.
ODB over Madison Rayne - Mostly comedy with the girls doing a goofy spanking spot with the ref. Probably Madison Rayne's best TNA match Ive ever seen, she worked hard and played up her Beautiful People role up alot more than I've ever seen her do so far, working the crowd more than normal to get heat. ODB was really over, being from the state. Not nearly as dull of a match as one may expect. Crowd really liked it. Given they worked the weekend against each other already, that seemed to help.
Beer Money over British Invasion - probably the loudest heel heat for Invasion than anyone on the show. They tried singing the UK anthem before the match. Good back and forth action with everyone working hard once again.
Matt Morgan over Bashir - Morgan has a hell of a charismatic presence given his height and size. He got over huge, easily to the level of Styles, if not more. What I figured was going to be a glorified squash ended up being rather competitive with Bashir working the knees of Morgan for most of the match. Really strong babyface comeback by Morgan leading to the wheelkick finish. Bashir appeared to be a little slow in there, perhaps a nagging injury as I saw him grabbing the shoulder a bit.
Styles over Samoa Joe to retain the TNA title - both guys went pretty stiff early and often and worked a solid 8 to 10 minute match that did, however, seem to end out of nowhere with the pele kick to Joe for the pin. Seemed like the crowd was just starting to get into it good when the finish came. Alot of the expected Joe/Styles spots for fans of their previous matches, such as the AJ taking the bump on the ring apron after getting his legs taken out from under him from a stiff Joe kick. Joe wasnt wearing any of the silly face paint anymore which was a nice change and seemed to bring back alot of old stiffness we always saw from him before.
A good number of us who had meet and greet backstage passes (they were giving out alot during the show and we had ours from a local radio station) got to go meet a handful of workers during intermission behind the curtain. D-Lo Brown was also backstage, working as the road agent for the show and should be commended for helping put together a really fun card along with the strong effort from all of the workers. I cant imagine anyone left the show feeling unsatisfied.
Borash announced to the crowd they will try to return to the area soon for a pay per view (more than likely Minneapolis), which he hinted to me may be early next year after the show when everyone was interacting with the crowd. I think if they did get a pay per view up here, especially in the Twin Cities, it would sell well as any word of mouth from fans who went to this show (or apparently any of them from the weekend given the reports) would bring people from other parts of the state, as well as the actual Minneapolis/St Paul crowd. TNA did their first Minnesota house show back in March in Rochester which I also attended, and both that one and the Mankato show today were equally as strong. They're starting to establish a good following here in the Midwest and I hope they don't give up on it.
I'll be heading to Bound for Glory next weekend in Irvine as well to see the next live show on TNA's schedule - this was a great lead-in to it
-Jed Highum
WEC live match-by-match coverage
WEC live match-by-match coverage
By Jeremy Botter
We're looking for your thoughts on tonight's show, so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to dave@wrestlingobserver.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
We're settled in cageside here at the AT&T Center. The building is still fairly empty, but the line for the Chuck Liddell autograph signing outside appears to be a mile long -- and Chuck has been signing and taking pictures with fans for over two hours. Once they wrap that up, the place should fill up fairly quickly. First fight was scheduled to take place at 7pm ET, but the start time has been pushed back a few minutes. We should be under way shortly.
Javier Vasquez vs. Taurosevicius
Round one: Taurosevicius lands a glancing head kick. Vasquez pressing the action. Taurosevicius with another glancing head kick. Vazquez shoots for a takedown but it's stuffed. Vazquez works for an armbar, but Taurosevicius powerbombs him. Vazquez secures a triangle choke and holds it for a minute, but Taurosevicius eventually works his way out. Taurosevicius in side control. Tauro back up to his feet, but drops down into the guard and throws a few bombs. Vazquez is constantly working for a submission and Tauro is constantly looking to punch him in the face. Tauro stands up and knees him repeatedly in the bum. Vazquez with a high rubber guard to close out the round. This one was close, but it goes to Tauro.
Round two: Tauro fakes an inside leg kick and switches to a head kick that misses. Both men exchanging punches on the feet. Vazquez is pressing the action. Vazquez lands a nice right that staggers Tauro against the cage, but Vazquez doesn't press and Tauro recovers. Great leg kick from Tauro and follows it with a shot that may have hit Vazquez in the junk, but he shakes it off. Tauro with a side kick. Tauro circling away, but lands a leg kick that takes Vazquez off his feet, but he gets up immediately. Vazquez lands a hard right. Tauro shoots for a takedown but it's stuffed. Both men swinging wildly to close out the round.
Round three: Tauro with a hard straight right. Vazquez drops Tauro with a right, looked more like a slip than an actual hard shot landing. Vazquez on top, Tauro has a half-butterfly guard. Tauro with the rubber guard and lands several punches, but stops working and the ref stands them up immediately. That was quick. Tauro comes with a straight but Vazquez drills him in the face, sending Tauro staggering across the cage. Vazquez follows up with a missed flying knee, and they scramble around the cage until Vazquez lands on top. Vazquez is working for an arm triangle but not having much luck. Vazquez takes his back and lands some big elbows and punches. Javier working for the submission, but Tauro is able to flip over and get Vazquez in his guard. More elbows from Vazquez. Tauro is looking for a submission, but can't get it. Vazquez takes this round and it should be enough to get him the win.
Taurosevicius won a split decision and the crowd is very unhappy with that.
Cody Wheeler vs. Charlie Valencia
Round one: Wheeler tries a spinning back kick that misses badly. Valencia lands a big knee that stuns Wheeler, who goes to the ground and grabs a leg. Wheeler on the ground going for a leg lock that appears to be a figure four, but Valencia is out and in the guard. Wheeler is up and knocks Valencia down with a big right. Wheeler presses him into the corner and lands a few wild punches, but Valencia survives. Valencia looks woozy. Wheeler has a giant OX tattooed across his stomach. Both men look very tired. Wheeler with a kick that takes Valencia off his feet, but he gets up. Wheeler goes for a spinning kick again, but Valencia kicks him in the back while it's happening. Valencia with a right. Wheeler fakes a superman punch into a spinning backfist. We have ourselves a tiny version of Jon Jones here. Wheeler kicks him in the junk, but Valencia is okay. Valencia probably won that round, but it was close.
Round two: Ox is still very tired. And suddenly, it's a leg kick fest, with both guys throwing wicked kicks. Wheeler tries a spinning backfist again, Valencia ducks and takes him down. Valencia in Wheeler's half guard, but stands up and Wheeler goes for the leg lock again. Valencia grabs the cage right in front of the ref and pulls himself up. More leg kicks all around. Valencia goes for a high kick, but Ox catches it. Valencia with a great body kick and goes for the takedown, misses at first but finally gets it. Valencia in half guard again throwing elbows. Valencia tries a wacky armbar but Ox gets out, only to be taken down immediately. Wheeler goes for the leg lock again, but he's not getting it, so he tries a few upkicks that miss. Valencia back on top. Wheeler appears to be attempting an arm triangle from the bottom. I love this offense. It's not doing anything, but it's fun. Valencia takes this round.
Round three: Both men land straight rights at nearly the same time. Wheeler takes Valencia down with another leg kick but he's back up immediately. Ox with another spinning back kick that misses and gets kicked in the back. Valencia with a good body kick. Valencia pressing the action now, perhaps looking to finish. Ox with the body kick followed by a leg kick. Valencia is chasing him down, but stops to wipe off his feet. Ox is telling him "Let's do this" and Valencia responds with a flying knee. Ox gets kicked in the junk now, but he's okay as well. Spinning back kick from Ox that misses again. He keeps trying, at least. Valencia hits him with a power right but Ox slaps himself in the face to indicate that he can't be hurt. Another spinning back kick from Ox. He didn't hit a single one the entire fight. Very entertaining fight and round.
Charlie Valencia d. Ox Wheeler (unanimous decision)
Manny Tapia vs. Eddie Wineland
Round one: Both men circling and feinting jabs. Wineland showing good footwork, lands a leg kick. Tapia lands an overhand right. Tapia lands a good left. Tapia tries to finish but Wineland ducks and gets in an uppercut. Tapia with the inside leg kick. Wineland is dodging most of Tapia's punches and looks quick and precise. Wineland with the leg kick. Tapia misses another punch and Wineland lands a counter left. Tapia tries to clinch but Wineland shakes him off and lands with the right hand. Wineland is literally pulling an Anderson Silva with his head movement here, dodging everything Tapia throws at him. Tapia goes for the takedown but Wineland stops it. Tapia finally lands a punch, which has to feel good. And then he lands about five more. Wineland takes this round.
Round two: The crowd is chanting for Manny now. Tapia lands a good body shot. Wineland with a great uppercut. Wineland loads up the right hand but misses. Wineland stuns Tapia with a right, but he recovers quickly, only to get punched in the face again. Wineland appears to be having the time of his life tonight and is smiling. Tapia finally lands one but misses the next three shots. Wineland's head movement is awesome. Tapia drops down to try and go for a single, but Eddie stuffs it and punches him again. Eddie is switching between regular and southpaw stances. Wineland is so much faster than Tapia. Wineland wins another round.
Round three: Wineland with a right hook, then lands about four punches, causing Tapia to try for another takedown. Doesn't work this time, either. Wineland with the inside leg kick. I don't want to say Wineland is making Tapia look like a fool here, but it's pretty close. Tapia can't connect with anything, because Wineland is too fast and dodges it with ease. Tapia tries for a clinch but Wineland shakes it off and lands a right. Tapia is finally attempting some knees and kicks, perhaps realizing that he's not going to win the boxing war tonight. Tapia is telegraphing his overhand right and Eddie is ducking it with ease. Every time. Tapia misses a half-hearted flying knee. Wineland with a body kick. Wineland with a superman punch and then a takedown to end the fight. Great display by Wineland here.
Eddie Wineland d. Manny Tapia (unanimous decision)
Round one: Semerzier had trouble making weight yesterday, so we'll see if that affects him here. Both guys circling slowly and the crowd is getting restless. Fabiano charges for a takedown. Semerzier stuffs it briefly but Fabiano ends up in half guard. Semerzier secures a triangle. Fabiano taps and Semerzier wins one hell of an upset.
Mackens Semerzier d. Waggney Fabiano (submission)
Scott Jorgensen vs. Noah Thomas
Round one: Super fast entrances for both guys, as they are running low on time. Jorgensen pushes forward with a takedown. Thomas tries to pull rubber guard but Jorgensen picks him up for a power bomb that sees Thomas land on his feet. Jorgensen takes him down and goes into the guard. Thomas with an armbar attempt but Jorgensen shrugs him off. Jorgensen drops Thomas with a big right and follows it up with punches and elbows on the ground, but Thomas nearly gets an armbar. Jorgensen back in the guard and lands several big right hands and elbows. Jorgensen lands another big right and Thomas is out. Ref stops the bout.
Scott Jorgensen d. Noah Thomas (Round one, TKO)
Round one: Not much action for the first minute and a half or so, and the crowd doesn't like it one bit. Njokuani with an inside leg kick. Njokuani misses a right hook and Corbbrey lands a body shot. Njokuani is testing out his reach. Njokuani with an inside leg kick. Njokuani lands two big hooks and gets the clinch against the cage. Corrbrey tries what appears to be a flying armbar but fails. Njokuani standing over him and landing punches. Njokuani with a falling punch and then gets back up immediately. Corbbrey is kicking him in the knees. Njokuani backs off and motions for him to stand, so he does. Njokuani lands a right and Corbbrey responds in kind. Njokuani with a left hook to the body followed by an overhand right. Njokuani lands a combo and Corbbrey misses a head kick. Njokuani takes this round.
Round two: Corrbrey pushing now, lands a combo. Crowd is really booing the lack of action now. Njokuani with an inside leg kick. Njokuani lands a big leg kick that drops him to the ground, and then punches him right in the face. Corrbrey goes limp but another punch wakes him, then Njokuani puts him out. And does some breakdancing in the middle of the cage for good measure.
Anthony Njokuani d. Muhsin Corbbrey (Round two, TKO)
And that ends our coverage of tonight's preliminary bouts. Dave will be taking over for the televised bouts.
For more WEC coverage, check out my interview with main eventer Ben Henderson and our story on the Jaime Varner/Donald Cerrone rivalry.
Damacio Page vs. Will Campuzano
Both men came out swinging. Page was looking for a knockout with every blow. It went to the ground and Campuzano went for a triangle from the bottom, but Page got out and got Campuzano's back. He worked for a choke, got it, and Campuzano tapped out. Exciting 1:00 fight.
Raphael Assuncao vs. Yves Jabouin
Hard round to score. It was mostly standing with neither getting a blow that hurt the other. Jabouin may have had a slight edge and probably hit the best punch. It wound to the ground twice with Jabouin on top but he did nothing on top except try and back out and get it back standing. 10-9 Jabouin
Round two mostly standing. Assuncao was moving forward, but neither man had any real advantage again. Crowd booed a decent amount even though it never slowed up. The key to the round was Assuncao getting a late takedown and going for a guillotine that to me won him the round so we're even 19-19 going into the third.
Third round saw Assuncao early getting Jabouin down and had his back for about a minute working for a choke. Jabouin escaped the position and they were back on their feet. Jabouin had a slight advantage standing landing a spin kick. Assuncao got a takedown late. I've got is 29-28 for Assuncao.
30-27 Assuncao; 30-27 Jabouin (?); 29-28 Assuncao
Rich Crunkilton vs. Dave Jansen
Interesting first round. Jansen dominated most of the round with his grappling and went for several types of chokes but never really came close to finishing. In the last 30 seconds, Crunkilton got up and got the better of the stand-up and dropped Jansen. You could go either way. Both guys looked tired late in the round. 10-9 Jansen.
Most of this round was with Jansen in an advantage position on the ground. Crunkilton got the better of the stand-up again but didn't really get any telling blows in. Jansen wins a close round and we've got it 20-18.
Even though exhuasted, Jansen was able to get several takedowns. Crunkilton tried a D'Arce choke while Jansen later went for a Kimura. Crunkilton was better standing but kept getting taken down. The ref was standing them up quick, ridiculously quick at one point. Overall I've got to still give the round to Jansen. 30-27 Jansen.
30-27. 29-28. 29-28 for Jansen
Donald Cerrone vs. Ben Henderson for the interim lightweight title headlines the show
Real good first round. Cerrone missed a kick and Henderson rushed in, but then got caught in a guillotine, and then in a triangle. Henderson was in a lot of trouble and got out. Henderson got a takedown and learned to keep distance and do ground and pound and Henderson won the last three minutes but Cerrone was closer to finishing so I'd give Cerrone the round. But Henderson has a good strategy to nullify Cerrone's good submission game.
Another good round. Cerrone looked strong from the bottom in the early minutes, punching hard from the bottom and going for an armbar. Henderson escaped and the last few minutes were similar to the prior round with Henderson being standing with Cerrone on his back and Henderson getting hard body and head punches in. Henderson's round I've got it 19-19 here.
Cerrone can't keep it standing and that's the difference here. First round was Henderson connecting with good ground and pound. Later in the round Cerrone would get up, but then get taken down before he could do any damage standing. Henderson had four takedowns and should be ahead 29-28.
Another great round. Cerrone had a tight guillotine early and held it for close to 90 seconds, but somehow Henderson escaped. But after, Cerrone was able to stop all of Henderson's takedowns for the rest of the round. Cerrone didn't hurt him standing but did kick the legs while Henderson was on his back. Cerrone put him down with a low kick at the buzzer. 38-38 and 5th round should decide it.
Cerrone was better conditioned in round five. He went for a few triangles and armbars and a shoulder lock. Henderson got out of a lot of trouble when it looked bad but Cerrone controlled the grappling in round five so he should take it 48-47.
Another match of the year type performance from Cerrone, that's three in the last year (Henderson, Varner and Razor Rob McCullough). All three had it 48-47 for Henderson. Crowd is booing.
I'm guessing that they gave Henderson round one since he won on top more which would be the difference because no way Cerrone doesn't win four and five.
A few late notes:
On all three cards, Henderson won rounds one through three and Cerrone won four and five. Even though watching on TV, and the announcers clearly called the fight as if Cerrone won round one, I'm told that live at ringside, the power of Henderson's first round punches were such that most thought he won the round. There was not any significant talk live that Cerrone was robbed and nobody even asked him any questions regarding the judging.
Lorenzo Fertitta was so impressed with the main event that he doubled the best match bonus, giving both men $20,000 instead of the $10,000 that the bonuses were originally scheduled to be.
By Jeremy Botter
We're looking for your thoughts on tonight's show, so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to dave@wrestlingobserver.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
We're settled in cageside here at the AT&T Center. The building is still fairly empty, but the line for the Chuck Liddell autograph signing outside appears to be a mile long -- and Chuck has been signing and taking pictures with fans for over two hours. Once they wrap that up, the place should fill up fairly quickly. First fight was scheduled to take place at 7pm ET, but the start time has been pushed back a few minutes. We should be under way shortly.
Javier Vasquez vs. Taurosevicius
Round one: Taurosevicius lands a glancing head kick. Vasquez pressing the action. Taurosevicius with another glancing head kick. Vazquez shoots for a takedown but it's stuffed. Vazquez works for an armbar, but Taurosevicius powerbombs him. Vazquez secures a triangle choke and holds it for a minute, but Taurosevicius eventually works his way out. Taurosevicius in side control. Tauro back up to his feet, but drops down into the guard and throws a few bombs. Vazquez is constantly working for a submission and Tauro is constantly looking to punch him in the face. Tauro stands up and knees him repeatedly in the bum. Vazquez with a high rubber guard to close out the round. This one was close, but it goes to Tauro.
Round two: Tauro fakes an inside leg kick and switches to a head kick that misses. Both men exchanging punches on the feet. Vazquez is pressing the action. Vazquez lands a nice right that staggers Tauro against the cage, but Vazquez doesn't press and Tauro recovers. Great leg kick from Tauro and follows it with a shot that may have hit Vazquez in the junk, but he shakes it off. Tauro with a side kick. Tauro circling away, but lands a leg kick that takes Vazquez off his feet, but he gets up immediately. Vazquez lands a hard right. Tauro shoots for a takedown but it's stuffed. Both men swinging wildly to close out the round.
Round three: Tauro with a hard straight right. Vazquez drops Tauro with a right, looked more like a slip than an actual hard shot landing. Vazquez on top, Tauro has a half-butterfly guard. Tauro with the rubber guard and lands several punches, but stops working and the ref stands them up immediately. That was quick. Tauro comes with a straight but Vazquez drills him in the face, sending Tauro staggering across the cage. Vazquez follows up with a missed flying knee, and they scramble around the cage until Vazquez lands on top. Vazquez is working for an arm triangle but not having much luck. Vazquez takes his back and lands some big elbows and punches. Javier working for the submission, but Tauro is able to flip over and get Vazquez in his guard. More elbows from Vazquez. Tauro is looking for a submission, but can't get it. Vazquez takes this round and it should be enough to get him the win.
Taurosevicius won a split decision and the crowd is very unhappy with that.
Cody Wheeler vs. Charlie Valencia
Round one: Wheeler tries a spinning back kick that misses badly. Valencia lands a big knee that stuns Wheeler, who goes to the ground and grabs a leg. Wheeler on the ground going for a leg lock that appears to be a figure four, but Valencia is out and in the guard. Wheeler is up and knocks Valencia down with a big right. Wheeler presses him into the corner and lands a few wild punches, but Valencia survives. Valencia looks woozy. Wheeler has a giant OX tattooed across his stomach. Both men look very tired. Wheeler with a kick that takes Valencia off his feet, but he gets up. Wheeler goes for a spinning kick again, but Valencia kicks him in the back while it's happening. Valencia with a right. Wheeler fakes a superman punch into a spinning backfist. We have ourselves a tiny version of Jon Jones here. Wheeler kicks him in the junk, but Valencia is okay. Valencia probably won that round, but it was close.
Round two: Ox is still very tired. And suddenly, it's a leg kick fest, with both guys throwing wicked kicks. Wheeler tries a spinning backfist again, Valencia ducks and takes him down. Valencia in Wheeler's half guard, but stands up and Wheeler goes for the leg lock again. Valencia grabs the cage right in front of the ref and pulls himself up. More leg kicks all around. Valencia goes for a high kick, but Ox catches it. Valencia with a great body kick and goes for the takedown, misses at first but finally gets it. Valencia in half guard again throwing elbows. Valencia tries a wacky armbar but Ox gets out, only to be taken down immediately. Wheeler goes for the leg lock again, but he's not getting it, so he tries a few upkicks that miss. Valencia back on top. Wheeler appears to be attempting an arm triangle from the bottom. I love this offense. It's not doing anything, but it's fun. Valencia takes this round.
Round three: Both men land straight rights at nearly the same time. Wheeler takes Valencia down with another leg kick but he's back up immediately. Ox with another spinning back kick that misses and gets kicked in the back. Valencia with a good body kick. Valencia pressing the action now, perhaps looking to finish. Ox with the body kick followed by a leg kick. Valencia is chasing him down, but stops to wipe off his feet. Ox is telling him "Let's do this" and Valencia responds with a flying knee. Ox gets kicked in the junk now, but he's okay as well. Spinning back kick from Ox that misses again. He keeps trying, at least. Valencia hits him with a power right but Ox slaps himself in the face to indicate that he can't be hurt. Another spinning back kick from Ox. He didn't hit a single one the entire fight. Very entertaining fight and round.
Charlie Valencia d. Ox Wheeler (unanimous decision)
Manny Tapia vs. Eddie Wineland
Round one: Both men circling and feinting jabs. Wineland showing good footwork, lands a leg kick. Tapia lands an overhand right. Tapia lands a good left. Tapia tries to finish but Wineland ducks and gets in an uppercut. Tapia with the inside leg kick. Wineland is dodging most of Tapia's punches and looks quick and precise. Wineland with the leg kick. Tapia misses another punch and Wineland lands a counter left. Tapia tries to clinch but Wineland shakes him off and lands with the right hand. Wineland is literally pulling an Anderson Silva with his head movement here, dodging everything Tapia throws at him. Tapia goes for the takedown but Wineland stops it. Tapia finally lands a punch, which has to feel good. And then he lands about five more. Wineland takes this round.
Round two: The crowd is chanting for Manny now. Tapia lands a good body shot. Wineland with a great uppercut. Wineland loads up the right hand but misses. Wineland stuns Tapia with a right, but he recovers quickly, only to get punched in the face again. Wineland appears to be having the time of his life tonight and is smiling. Tapia finally lands one but misses the next three shots. Wineland's head movement is awesome. Tapia drops down to try and go for a single, but Eddie stuffs it and punches him again. Eddie is switching between regular and southpaw stances. Wineland is so much faster than Tapia. Wineland wins another round.
Round three: Wineland with a right hook, then lands about four punches, causing Tapia to try for another takedown. Doesn't work this time, either. Wineland with the inside leg kick. I don't want to say Wineland is making Tapia look like a fool here, but it's pretty close. Tapia can't connect with anything, because Wineland is too fast and dodges it with ease. Tapia tries for a clinch but Wineland shakes it off and lands a right. Tapia is finally attempting some knees and kicks, perhaps realizing that he's not going to win the boxing war tonight. Tapia is telegraphing his overhand right and Eddie is ducking it with ease. Every time. Tapia misses a half-hearted flying knee. Wineland with a body kick. Wineland with a superman punch and then a takedown to end the fight. Great display by Wineland here.
Eddie Wineland d. Manny Tapia (unanimous decision)
Round one: Semerzier had trouble making weight yesterday, so we'll see if that affects him here. Both guys circling slowly and the crowd is getting restless. Fabiano charges for a takedown. Semerzier stuffs it briefly but Fabiano ends up in half guard. Semerzier secures a triangle. Fabiano taps and Semerzier wins one hell of an upset.
Mackens Semerzier d. Waggney Fabiano (submission)
Scott Jorgensen vs. Noah Thomas
Round one: Super fast entrances for both guys, as they are running low on time. Jorgensen pushes forward with a takedown. Thomas tries to pull rubber guard but Jorgensen picks him up for a power bomb that sees Thomas land on his feet. Jorgensen takes him down and goes into the guard. Thomas with an armbar attempt but Jorgensen shrugs him off. Jorgensen drops Thomas with a big right and follows it up with punches and elbows on the ground, but Thomas nearly gets an armbar. Jorgensen back in the guard and lands several big right hands and elbows. Jorgensen lands another big right and Thomas is out. Ref stops the bout.
Scott Jorgensen d. Noah Thomas (Round one, TKO)
Round one: Not much action for the first minute and a half or so, and the crowd doesn't like it one bit. Njokuani with an inside leg kick. Njokuani misses a right hook and Corbbrey lands a body shot. Njokuani is testing out his reach. Njokuani with an inside leg kick. Njokuani lands two big hooks and gets the clinch against the cage. Corrbrey tries what appears to be a flying armbar but fails. Njokuani standing over him and landing punches. Njokuani with a falling punch and then gets back up immediately. Corbbrey is kicking him in the knees. Njokuani backs off and motions for him to stand, so he does. Njokuani lands a right and Corbbrey responds in kind. Njokuani with a left hook to the body followed by an overhand right. Njokuani lands a combo and Corbbrey misses a head kick. Njokuani takes this round.
Round two: Corrbrey pushing now, lands a combo. Crowd is really booing the lack of action now. Njokuani with an inside leg kick. Njokuani lands a big leg kick that drops him to the ground, and then punches him right in the face. Corrbrey goes limp but another punch wakes him, then Njokuani puts him out. And does some breakdancing in the middle of the cage for good measure.
Anthony Njokuani d. Muhsin Corbbrey (Round two, TKO)
And that ends our coverage of tonight's preliminary bouts. Dave will be taking over for the televised bouts.
For more WEC coverage, check out my interview with main eventer Ben Henderson and our story on the Jaime Varner/Donald Cerrone rivalry.
Damacio Page vs. Will Campuzano
Both men came out swinging. Page was looking for a knockout with every blow. It went to the ground and Campuzano went for a triangle from the bottom, but Page got out and got Campuzano's back. He worked for a choke, got it, and Campuzano tapped out. Exciting 1:00 fight.
Raphael Assuncao vs. Yves Jabouin
Hard round to score. It was mostly standing with neither getting a blow that hurt the other. Jabouin may have had a slight edge and probably hit the best punch. It wound to the ground twice with Jabouin on top but he did nothing on top except try and back out and get it back standing. 10-9 Jabouin
Round two mostly standing. Assuncao was moving forward, but neither man had any real advantage again. Crowd booed a decent amount even though it never slowed up. The key to the round was Assuncao getting a late takedown and going for a guillotine that to me won him the round so we're even 19-19 going into the third.
Third round saw Assuncao early getting Jabouin down and had his back for about a minute working for a choke. Jabouin escaped the position and they were back on their feet. Jabouin had a slight advantage standing landing a spin kick. Assuncao got a takedown late. I've got is 29-28 for Assuncao.
30-27 Assuncao; 30-27 Jabouin (?); 29-28 Assuncao
Rich Crunkilton vs. Dave Jansen
Interesting first round. Jansen dominated most of the round with his grappling and went for several types of chokes but never really came close to finishing. In the last 30 seconds, Crunkilton got up and got the better of the stand-up and dropped Jansen. You could go either way. Both guys looked tired late in the round. 10-9 Jansen.
Most of this round was with Jansen in an advantage position on the ground. Crunkilton got the better of the stand-up again but didn't really get any telling blows in. Jansen wins a close round and we've got it 20-18.
Even though exhuasted, Jansen was able to get several takedowns. Crunkilton tried a D'Arce choke while Jansen later went for a Kimura. Crunkilton was better standing but kept getting taken down. The ref was standing them up quick, ridiculously quick at one point. Overall I've got to still give the round to Jansen. 30-27 Jansen.
30-27. 29-28. 29-28 for Jansen
Donald Cerrone vs. Ben Henderson for the interim lightweight title headlines the show
Real good first round. Cerrone missed a kick and Henderson rushed in, but then got caught in a guillotine, and then in a triangle. Henderson was in a lot of trouble and got out. Henderson got a takedown and learned to keep distance and do ground and pound and Henderson won the last three minutes but Cerrone was closer to finishing so I'd give Cerrone the round. But Henderson has a good strategy to nullify Cerrone's good submission game.
Another good round. Cerrone looked strong from the bottom in the early minutes, punching hard from the bottom and going for an armbar. Henderson escaped and the last few minutes were similar to the prior round with Henderson being standing with Cerrone on his back and Henderson getting hard body and head punches in. Henderson's round I've got it 19-19 here.
Cerrone can't keep it standing and that's the difference here. First round was Henderson connecting with good ground and pound. Later in the round Cerrone would get up, but then get taken down before he could do any damage standing. Henderson had four takedowns and should be ahead 29-28.
Another great round. Cerrone had a tight guillotine early and held it for close to 90 seconds, but somehow Henderson escaped. But after, Cerrone was able to stop all of Henderson's takedowns for the rest of the round. Cerrone didn't hurt him standing but did kick the legs while Henderson was on his back. Cerrone put him down with a low kick at the buzzer. 38-38 and 5th round should decide it.
Cerrone was better conditioned in round five. He went for a few triangles and armbars and a shoulder lock. Henderson got out of a lot of trouble when it looked bad but Cerrone controlled the grappling in round five so he should take it 48-47.
Another match of the year type performance from Cerrone, that's three in the last year (Henderson, Varner and Razor Rob McCullough). All three had it 48-47 for Henderson. Crowd is booing.
I'm guessing that they gave Henderson round one since he won on top more which would be the difference because no way Cerrone doesn't win four and five.
A few late notes:
On all three cards, Henderson won rounds one through three and Cerrone won four and five. Even though watching on TV, and the announcers clearly called the fight as if Cerrone won round one, I'm told that live at ringside, the power of Henderson's first round punches were such that most thought he won the round. There was not any significant talk live that Cerrone was robbed and nobody even asked him any questions regarding the judging.
Lorenzo Fertitta was so impressed with the main event that he doubled the best match bonus, giving both men $20,000 instead of the $10,000 that the bonuses were originally scheduled to be.
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